BPE Chapter 27

She made up her mind, and Mrs. Feng greeted her old man and eldest son early the next morning and helped her carry the ice drink machine to the brigade. As soon as the old Feng's family walked out of the gate, they immediately caused a sensation in the whole village.

Mousewazi, who lives diagonally opposite, is holding a toothbrush in his hand. He squatted outside to brush his teeth. Suddenly he looked up and saw it. He was so shocked that the toothbrush fell. A few people walked out, when he finally saw clearly, they were indeed from the old Feng family. He rushed over with a squeak, stopped in front of the Feng family and pointed at them: "Ahmmm, village chief, your family wears all kinds of clothes. What kind of clothes are they? This is the first time I saw this type of clothes. It's so beautiful, I couldn't believe it just now. So it's really you, old village chief, what is this thing on your face?"

Old man Feng was wearing flared trousers and a floral shirt and a toad mirror on his face. He was about to lift his head to the sky. He just felt that he had never been so proud in his life. "Let me tell you, this is the most popular style of clothing in the south, all from Hong Kong. Have you seen these pants? Authentic Hong Kong denim flared pants. Touch this shirt, how cool and fashionable it is. You don't have this toad mirror. Have you seen it before? Everyone in Hong Kong wears this, let alone walking on the street. You will be embarrassed to say hello if you don't wear it, this is what Yimin brought back for us."

Mousewazi's chin is about to fall off. My God, the clothes worn by the Feng family are all from Hong Kong. Where is Hong Kong? That is the best place in the world. The people there are already rich. 10,000 times richer than them, and the clothes are 10,000 times better than theirs. He has never seen such fashionable clothes in his life, and he directly stretched out his clothes. Thumb said, "Hey old village chief, you're more than thirty years younger wearing this dress, and so are you, auntie, tsk tsk tsk, why are the shoulders of this shirt so stiff?"

Madam Feng stood proudly. Seeing that the people in the village were already crowding around her, and the corners of her upturned mouth could not be held back, she deliberately raised her shoulders and said, "Of course, there are shoulder pads added to it. Do you know what shoulder pads are? It's just a thick cotton pad inside, and you need to be as energetic as you wear it. People in the south wear it like this."

One of the people in the whole village ran out to see it. Everyone surrounded the Feng family on the third and third floors. The old men all looked at the old man, and the old sisters surrounded the old lady Feng. The big girl and the little daughter-in-law all stared at Su Wan with envious eyes. Seeing that she was wearing a pair of stylish flared trousers, why did the shape of the trouser legs look so good? What is she wearing? Tsk tsk, the sea soul shirt, the blue and white stripes are like waves in the sea, it is indescribably beautiful. She also has a light yellow silk scarf tied around her neck. They have never seen the pattern on it. If you look closely, it is actually printed. A hundred times, they have never seen such a beautiful dress. This Su Wan is lucky, and she can only wear such a dress when she is married to the village chief.

After saying hello to everyone, Su Wan walked into the school with the big baby who was also wearing the sea soul shirt and flared pants. The cloth pocket behind the big baby was still tossing the ground, deliberately showing the corner of the stationery box, just waiting to take it. Go to school to show off.

The people in the village were talking like 10,000 ducks. They kept asking Feng Yimin for news from the south. They were also very curious about the machine they were carrying. If you start to touch it, you are afraid that you will not be able to pay for the damage to the machine. This thing looks old and expensive.

Madam Feng heard everyone asking, her eyes moved flexibly, thinking in her heart, she has not seen the tourist, but the people in the village are real. When selling iced drinks to them, they had to see the benefits of the iced drinks. She coughed, raised her voice, and said generously, "This is an American machine that Yimin brought from the south. Do you know the US? It's good to know, people in the United States drink this all day long, and it's delicious to drink, and it won't get sick even after drinking it, and you can live to be 100 years old. There is only one such machine in the whole of China, just in our Taoyuan Village, let's go, come with me to the brigade, I'll plug in the power and let you taste the taste of this American ice water."

"Auntie, you're willing to use such a good machine for us. Auntie, you are the living Lei Feng of our people." Feng Dafu hid among the villagers and gave Feng a high hat. The old lady put it on, made you so proud, made you show off so much, I want to see how you explain it to the people in the village. When he saw what the Feng family was wearing, it's like there's thousands of ants crawling over his lungs. He just wanted to let the Feng family suffer a little.

