BPE Chapter 28

"How much? Grandma, have you figured it out? How much did we earn?"

Erwa sat on the small bench, his eyes were staring nervously at his milk. He was counting the banknotes. Today, he sold a box full of ice soda. After counting for a long time, he could only count from one to ten. The number is unclear. In the middle, Mrs. Feng came to add water and sugar, and took the box away after closing the stall. At this moment, the little dolls looked at Mrs. Feng expectantly, and they also wanted to know how much money they made today.

Madam Feng counted it twice, wiped the sweat from her forehead and said with great joy, "Not bad, I made four yuan and sixty cents today."

"Wow!" The little dolls opened their mouths in amazement. They actually earned so much money. They are so amazing, they all puffed up their chests and said proudly: "A lot of money, We got rich."

"Shh, don't make a noise when you go out, you can't let others know how much money your family makes, remember?" Madam Feng glared at them with a warning, and when she saw that they all nodded obediently, she took out a few pieces of money from the box. I sent them a sheet, and said with a big smile: "This is your salary today, take it home, don't spend it indiscriminately, do you know?"

The little dolls are overjoyed when they get the money. How old are they when they can earn wages? If they earn a penny every day, how much is in a month and how much is in a year, their little brains can't figure out how much. I only know that there are many, many, many, and I can't wait to come soon tomorrow, so that they can quickly go out and sell ice pops.

Xiaonan and Xiaobei walked back home with the money, and proudly said to Zhao Chunhua, "Mom, we earned a penny today, which is the salary given by grandma."

Zhao Chunhua subconsciously wanted to accept it, reached out and said, "Bring it to me, I'll help you save it."

Xiaonan and Xiaobei hid their hands behind them with a swish. Now they know the benefits of having money, of course they don't want to hand over the money. They all shook their heads vigorously and said, "I want to keep it to myself."

Zhao Chunhua was amused by what they said in unison. I don't know who these two sons are like. She and her man are both honest and responsible people. They have been smart since they were young. like her mother-in-law's. Her mother-in-law is also a kind person. These two boys used to help sell soda. They already got to eat and drink for free but also to get money after the end. Her mother-in-law treats her son better than her daughter-in-law, which makes her happy. The hand urged: "Fine, You keep it by yourself. Save it properly and don't lose it. Do you hear me?"

"Understood, Xiaobei, let's go hide the money." Sanwa turned around and pulled his brother away, and the two ran into the room in a hurry.

Wuwa and Liuwa also returned home. When Chen Hongmei saw them, she grabbed them and asked, "How much did you earn from selling soda for a day?"

Wuwa had already forgotten and couldn't tell, he only made a big gesture with his hands and said it exaggeratedly: "There are so many, so many, I can't count them all."

Chen Hongmei sucked in a breath. They have earned so much money? After just one day how much did they earn? The uncle's family will definitely make more and more money in the future. But she didn't even have a dime, her man already took away all the money.

Chen Hongmei lowered her head inadvertently, and suddenly found that Liuwa was playing with money in his hand. She stretched out her hand and said, "Is that the money your grandma gave to you? Let mother keep it for you."

Liuwa grabbed the money tightly and looked at his mother in horror. For fear that his mother would take the money from him, he wanted to keep the money himself and not give it to his mom. He quickly put the money back to his pocket and said, " I can keep it myself."

Wuwa looked at this younger brother with disgust, how could he be so stupid, he said he wanted to hide the money in his pocket. But he even took it out to show off, now mother sees it. No, this is bad. After his brother was caught, Wuwa turned around very cleverly and left, only to leave a sentence: "Mom, I don't want to marry a daughter-in-law."

Chen Hongmei understood as soon as she heard this. She rolled her eyes, her kids worked for a whole day and only got a penny. Her mother-in-law is really stingy. How much she spent on buying that American machine, and now how much is she earning now. She only gave Wuwa and Liuwa a penny, but a penny is also money. She is very short of money now, so she stretched out her hand to Liuwa and said, "Mom will keep it for you and leave it for you to marry a daughter-in-law in the future."

"What is a daughter-in-law? Mom, I want to keep it by myself." Liuwa thought about it for a long time and didn't know what a daughter-in-law was, so she turned around and ran out after imitating his brother, making Chen Hongmei so angry behind her. Her ears were about to smoke. Did these two brats think that I'm a collector?

