Xia Hang is visiting, invited by the inner government!


"Strengthening point -8000, the lottery starts 80 consecutive draws."

"Congratulations host, you didn't get anything."

"Congratulations to the host, savvy +30 points!"

"Congratulations to the host, strength +22 points!"

"Congratulations host, you didn't get anything."

"Congratulations to the host, savvy +26 points!"


"Soul power + 23 points... comprehension + 28 points... comprehension + 21 points... power + 25 points... You didn't get anything... soul power + 30 points..."

Su Ba closed his eyes and felt the system prompts beeping continuously in his mind.

at the same time.

With the increase in understanding, soul power, physique, and strength, an unspeakable feeling filled his body.

The physical strength is strengthened, the strength is strengthened, the head becomes ethereal, and the perception becomes clear...

"Didi! Congratulations to the host, I got the talent-Pill Mastery."

Until the last moment, a distinctive sound appeared in Su Ba's mind!


What the hell?

Su Ba suddenly opened his eyes!

Suddenly, I felt a refreshing sensation pouring into my mind out of thin air. After a few breaths, it disappeared without a trace.

Alchemy proficient?

Su Ba raised his thick eyebrows, feeling that there was not much knowledge about pill in his mind.

With a heart move, open the properties panel.

[Host]: Su Ba

[Cultivation realm]: Four-star pinnacle (+)

[Cultivation method]: "Nine Suns Magical Art (5/720 (+)

[Weapon]: Ruyi Golden Cudgel

[Martial Skills]: "The Great Desolate Devil Stick"

[Talent]: Mastery of alchemy (increases the rate of alchemy by 50%, the number of alchemy by 50%, and the quality of alchemy by 50%)

[Strengthening point]: 620 points

[Raffle draw]: 100 strengthening points, can be a draw

[Storage space]: 1 cubic meter (+)


Su Ba found a slight difference, and there was an extra column of [Talents] on the panel.

After a closer look, he understood, what the pill mastery was for.

It turned out to be related to alchemy, Su Ba shook his head, slightly disappointed.

If someone is proficient in martial arts, mastery of exercises or something, maybe there is a bigger surprise.

Fortunately, Su Ba had a good mentality and quickly adjusted his state.

After 80 consecutive draws, his physical fitness has risen again, and his strength has increased to 24,000 jins, which is like four horses!

And because of the improvement of my comprehension, I have a deeper understanding of "The Devil's Cudgel in the Wilderness".

With every step of the artistic conception, the power of this martial art doubles, and Su Ba's **** strength rises again!

As for soul power, Su Ba only knew that his perception seemed to be much clearer for the time being, and the other benefits were unclear.

"Now my strength is not the slightest challenge in the outer palace, and the hard standard for entering the Yunmeng inner palace is to reach the five-star realm of warriors..."

Su Ba patted his head, knowing that he would use the strengthening points to upgrade his cultivation first, and go directly to the five-star realm, so that he could enter the inner palace.



Just when Su Ba felt a little sorry, the door of the room was knocked.

Su Ba walked over and opened it. There was a tall, indifferent middle-aged man standing at the door. Who else would he be if he wasn't Deacon Xia Hang.

"What's wrong, Deacon Xia Hang, is there anything wrong?"

Su Ba asked suspiciously.

"Su Ba, are you willing to enter the inner palace?"

When Xia Hang saw Su Ba, the indifferent expression on his face instantly faded, revealing a gentle smile, even a little flattering, and asked with a smile.