Exploring sea of souls

After checking everything around his city and realm Lord of cosmic light begins depart his realm to explore the sea of souls in order to get a grasp on the other regions within this sea.

He makes several stops to his high ranking subordinates such as his greater ethereal as well as his wife and her mother although isha has begun acting strangely as of late every time he meets her for example becoming timid and shy around him but a bit of excitement although he chalked it up as nothing more as she's looking at him as her savior.

Unaware of the romantic feelings she's starting to develop for him as he has already accepted his relationship with Lileath and prosperous relationship it is and he does not see himself as a harem protagonist for he devotes himself more to his relationships than collecting women.

After saying his goodbyes and reinsurance hear that he will be careful And safe makes his way out of his realm and into the sea of souls moving all across the realms in it And seen all sorts of sites mostly a bunch of little islands some with ice sun with lava some with full rocks on the inside the Rock formation floating.

As he comes across one of the islands he sees mass amount of psychic energy building up in mass.

As he gets closer towards it he realize the power level of this buildup is close to low tier in power and as he looks closer is it almost looks like an egg shrouded in psychic energy within the sea of souls.

(cosmic God) System what am I seeing right now.

[Your seeing a yet to be Born warp god that's still it's early stages of development which neither one of us have any idea what will come out of it when it finally cracks open]

(cosmic God) all right I'll leave you be for now but I'm putting down a mental note to come back here later and check it out.

After doing so the Lord of cosmic light begins strolling through the sea of souls once again for there's not much here to begin with some thoughts and dreams of mortals that are still young on the respectable worlds as well as other warp gods yet to be born.

Continue to Wander Anglesly within the sea of souls the cosmic God continues to find more yet to be born gods in their psychic cocoons.

I'm not planning to tamper with any of them at all and let them simply grow the cosmic God continues to wander the sea of souls taking an all the sites and wonder there is to it.

He continues to wander through the great vast ocean that is the sea of souls the cosmic God begins hearing many more of the mortal dream voices and nightmares and many strong emotions positive and negative.

Using his godly powers to peek through the mortal world only for a bit seen all kinds of different mortals still in their young age on their home worlds some immensely ugly son beyond beautiful and son beyond any form of imagination one could conjure hell there's even a race of shark people and when looking at the he can't help but laugh and chuckle seeing how they're cute in his eyes like looking at a goldfish.

But alas the Lord of cosmic light it continues his little joy ride through the sea of souls encountering different islands and yet to be born God cocoons and peeking through the mortar world several more times to look at the galaxy at large.

He is not disappointed by the side of it so many stars so many worlds so many different types of species one can only imagine how many different cultures there are and how many there are going to die in the coming years how many worlds how many people will be extinguished by the hands of time and by the hands of others.

As he continues to look at the Galaxy from a third person point of view seeing all Beauty and horror within the galaxy.

After several hours gazing at it the god of cosmic light decided to move on that's closing the small rift that allowed him to see the galaxy which in the future as this round becomes more chaotic endeavor such as this will be difficult to pull off without tremendous amount of power.

However before the cosmic God could move onto his next designations a large pulse of psychic energy caught his attention following the energy trail leading to a part of the sea of souls wear a large amount of psychic energy and positive and negative emotions have been gathering seen the energy whirling around the cosmic God concludes that his energy is the result of mortals.

Finding the energy points was easy but when he found shocked him greatly for opening a small rift to see into the material plane upon a single planet full of mountains rivers and few oceans and then happens of the planet are shocked to see.

Large creatures with humanoid features with there lower bodies looking like dragons with tough scales coming in different colors with long tails with spikes on them with their upper bodies having tremendous muscle and some of them being as large as a small semi truck.

The cosmic goddess shocked to see the species he is only seen this type of creature in the Warhammer fantasy lore he never thought he will see these creatures here in 40K.

For the creatures the cosmic god sees right now goes by a single name a name once feared throughout the old world of the Warhammer fantasy and that name was dragon ogres.