Who is Mrs. Feng? She has eaten more salt than Feng Dafu's rice, how can she be fooled by his words? As soon as the wind swept away, he said with a smile on his face: "Look at what you said, this machine has emptied the coffins of my aunt and my wife, I hope it can make me a little money back. , today is for you to try. If you want to drink it tomorrow, you will have to spend money. This price is not expensive. A glass of American ice water is only a penny, which is ten times cheaper than the orange soda outside the mountain. They are still made in the United States. Well, you will know the benefits after you have tasted it. Come and try it with me. Dafu, you don't have to go. Auntie's small business can't stand your toss. The big-character posters."

Don't look at the coward, this guy is quite righteous at the critical moment. He snorted from his nostrils, walked over and pushed Feng Dafu away and said, "Some people's faces are bigger than the sea, and there is nothing in this world that costs money. ? People ask for things for nothing when they talk about it. How do you call this shameless? It's more like the bandits on the mountain. Aunt, isn't it just a penny? We can afford it, let's go, we can all Go and taste this American soda."

The people in the village happily surrounded the Feng family and entered the brigade. When had they seen such a novel machine? This was the first time in history. One or two were anxious like monkeys, urging Feng Yimin to plug it in quickly.

Feng Yimin was fiddling with the wires beside him. Mrs. Feng had already added the boiled water and sugar that she had brought. They studied it all night yesterday and knew how to operate the machine. After plugging it in, they waited for half an hour. , Mrs. Feng opened the iron box in the middle, and she saw crystal clear ice cubes. Before she took it out, she felt a cool breeze, as if summer had passed in a flash.

She scooped out the ice cubes and put them on a plate, put them on the table, and greeted everyone, saying, "This is ice cubes made in the United States. Come and try them out."

Before the adults in the village had time to act, those little dolls rushed over, grabbing the ice cubes in a blink of an eye, leaving only a few pieces left alone, snatched by a few quick-handed villagers. Throwing it into their mouths, they first slammed, and then their faces were wrinkled. It was too cold and too freezing. The air they exhaled when they opened their mouths was cold, and they only felt the whole body. They were all soaked in the ice water, and no longer felt the slightest heat.

It never snowed in the Taoyuan Village since ancient times. These people have never seen ice cubes in their lives. This ice cube looks like a piece of rock candy, but it is much better than that rock candy. Not only is it cold and cold, it is also sweet. It's refreshing, it's crunchy in the mouth, and it's indescribably delicious.

Those villagers who couldn't eat looked at them eagerly, and kept swallowing and said, "Is it delicious? How does it taste? You should talk about it."

"Ha..." A villager squinted his eyes and sighed, looking as intoxicated as he wanted, and said with ice cubes in his mouth, he said, "It is indeed the ice cubes that Americans eat, it is so sweet and so good. After I ate it, I felt the heat dissipate from my body. And I felt that my waist was no longer sore as well as my legs.

The people in the village were all sensational, isn't that the same thing as the elixir? They all gathered around and said, "Auntie, are there any ice cubes? When will we be able to eat it?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, there is an ice soda drink that is better than ice cubes. I will pour it out for you to taste." Madam Feng has already tasted the taste of ice cubes, but there are actually several in the box. Well, but she just doesn't take it out, it's for Mengmeng to eat.

She turned on the faucet and filled it with a few glasses of iced soda. She handed it to the villagers next to her and said, "I don't have much to prepare. How about everyone tasting it one by one?"

The villagers are conscious. They have seen it just now. The machine is filled with boiled water and sugar. Although the boiled water is worthless, it needs firewood to burn it. The sugar is different. It is a very precious thing. I can't bear to eat the sucrose I grow myself, let alone white sugar. I'm just aiming at this white sugar. It's not a loss for a penny, not to mention that this American ice pop is really delicious, sweet and refreshing to drink. There were also bubbles in it, which made them stick their tongues out.

After tasting it, a young daughter-in-law said, "Auntie, this soda is so delicious. Wouldn't it taste better if it was frozen with coconut water?"

"That's right," Madam Feng said with her chin raised, "I've thought about it for a long time, I can add plum juice, peach juice, sugar cane juice, etc., and I can make popsicles. There are so many tricks we can try. This American machine is really good."

