Dragon ogres

Upon the far edges of space around the rim of the galaxy stands a single world with tall menacing mountains doubting its landscape with plenty bodies of water around it and forests around the base of the mountains.

And within the mountain range in this world is a very hearty, tough in Brutus people much savage as well for the species of this world are known as dragon ogres large creatures at the size of semi trucks with a lower bodies like that of a dragon and the upper body of a very robust human with large canine teeth and horns sprouting from their heads.

These massive creatures make their homes within the mountains them selves for their claws are razor sharp to the touch able to easily cut from rock in with them able to dig out tunnels and caves for their homes even building underground cities although the architecture is not that great it is still very primitive were the dragon ogres use large animal hides for their houses that they get from a large creatures from their home world for they are even larger than the dragon ogres themselves which provides them with plenty of meat and leather from their skin.

The dragon ogre society is based around tribes were one chief commands the entire tribe and any member of said tribe can replace he or she threw an active ritual combat for their society in all of its meaty glory is very Savage through and through for these creatures respect only strength for strength leads and strength survives this is the way of the dragon ogres if you have strength you have a voice.

It is common place for entire tribes to go to war for decades if not centuries at a time and some tribes go extinct and others are brought into existence from shatter remains of other tribes their world is surrounded in never ending war for the dragon Ogres fight each other for the most simplest of reasons territory,influence,females and the desire to just fight.

they are brutal and savage race however in the right capable hands they could become a tool and asset for anyone willing to invest in them.

Thus the Lord of cosmic light has begun to put a small bit of investment into them for when he discovered the world by gazing into the material world for a time and after he returned to his realm constructed a small room in his castle for the sole purpose of interacting with material world and sending items and minions there as well when the veil between worlds so weekends.

For now takes considerable amount of power to tear a hole in the fabric of space and time for this time an era that he finds himself in where the walls of reality and not reality is at its strongest but it will not always stay that way when the war of heaven occurs in with the gods of chaos finally make the move the walls between reality and not will become almost close to a wet paper bag in comparison to now.

But for now he's content with just sending visions and suggestions to certain chieftains in certain tribes to begin planting seeds for his epic revealed to the mortal populous.

Leaving the room the Lord of cosmic light makes his way towards his forge and upon arriving begins hammer and a Way upon it and begun crafting items need it for his future mortal worshipers.

The first item he creates after several hours of hammering is dust breaker on mighty hammer that shoots out purified lightning and can create lightning and shrouded its user in armor like lightning.

The second item is the ring of reveal this item is able to reveal any illusion surrounding its user however I cannot review an illusion placed by our god.

In the last item to be forged is the armor of ambition for this mighty armor can shrug off the most devastating blows hell he made it to a stand

against Primarch level blows.

All these items he intends to give to his champion once he's chosen he or she on the dragon ogres planet and once he gets a large enough followers he will begin harvesting the faith energy that they produced by revering him.

Even though the soul can only produce so much faith energy at a time it's still better than nothing and the longer they exist in revere him the more energy he will receive overtime.

once he has his champion selected he should be able to get a chance to test out those pills he's got from his system and see what effects they have on the mortal body and soul.

However before he can get into more of his research and future plans his wife and queen Lileath strolls Into the chamber wearing her queen clothing each one glittering like a newborn star and her form has changed greatly since ascending to her new throne now her skin no longer white not glows with pale moonlight gold but only on her arms for the rest of her body is the same skin color but it is a big change for deity for changing of their form has many different types of signs such as adjusting to a new pantheon.

However only the changer of ways can be an exception to the rule for his very nature is change his form mind and spirit in constant flux always changing always in motion.

As she walks towards her love seeing all of his work and him looking up on a planet full of mortals she can actually guess what he plans to do for many of her old pantheon members have done similar things in the past when trying to gain followers.

(Lileath) trying to develop your own cult are you it looks like you picked an interesting bunch put your focus on.

Lileath says to her husband and king for what she says is true the dragon ogres are very interesting from what she has observed up until now strong big and full potential.

The Lord of cosmic like looks to his lover and back to his work to continue with his plans on creating a cult and leader for a religion on the dragon ogres HomeWorld.

(cosmic God) yes beloved they are interesting although they cannot compare to the Eldar in some aspects but then make it up for it in others such as the ridiculous amount of strength and sharp claws and durability something that the elder had nothing of as well as the ability to eat lightning to make themselves grow bigger and stronger hell most of the meat they eat is not even for nourishment but simply for the pleasure of eating it is the lightning that gives them their nourishment.

The lord of cosmic light says with such a delight seeing a species surviving on nothing more than energy even though it's very crude form of energy it's still managed to impress them enough.

(Lileath) indeed husband they are a very unique race and I've seen many different kinds throughout my life although they do have advantages over my mortal siblings but I don't want to sound what's the word do you use racist? Because I still believe the eldar can still defeat this new race that you've discovered.

She says with much conviction voice for her siblings and what she said is very much true in fact the Eldar can very easily overpower this race with technology and sheer numbers however of the playing field was even she does not believe her siblings could stand a chance against such creatures.

(Cosmic God) indeed what you say is very much true and I cannot dismiss your facts however for what I have planned for the dragon ogres they very easily can become the new additions to my growing army in future complex to come all they need is the right push in the right direction with the right figurehead that I can direct and champion.

(Lileath) Indeed my love if need be you and I can share a champion together after all I want to be more involved with your plans and schemes and pantheon that I am by your side and after all I am your queen.

(cosmic God) I know beloved I know I'll keep you more informed in the future and any future actions I take after all I don't want you to feel like you're some kind of trophy wife you're more than that to me.

The Lord of cosmic light says to his wife with love and conviction in his heart meaning every single word he says to her and she believes it for heartedly for the short time they spend together for the last few Millennia together grow even more closer than before but they can take their time they are warp lifeforms that lives in a space where time has no real meaning unless you have it mean something through your will in your realm.

They share gentle kiss together as a hold each other's hands as she sits on top of his lap for this has become her favorite past time shrinking her body down to sit on his lap and scratches underneath his chin for it is her own form of teasing to him.

Which he greatly enjoys and he gets some teasing of his own to her and after several hours of romantic moments Both of them goes back to work making plans and schemes for the dragon ogres HomeWorld however before they could get any further in their plans the Lord of cosmic light ask his cosmic queen for something.

(Cosmic God) my love would you mind sharing your knowledge on mortal souls and how we could construct them for I have an idea and how we can make our own champion.

She has a smile on her face says he ask this of her would she yet again has a faint idea on what he wants to do with that knowledge which she gladly gives him and they both go to work I'm constructing a new soul.