Four-star peak, 20,000 catties of power!

[Host]: Su Ba

[Cultivation Realm]: Samsung Peak (+)

[Cultivation method]: "Nine Suns Magical Art (4/720 (+)

[Weapon]: Ruyi Golden Cudgel

[Martial Skills]: "The Great Desolate Devil Stick"

[Strengthening point]: 30620 points

[Raffle draw]: 100 strengthening points, can be a draw

[Storage space]: 1 cubic meter (+)

Break 30,000 strengthening points!

Su Ba's heart was slightly agitated, and he calmed down, and first clicked the '+' sign behind the cultivation realm.


"The cultivation base is upgraded to the early stage of four-star martial artist, and the strengthening point is -3500."


"The cultivation base is upgraded to the middle stage of the four-star warrior, and the strengthening point is -4000."



"The cultivation base is raised to the four-star pinnacle of the martial artist, with a strengthening point of -5000."

A strong warm current continued to flow through Su Ba's body.

Ascending to four realms in a row, jumping from the three-star peak to the four-star peak, the speed of this upgrade is really beyond words!

Su Ba looked at the strengthening points, there were 13,620 points left.

Squinting his eyes, Su Ba clicked the '+' sign at the back of "Nine Suns Magical Art".


"Successfully opened up the fifth acupoint, strengthening the point -5000."


The familiar feeling is here again!

Through inward looking, Su Ba clearly'sees' four acupuncture points shining on the back of his head.

From top to bottom, Baihui, Houding, Fengfu, Yamen, each acupuncture point flashes every time, there is an inexplicable heat flow from the acupuncture points, making people feel comfortable!

At this time!

The 'Wangu Cave' on the side of Fengfu Cave suddenly lit up like a dark room suddenly turned on!


Immediately afterwards, a torrent of heat gushed out from the'Wangu Point' and reached the limbs!

The bones all over his body were crackling, and he squeezed his fists!

Twenty thousand catties of force!

Directly soaring five thousand catties strength!

"Haha, cool!"

Su Ba breathed a sigh of relief, and the breath he breathed in the air faintly turned into a white cyclone, quickly disappearing.

Ten thousand catties of power is the power of one elephant, and now his arms have reached the power of two elephants!

The physical strength has greatly increased, and I am afraid that it is a genius martial artist who is a five-star peak.

With more than 8,000 enhancement points left, let's draw a lottery.

Su Ba suppressed his mood and recovered his calm.

Although the item explosion rate is much lower in the lottery, it is relatively uneconomical to use reinforcement points.

However, for the martial artist, the benefits of the attributes such as savvy, strength, physique, and soul power are still not small.

Especially savvy!

Strength, physical fitness, and soul power may be improved through exercises and martial skills.

However, comprehension is innate, and unless some kind of heaven-defying pill or reincarnation or rebirth or other anti-heaven means, understanding will not change much.

It, to a large extent, represents the genius of a warrior!

Comprehension of martial arts, comprehension of exercises, breakthrough of realm bottleneck, etc. All you need is comprehension!

Not enough savvy, everything is in vain!

It was also because of enough savvy that Su Ba was able to cultivate "The Great Desolation Devil Stick" to the fullest within a month, and he had an amazing comprehension of the Great Desolation mood!

There is always no harm in being more savvy, after all, you will have to learn more powerful martial arts later.

Su Ba thought this way, without hesitation, he started the mad bombing for 80 consecutive draws!