"Yeah, American things are good. This iced water is so delicious. I'll take another sip." The rich family followed quietly, taking the iced soda handed over by the villagers and taking sips after another. Originally, a glass of water would have taken a dozen people to drink, but when she got to her place, it was all gone.

Lou Guizhi who was standing behind her suddenly became unhappy. Before she could drink it, the rich man had already drunk it all. He was as virtuous as the man in her family, why was he so thick-skinned? She squinted at the wealthy family and said, "Why do you look like a starving ghost reincarnated? You almost drink it all, so many people haven't drunk it yet, you're the only one who drinks really hard. Do you think the white sugar in the village chief's house doesn't cost money? Why are you embarrassed to eat and drink? How old are you, are you not ashamed?"

The face of the rich family was red and white, and she was buried and eliminated by Lou Guizhi. The people around her also looked at her with strange eyes, which made her angry from the bottom of her heart. She simply drank the ice water and said: "Yo, you're making a fuss here. Look at the wires of the machine. It's plugged into the socket of our brigade. It's all the brigade's money. The brigade's money is the villagers' money. How about I drink a glass of ice water? Huh? That's all it should be."

If she said something else, Feng Yimin wouldn't bother with her. But it's like he's implying that I'm using the brigade resources.

"When have you seen me taking advantage of the brigade? This machine only uses a small amount of electricity. We can always calculate how much it used then I'll pay it back every month. You're the one who's using brigade resources. During my business trip, you go to the village warehouse to steal rice seeds every day. Are you going to exchange the seeds for money, right? I already warned you so many times, but you are still unrepentant. I'm warning you for the last time. If you do this again, I will send you to the police station, and let the authorities teach you how to be a decent person."

"I, I..." The rich man's breath was choked in his throat, his face was flushed with suffocation, and he wished that a hole would appear on the ground so that she could get in. Recently, he went to help the warehouse to dry the seeds. He touched a handful of rice and took it home without anyone noticing. He thought no one knew about it. In fact, his small movements were seen by the people next to him. This rich family has some petty theft problems. Every time that the production team harvested the crops, he used to carry rice ears in his pocket, and he was caught several times, so the people in the village hated him so much.

The wealthy family was exposed in person by the village chief. He was so ashamed that he seemed to be stripped naked in public. He didn't even dare to look at the people in the village. He stomped his feet and covered his face and ran out.

"Bah, you should send him to the police station, that would teach him well." The person who spoke was Yang Xiaojuan, who had just come from home. She is the warehouse manager in the village. Now there is no production team, but The seeds still have to be kept and screened by the brigade, and then distributed to the villagers in the sowing season, so as to ensure the quality of the public grain. A few days ago, the weather was good, so she organized some villagers to take out the seeds for drying. The villagers also told her that the seeds were stolen by the rich family. After she knew it, she warned the rich family severely and would not let the rich family go help with the harvest. But she didn't plan to hide such a thing for the rich family. As soon as her man came back, she would tell her man. If her man knew, the village chief would definitely know too.

As soon as Yang Xiaojuan walked in, everyone saw the clothes she was wearing. She was wearing the same fashionable flared pants and sea soul shirt as the village chief's daughter-in-law. They envied them. The things in the south are good. Which of these clothes and ice pops is not a rare good thing? To say that the village chief and accountant Zhang are also very promising. They can afford such things. No wonder people can be the village chief and accountant. This is different for educated people.

The villagers also know how to make progress. Now that the reform and opening up, the rich can live a good life. When they see these good things, they can't help but envy and say: "Village chief, you went to the south, people from the south are people from the south. How do you make money, can you see it? If there is a good way, teach the people in our village, so that we can make more money, don't you think?"

A woman from the village patted her thigh and said, "Yes, village chief, last month I went to Niujia Village to propose a marriage for my boy. Guess what? The girl's family requires four major items before she is willing to marry. Radio, sewing machine, bicycle, etc. Not to mention the four major items, my family doesn't even have one, and this marriage will naturally be a mess. If this goes on, the men in Taoyuan Village will not be able to get their wives."

After hearing this woman's words, the villagers all felt the same way, not to mention the matter of marrying a daughter-in-law, that is, they would marry a daughter-in-law in the future. If the in-law's family did not have the four major things, they would not be willing to marry the daughter-in-law, otherwise, the daughter-in-law would not suffer in the past. What? The difference between having money and not having money is here, you can't even think about it.