Madam Feng hid the money at home, and when she came out, she said to her old man, "I made more than four yuan today. If I could make this much every day, it would take at least eight months to get back my capital. At the end of the month, it will be July. After summer, where will people drink iced soda? I don't think they can get their money back this year. It would be nice if there were more people in our village. I don't know when Yimin said that tourists would come."

The old man Feng had just put in the clothes that were hanging in the yard, when the old lady Feng walked over and folded the clothes one by one, touched the fabric of the bell-bottoms and said, "Look at these clothes that Yimin brought back. You cannot even see this type of clothes in the provincial capital. They look much better than the green clothes. I heard Yimin say that these jeans are also very cheap. They only sell for 3 yuan a pair. ."

Old man Feng listened to his old wife's words, and only felt that he was hit hard in the depths of his heart. He frowned and thought about it. He is getting older now. If he only did farm work everyday, how much would he be able to save in a few years. He wanted to make money for Mengmeng, and this was an opportunity. He decided that he would go to the south to buy goods and become self-employed.

When he said this idea, Mrs. Feng was so shocked that the clothes on Mrs. Feng's hands fell off. She touched his forehead and said, "Old man, what are you thinking? Are you going to be a self-employed person? Look at how old you are now? Do you think you will be successful at being self-employed at this age?"

Old Man Feng pulled her hand down and gave her a careful calculation with his fingers: "Yimin is right, business opportunities are everywhere in the south, you can see the electronic watch he bought for 300 yuan, and you can make money if you change it. How much did it cost? Four or five times the profit! If I buy a watch for 2,000 yuan and sell it, it will be 10,000 yuan! And these jeans and toad mirrors, which one is not a rare good thing? We can buy these products in the south then sell them here in the provincial capital. We must seize this opportunity to make a fortune, or some else might get it."

He turned around and touched Mengmeng's little head, teasing her and said, "Mengmeng, let me ask you, grandpa wants to be a self-employed businessman and earn a lot of money for our Mengmeng. What do you think?"

Mengmeng tilted her little head and blinked her eyes, her eyes flashing with a lively light, she nodded her head and said with a particularly sweet smile: "Okay."

Hearing Mengmeng's reply the wrinkles on his face appeared when he smiled. He said to his old wife, "Look, even Mengmeng has already agreed, so I will listen to Mengmeng."

"10,000 yuan household, 10,000 yuan household..." These three words echoed in Madam Feng's mind for a long time. She remembered what she saw and heard in the car at that time. With 10,000 yuan, she can buy whatever she want. That's the life of a rich man. She can wake up laughing when she dreams, but after thinking about it for a long time, she still hesitated and said, "Old man, you have to go to the south to buy a watch, how can you be alone? Where will you store the goods?"

Old Man Feng had already made a plan in his heart. He has been the village chief all his life, and he is not an uninformed person. He is just going to the south. What are you afraid of? Isn't it still in China, it's not like he's going abroad, can you still get lost?

He patted his wife's hand and said, "Let's keep quiet for now. We'll discuss it with Yimin when he comes back. He's been to the south, so he must be more familiar with the way than we are."

Although old man Feng was very anxious, he was too busy to grow watermelons at home. So he could not say it to his son. Every day, he followed his eldest son to the wasteland to open up the wasteland and plant.

After listening to the instructions of his eldest son, Mrs. Feng soaked watermelon seeds at home in advance. She drenched the seeds with water and put them in the sun to germinate. The little kids had never seen watermelon seeds before, and they all gathered around to see how strange it was. Xiao Jin also leaned over curiously, but this time it didn't dare to peck again. After watching it for a while, it felt very boring, so he walked away at Fang Bu.

Mengmeng was still squatting there to watch, the watermelon seeds were black and about the size of her fingernails. She had tasted the taste of watermelon, and the sweet, crispy and crunchy ones were especially delicious, and she wanted to eat them again.

She stared at the watermelon seeds for a long time, and when she got up and left, the watermelon seeds in the pot suddenly sprouted, growing from a white air root, and gradually turned into a small green seedling in the shape of a ya. As long as a finger.

