Children of the Su family, the family is alarmed!

"Before making alchemy, you need to prepare three things, that is, the furnace, materials, and fire."

"The first is the pill furnace. The pill furnace is an important tool for alchemists. The better the quality of the pill furnace, it has a non-negligible impact on the medicine, such as..."

Elder Hu pointed to the half-person tall square cauldron in front of him, and said proudly, "This is the high-grade pill furnace of the profound stage of the teacher, Suntian furnace!

The grade can be called the first alchemy furnace in the Fengwu Kingdom. It can increase the success rate of the teacher by 10%, which is not awesome! "


Su Ba nodded in agreement.

But he was a little funny in his heart. This Elder Hu looked at this pill furnace like a baby, but he only increased the alchemy rate by 10%, and his mastery of alchemy, one of which directly increased the pill rate by 50%.

No way, don't scare this cheap master to death!

"There is also this material. The longer the medicinal materials used to refine the pill, or the higher the blood level of other monsters, the greater the influence on the medicinal power integration of the pill..."

"The same is true for pill fire. The higher the quality of pill fire, the stronger the ability to remove impurities, which has a certain impact on the rate of pill formation and the degree of fusion of pill medicine..."

"Pill fire can be divided into ordinary fire, earth fire, and different fire according to its quality..."

Elder Hu talked eloquently, and Su Ba listened very carefully. After all, it was something related to money.

a long time.

"I have finished these basics, do you remember?"

Elder Hu looked at Su Ba expectantly, thinking that he was very confident in Su Ba's memory.

"Remember it clearly."

Su Ba nodded lightly.

"Good, good!"

Elder Hu grinned, "Well, then I will show you the master again. You can refine the most basic first-grade pill and temper the pill. You can experience it with your heart."

Tempering pill is the most basic of the first-grade pill. The pill used to polish the body of children. Refining this simple pill is a piece of cake for Elder Hu of the eighth-grade alchemist.

After a while, a scent of medicine appeared on the top of the sun-day furnace in front of him.

When the time was right, Elder Hu opened the furnace lid and saw ten light red marble-sized round pill pills appearing in front of Su Ba in the pill furnace.

"Ten Cheng Dan, the medicinal power is 80% fusion..."

Seeing this, Elder Hu nodded slightly with satisfaction, pretending to sigh: "Oh, I haven't practiced this stuff for a long time. It's a bit strange. In the past, this kind of low-level pill can become 13 or 4 pill in one furnace. Over 90% is not a problem at all."

In front of his proud disciple, Elder Hu inevitably wanted to show off his own style.

Of course, Su Ba also showed a look of wonder for the face.

Elder Hu, who was watching, was in a good mood, and said with a smile: "Okay, good disciple, now it's you, don't worry, if you have forgotten any steps, I will guide you as a teacher."

Su Ba responded, and exchanged positions with Elder Hu.

"Three coins of Tianxin fruit, first-class alien animal blood, one coin of ink stone powder..."

Seeing Su Ba put the materials for refining and refining alchemy into the alchemy furnace in a consistent step, Elder Hu showed satisfaction on his face and said smoothly.

"Good apprentice, control the fire temperature well, the soul power is emitted, feel the change of the medicine power with your heart, don't be anxious, once the impatient soul power fluctuates, it is easy to control badly, it will destroy the whole furnace, and even the fryer!

Generally speaking, it is normal for a newcomer to do alchemy for the first time, and it is normal to fail a few times, just..."

Just said that.

A strong medicinal fragrance floated from the roof of the Ritian furnace.

"Cheng...Cheng Dan?"

Elder Hu's eyelids twitched, feeling a bit dazed.


If Su Ba's soul power perception is correct, he has already'seen' some round pill through the pill furnace.

Without even thinking about it, Su Ba opened the stove top.

The situation at the bottom of the furnace was immediately reflected in front of the two.

Elder Hu looked at the light red pill at the bottom of the furnace, his eyes turned round and he exclaimed.

"Cab, fifteen pill, fusion of medicinal power...90%!"

"My God! The best pill of the same level that surpasses 90% fusion!"

Elder Hu's voice was about to change, he turned his head abruptly, his facial expression was very exciting, looking at Su Ba as if he had seen a dead pervert!

Amazed, shocked, dumbfounded, unbelievable, and looks varied!