Seeing that the village chief and Accountant Zhang were muttering there, the villagers said anxiously, "Village Chief, Accountant Zhang, if you two have any good ideas, talk about it."

Feng Yimin and Zhang Guangming had actually discussed it a long time ago. The two of them have been out for so long, and it is impossible for them to be clueless. They have already figured out a good way for the villagers to get rich.

The villagers were still making noise there. Feng Yimin opened his palm and pressed it down, saying, "Everyone, listen to me, there are many ways for people in the south to make money, and not all of them are suitable for our Taoyuan Village. This time I went to Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hainan. , I found that there is one thing in Hainan that is particularly suitable for us here, that is watermelon, Guangming, you take out that watermelon."

Zhang Guangming took out a cloth pocket from under the table and untied it in two or three times. Inside was a round green melon. It didn't look very big. The surface was covered with black stripes. There were curious villagers. They leaned in and knocked on it, making a bouncing sound. They had never seen this melon before. Could it be something unusual?

Feng Yimin held up the melon with one hand and said, "Look at my hand, this is a watermelon. Isn't there a wasteland in our village that is full of sandy soil? Watermelons are suitable for growing on this kind of sandy land. There are a lot of watermelons in Hainan. This one in my hand is still small, and the big one can be four or five times bigger than this one. It only takes three months from planting it to harvesting it. For example, it can be planted in this weather. When I was in Hainan, I had already discussed with the experts who grow melons, and the soil in our village can also afford watermelons."

A villager stared at the watermelon and said what everyone said: "Village chief, no one has seen this thing before. I have been to the provincial capital several times and I have never seen it. Is it delicious? If everyone grows a watermelon. , who will you sell it to?"

Feng Yimin put down the watermelon and said patiently, "Watermelon is of course delicious, this is a very rare fruit, I have already inquired about it, if it were put a few years ago, only senior officials could eat it. Or those patients who are seriously ill can only eat such a small slice with a doctor's certificate. Do you think it is expensive or not? Let's just say that now, we have met many foreigners this time, and people go to that restaurant. The first thing is to eat watermelon, this thing foreigners think is good, can it be bad? I will let Zhang Hui cut it for you to taste."

Zhang Guangming took out a knife and cut the watermelon in half with a click. The red flesh inside looked particularly attractive. The villagers couldn't help but salivate.

Zhang Guangming continued to cut the watermelon until he cut the watermelon very finely, and each slice was a thin shred. He waved to the villagers and said, "This watermelon is too small to be divided into, each of your families will send a representative to come out. Try it."

When the representatives of the villagers had eaten the melon, Zhang Guangming asked with a smile, "What do you think it tastes like? Is it sweet, with a refreshing fragrance? That's right, let me tell you, this watermelon Delayed for several days on the road, in fact, the taste is not as fresh as just picked, but it is still so delicious, is such a melon worth any money?"

Feng Yimin took the villagers' reactions into account, and said what he had prepared for a long time: "Don't worry about sales, our village is so close to the provincial capital, as long as we grow watermelons, we can transport them to the provincial capital. There are dozens of state-run hotels in the provincial capital, and there are more restaurants opened by self-employed individuals. There are also those supply and marketing cooperatives and canteens of units. The watermelons grown in our village are not enough for them to share. Well, before I came back, I specifically asked about it. Just this watermelon can be sold for 3 yuan in the provincial capital. You heard it right, it is 3 yuan. Selling 200 watermelons is more than your annual income. ."

After the villagers finished eating the watermelon, they heard the price mentioned by the village chief. One or two were very excited. My dear, this watermelon is so valuable, so will it be difficult to serve? If the harvest is not good, then they can't afford to waste time and energy. There are so many laborers in each household. If there are too many watermelons and other crops, they will not be able to take care of other crops. They also need to consider the issue of paying public grains. .

The mouse child first asked: "Village chief, no one in our village has ever grown this stuff. Every crop has its own habit. What if we don't plant it and it dies?"