Madam Feng was taken aback when she saw it. She was used to growing crops. When had she seen such a fast germination speed? After reacting to it, she was very happy. She only felt that the watermelon seeds were well selected. Now that they are growing so fast, the melons in the future will definitely be easy to grow.

The Feng family was also very pleasantly surprised. They had never planted watermelons before, and they thought that watermelons germinated so quickly, and the wasteland just happened to be reclaimed.

Now that the school has closed for the summer vacation, the four adults of the Feng family have joined the battle. Two men are plowing the land in front, two women are planting seeds in the back, and the eldest baby and the second baby are by the side, and they also help fill the pit with soil.

The village head was planting watermelons, and the whole village ran out to see it, and pointed at the ridges. When they saw the watermelon seedlings growing so well, the villagers immediately praised them in their hearts. This must be the best. The crops can grow like this, and I can't help but look forward to my own watermelons. Thinking of the price that the village chief said, selling 200 pieces is more than their annual income, and my heart is very hot.

Huzi and Xiaojin also came here. Huzi had no interest in farming, and soon ran out to have fun. Xiaojin flapped his wings and couldn't catch up with him, so he screamed in a hurry behind him, right here At that time, a grass and flower snake with the thickness of chopsticks suddenly ran past Xiao Jin. Before Xiao Jin could see what it was, he instinctively pecked at the ground. The action was so fast and precise that the villagers onlookers couldn't help but admire it. Tsk tsk, the village chief's little Jin really deserves to be the eagle's child, the little eagle, even if he doesn't fly now, he can still catch snakes.

This little snake was already dead, but it was still curled up. Little King Kong was a little scared at first. Staring at this little snake, both eyes were about to become cross-eyed. A small snake swallowed it, and it suddenly found out that this little snake tasted so good that it hooked up all the greedy worms in its stomach. Found a grass snake hiding behind the grass.

This snake was much bigger than the previous one. When it was frightened, it jumped out of the grass and tried to escape. Xiaojin pecked it hard twice and then shrank back. Seeing that it couldn't escape, the snake simply raised its head. Hissing, he wanted to bite Xiaojin.

This time, Xiao Jin felt a little tricky, but the instinct of the beast in its body made it bravely pounce on it, flapping its wings and pecking hard, and tearing at the snake with a pair of claws, raising a cloud of dust on the ground.

The snake resisted desperately, and Xiao Jin suddenly made a sharp and clear eagle chirping. This sound made the grass flower snake tremble. It fell on the ground and didn't dare to move. .

Xiao Jin proudly surrounds this grass snake, making a joyful cry, and then it turns into a screeching chicken. Such a big snake, it is reluctant to eat it by itself, and if it catches it, it will be given to the tiger. The child ate it, and was slapped off by Huzi. It also insisted on giving it to Huzi, so annoying that Huzi turned around and ran away.

Dawa looked at the two little ones, laughed and said, "Milk, when Xiao Jin has meat, he will give it to Huzi to eat, why not give it to grandma?"

Madam Feng rolled her eyes and said angrily, "What's so good about snake meat? I don't even dare give it to me. Our family doesn't eat that stuff."

Huzi ran all the way to Mengmeng's side. She and Brother Rui stayed on the field ridge, where there was a wild peach tree. Now this tree and the land under the tree have been contracted by the Feng family. Mengmeng looked up at the fist-sized peaches on the tree, looked at Brother Rui with expectant eyes, and said with a sweet smile, "I want to eat it."

Brother Rui bravely climbed up the tree without saying a word, carefully picked a ripe red peach and picked it, carefully tore off the skin and handed it to Mengmeng, "Here, eat slowly."

Mengmeng's two little hands were holding this big peach. She was tempted by its sweet smell and her saliva was about to drop. She opened her mouth and bit down, and the juice of the peach flowed out instantly. It was so sweet and delicious. Mengmeng's little mouth is dyed with pink peach juice, which is even more beautiful than the peach blossoms in the spring.

Brother Rui swallowed and said, "Is it delicious? Give me a bite."

"Here." Mengmeng stretched out her hand directly, there was still a notch on the peach that she had bitten halfway through, Brother Rui smiled happily, took a small bite and nodded and said, "It's delicious, sister, eat more. Come on, I'll go up and pick a few more."