Feng Yimin said directly as if he had been prepared for a long time: "I understand everyone's concerns. I have already reported the idea of ​​planting watermelons to the leader. The leader said that if everyone is willing to plant, they will help send an expert to guide. Of course, I am ugly. In the front, we rural people rely on God for food. Sometimes the weather is good, but the harvest is not good. Therefore, planting watermelon is also a risky thing. Everyone should consider it. Now the household contract is implemented. There will be times that the harvest is good and sometimes the harvest is bad, you have to bear it. I have already contacted them before I came back. If you are willing to plant, I will write to the agricultural science farm over there in Hainan and ask them to send watermelon seeds. The cost will be shared equally as before. You should all go back first and talk about it with your family. We need to plant the watermelon as soon as possible. So tomorrow, send a representative of your family here to confirm if you will plant the watermelon or not."

Feng Yimin's words were like a thunderbolt that exploded in the hearts of the villagers in an instant. Of course they were willing to make money, but if they wanted to make money, they had to take risks, which made the villagers who had cultivated land all their lives in a tangle.

The Feng family carried the machine back home, and Feng Lao Er and Feng Lao San also came in. They wanted to discuss with the elder brother about planting watermelons. Even Chen Hongmei couldn't care less now. She saw the uncle's house this morning. It was uncomfortable at that time, but now she is all thinking about planting watermelons. If it's like what the uncle said, then their family can also make a fortune. This is the most important thing.

They discussed it in the main room. Madam Feng didn't care about them at all. She picked up Mengmeng and walked into the kitchen to make her a bowl of sweet watermelon smoothie. This watermelon was specially reserved by Feng Yimin for Mengmeng. To eat, she put Mengmeng on the ground, turned around and took out a watermelon, cut it out and chopped it finely, then took out the ice cubes in the ice drink machine and smashed it, and mixed it together. She took out a small spoon and put it on a bowl of ice-cold watermelon ice, and came out again holding Mengmeng.

In the main room, the Feng family was still discussing planting watermelons. Madam Feng sat on a chair with Mengmeng in her arms and let her eat spoonfuls by herself, when she heard her eldest son say, "My family just contracted it. Fifteen acres of wasteland, I plan to use the 15 acres of wasteland to grow watermelons. If the second brother and the third brother believe me, you can also plant a few acres of land. I have already bought my own watermelon seeds, and I can make more. I'll give you a little bit, and you won't have to spend any more money to buy it."

Feng Yimin thinks like this, even though they are separated, they are still brothers. When they can help, they should help. Before he buys seeds, he takes the second and third into consideration.

Feng Lao Er and Feng Lao San were very happy. Hearing what their elder brother said, planting watermelons must be a good thing. Especially since Feng Lao Er's house has just contracted land, he was thinking of planting some valuable things. His eldest brother sent him the watermelon seeds. Is there such a good eldest brother in the world? He knew that his eldest brother would definitely not collect money from him, so he was even more grateful and said on the spot, "I listen to you, eldest brother, and I also grow watermelons at home."

Feng Laosan was more entangled. He also wanted to grow watermelons, but he didn't have much land at home. He had no money to spend on contracting. He kept whispering to his daughter-in-law: "How much money do you have at home? I want to use it to plant watermelons."

Chen Hongmei was extremely annoyed. In the past, you could have a wasteland in the village without paying any money, and her uncle and second uncle had a lot of it. When her father-in-law told them, she didn't pay attention to it at all. Blame her father-in-law for not clearing things up for her at that time. If she knew that she wanted to plant watermelons, she would definitely pack ten mu and eight mu in advance. It's too late to say anything now. How can there be so much money to buy land now?

Wait, her family doesn't have money, but her uncle's family has them. They buy American-made machines whenever they want. There must be a lot of money in the family. Didn't you listen to her mother-in-law? The machine was bought with the private money of their husband and wife. When she thought about it, she was very unwilling. She felt that her man also had a share of that money. So she leaned over and said in a very low voice: "We don't have any money at home. Won't you borrow a little from your elder brother, your parents, and your mother? I think they will agree if you ask them. Look at what they wear, won't they be embarrassed if they are the only ones who eat and drink spicy food and just watch your brother suffer from poverty. ?"

Feng Laosan felt a little worried, especially when he saw his mother staring at him with piercing eyes. He was a little afraid to open his mouth, but he really wanted to make money. I gave it to him, and maybe I would be willing to lend him money to make land for him. After thinking about it, I said, "Brother, I also want to grow watermelons, but I don't have any extra land at home. What do you think?"

"What else can I do? Cold salad!" Madam Feng was staring at them just now. As soon as Hongmei whispered to Laosan, she knew she's scheming something. Did they think that she would not hear them? Ugh, they thought she was an old woman with lost teeth, didn't they? Her ears are still good. Laosan is also an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. No matter how nice you are to him, she will not be grateful to you. A face said: "Now you know the benefits of making money? What did you do before? You were lazy when you should make money, and now you deserve to have no money. You ask your elder brother why? Maybe he will give you the seeds for nothing in return. He has to help you contract the land, do you also want him to help you plant it? Then you can collect the watermelon and sell it on your own? Wouldn't it be over if he just give you the money?"

Feng Laosan's face was blushing, and it swelled to purple in an instant. He had some dependence in his heart. His mother said his thoughts clearly. He was so ashamed that he almost died, and he only had time to shake his lips and said. : "Mom, I'm not, I'm just..."

Mrs. Feng's eyes shot coldly at him and Chen Hongmei beside him and said, "Just what? I'll tell you Laosan..."

"Cough cough!" The old man Feng cleared his throat coldly, and rushed to say before his old wife said something unpleasant: "Old third, how did I teach you when you were young? We can do as many things as we have. Before you do anything, you have to think about your abilities. Your family has ten acres of land, isn't one acre on the edge of the wasteland? You can just free it up and plant watermelons?"

Feng Laosan's eyes were a little red, and he quickly followed the steps given by his father, nodded sharply and said, "Yes, yes, I didn't remember it just now, then I will plant that acre of land, Mom and Dad, I'll go and plant watermelons on that land first, and I'll go back first."

After Feng Laosan finished talking, he grabbed Chen Hongmei and left his eldest brother's house. If he stayed any longer, he couldn't help crying. He was incompetent, so his mother hated him so much. He will definitely be successful in the future. If he wants to make money, he has to work hard and can no longer listen to his wife's words. After calming down, he wants to say, "Why did you ask me to borrow money from my eldest brother just now?"

"Me!" Chen Hongmei was so angry that she was about to vomit blood, no matter what she did, it was for his own good, but he didn't borrow the money, so he knew that he would let her out, and the more he thought about it, the more sad he said, "they are all brothers, they give your eldest brother a package How much farmland? A full 35 acres! How much private house money did you give your eldest brother? A machine made in the United States! The uncle brought back so many good things, so he gave you a pair of toad mirrors and sent you away like a beggar. Weren't you still very happy at the time? Look at it now, you haven't even opened your mouth to borrow money, and your mother buried you like that, Feng Laosan, aren't you also their biological son?"

"You are talking nonsense, I am my mother's biological child, I have to ask you, where did you spend all the money I made? Why don't you have a dime left? Did you take it all back to your parents' house? What kind of soup did they give you? Why are you so dedicated to subsidizing your parents' family? Have you forgotten that they used to beat you?"

Feng Laosan calmed down and his mind became clear. He only thought that this daughter-in-law was a white-eyed wolf with his arms turned out. Look at how their family has lived these years? She was reluctant to eat good food, and she was reluctant to wear good clothes. The money she saved was fed to the dogs of her mother's family. He went out to the sea and farm every day. This woman stayed at home and was lazy every day. In this way, Wuwa and Liuwa were almost taught badly. He felt that his brain was really flooded, so why did he choose such a daughter-in-law.

Feng Laosan looked at her with an unfamiliar expression, and said hard-heartedly: "Give me any money left at home, if you don't take it and give it to me you will go back to your parents' house. Let's see if they honor you or beat you every day like they usually do. Let's see who will feel sorry for you?"

Chen Hongmei jumped up aloud, she couldn't believe that her man said such words, and said angrily: "Feng Laosan, are you crazy? Do you know what you are talking about? You are crazy, you are crazy !"

Crack! Feng Laosan couldn't bear to give her a slap. He grabbed her shoulder and shook it and said, "Where's the money? Take the money out, or I'll take you back to your mother's house in person."

Feng Laosan is used to farm work and is a man, and his physical strength is too strong, shaking Chen Hongmei like a leaf in a typhoon. Now she is completely afraid. She only thinks that an honest person is more terrible than a lunatic. While crying, he said, "I'll give you money, I'll give you money, don't send me back to my parents' house."

Feng Laosan looked at her fixedly, and after a while he let go of his hand, followed Chen Hongmei into the room, scavenged all her money, took the money and went straight to the brigade, he was going to wrap up the land.

There was such a big commotion in the house next door. The old Feng family sat in the hall and heard it clearly. Old man Feng was a little relieved. Madam Feng couldn't see what he was thinking. Feng Yimin was a little embarrassed. He felt that he made the third brother and his wife quarrel like that. He only hoped that his third brother would have a clearer mind in the future.

The three adults had their own thoughts, only Mengmeng ate the watermelon smoothie happily, and Erwa was also very clever, and had slipped into the kitchen long ago and grabbed a piece of watermelon and gnawed on it, and ate happily as well.

People in the village came out of the brigade and went to visit each other to inquire about the news. They were also thieves. I heard that the four cadres in the village were all planting watermelons in their homes, especially the eldest member of the Feng family who also specially packaged four acres of watermelon. They felt that what the village chief said was reliable. If the village chief did not plant, they would not dare to plant. Now they are relieved. The villagers made up their minds to follow the village chief. On the second day, they took the initiative to come to the brigade to register. You signed up for one mu and two acres of land. They also urged Accountant Zhang to quickly count the numbers, so that the village chief could get the numbers. Write quickly to buy the seeds.

However, there are also villagers who are exceptions. For example, Feng Dakang and Feng Dafu do not grow crops. Feng Dakang declined simply because he is lazy and has no money. In addition to these reasons, Feng Dafu also has a little secret and careful thinking. He remembered the village head of Niujia Village told him a secret. When he looked at the villagers clamoring to have land they looked like a fool.

Feng Yimin mailed the letter and money for the purchase of seeds to the outside of the mountain on the same day. Before leaving, he went to the gate of the primary school in the village to look at his dolls. The primary school was just next to the brigade. The long wire extends from the brigade to here, and it is connected to the body of the American ice drink machine. Several dolls in his family are posing at the bottom of this shed, selling American ice soda. There are too many little dolls around there. , Feng Yimin looked at it for a while and then left with confidence.

The dolls in the village knew yesterday that the Feng family bought an ice drink machine. They also tasted the taste of American ice soda and ice cubes yesterday, which made them reminisce for a long time. When they went out today, they found out that Erwa of the Feng family was selling Ice soda at the entrance of the primary school. Zi Liu drooled and looked at them with eager eyes.

Erwa was wearing a pair of small jeans and a flowered shirt, and a blue electronic watch on his wrist. He held up his arms to expose the watch, and looked at the group of little dolls in front of him and said with a special air: "Want to drink?"

The little dolls nodded their heads honestly and said, "I want to drink."

Erwa stretched out his watch-wearing hand and said, "Bring the money if you want to drink. A cup is worth a penny."

A doll took out a penny from his arms and said, "Here, I want a glass of ice soda."

Erwa took the money very skillfully and put it in the cardboard box in front of Mengmeng. There are many one-cent coins in the box, which were saved by the little dolls in the village during the Chinese New Year, and some It was given by the eldest child in the school, Erwa also knew this kind of penny, and he only charged a penny. If anyone gave him a two-cent bill, he would never accept it.

He picked up a cup and filled it with iced soda, and gave it to the baby in front of him. After he finished drinking, the cup was handed over to Xiaonan and Xiaobei. They had just exchanged Wuwa and Rui. Come down, now it's their turn to wash the cups.

Wuwa and Rui walked to the table at the back and sat down. In addition to the cardboard box for money, there was also a packet of chicken cakes, a packet of winter melon candy, a few cups of coconut milk with ice cubes, Mengmeng and Liuwa holds a plum popsicle in her hand and sticks out her little tongue to lick it very vigorously, especially Mengmeng, she is wearing a pink tutu skirt and small sandals, with two pigtails on her head, holding a beautiful little girl The little hand holding the popsicle is also wearing a pink electronic watch, and the whole person is like a city doll walking out of the calendar.

Where have the little dolls in the village seen such cuteness? I just think she is the most beautiful person in the world. If they look at themselves, they will inexplicably feel a sense of inferiority in their hearts. They don't even dare to speak loudly in front of Mengmeng, for fear of accidentally scaring her. .