This kid, the first time he made a pill, actually surpassed the best record he had ever made to refine a pill!

Even if I practice it dozens of times seriously now, it is estimated that it may not be better than Su Ba!

Not to mention other people, the average person refines five pills at a time, and the medicinal power fusion reaches 60%, which is good enough!

Thinking of my first time making alchemy, frying the furnace several times, and finally making a pot of two medicinal pills, the spicy chicken pill, whose medicinal strength is only 30%, was praised by my master for his excellent talent!

Elder Hu now feels a little embarrassed when he thinks about it.

I am so talented, what is Su Ba...

Damn it!

Definitely a born super alchemist!

Elder Hu was excited, excited, and almost yelled!

"Good apprentice, hurry up, come here a few more times, try it!"

Elder Hu suppressed his excitement and asked Su Ba to continue to refine a few furnaces to refine the pill.

Su Ba didn't care, if he was a little rusty for the first time, then he had experience, and with the help of his powerful soul power, he had fully utilized his talents for the Alchemy Mastery!

The second batch...Sixteen Cheng Dan, the medicinal power fusion degree is 95%!

The third furnace...18 Chengdan pills, and the medicinal power fusion degree is 90%!

The fourth furnace...18 Chengdan pills, and the medicinal power fusion degree is 96%!

The fifth furnace... Seventeen pill, the medicinal power fusion degree is 97...

Elder Hu was dumbfounded.

If you say it once, it may be luck or something, but several times in a row, each time more than 15 pieces of Cheng Dan, the medicinal power fusion degree exceeds 90%, or even more than 95%, this is not luck!

This is strength, shit!

Elder Hu even thought about how this kid didn't fail!

Why doesn't it fail? !

Is this kind of alchemy something people do? !

He is going crazy!

The eighth furnace...the ninth furnace...

"It's alright, Su Ba, you go back first, let me wait a few days before talking, the old man wants to be quiet..."

When Su Ba was about to refine the tenth furnace, Elder Hu waved his hand weakly and signaled Su Ba to go back.

Seeing Elder Hu's depressed look, Su Ba touched his nose, and felt that he was a little too good, so that Elder Hu, who was known as the first alchemist of Fengwu Kingdom, was deeply shocked?

After saluting with Elder Hu, Su Ba turned and walked out of the alchemy room.

Not long after walking out, Su Ba heard that there seemed to be a burst of shocking laughter from the alchemy room.

"Hahahaha, the three Eastern Kingdoms in the future, no, the best alchemists of the eighteen Eastern Kingdoms must have been born under the hands of my old man, hahaha..."

The laughter was so loud that even the entire Dan Pavilion could hear it.

All the Dange disciples looked at each other.

Xindao, did Elder Hu lose his heart? It's over...

Contribution Hall is not far from Dan Pavilion.

Under the gaze of a group of people on the road, Su Ba walked to the entrance of the contribution hall with a black face.

Just about to walk in.

"Su...Senior Brother Su Ba."

Beside, a weak voice yelled.

Hey, fuck!

It's not easy, finally someone is not afraid of me!

Su Ba's eyes lit up, and he turned around to look at the person coming, a smile inevitably appeared on his cold face, and said, "Hello, may I ask if you are..."

Standing in front of Su Ba was a man and a woman. The man was tall and handsome, leading the way.

"Brother Su Ba, introduce yourself. I am Su Huihe and this is my sister Su Wanling."

The handsome young man said, pointing to the beautiful girl beside him and introduced.

"Hello Brother Su Ba."

Su Wanling said hello timidly.

Seeing Su Ba's gentle smile, I always feel that Su Ba is not as cruel as in the legend.

Su Huihe, Su Wanling?

Su Ba's heart moved, could it be that he was a child of the Su family?

At the moment, Su Ba asked, "Are you the children of the Su Family of Fengwu City?"

The Su family where Su Ba is located is not a big family in Fengwu City, but it is of a good scale. It has accumulated a lot of background in business for several generations.

There are still a few outstanding children from the family who enter the Yunmeng Inner Palace.

However, Su Ba and the others are collaterals, and they don't get much attention from the family. Basically, they don't have much contact with the direct descendants of the family, so Su Ba doesn't know these two people either.

However, Su Huihe's words confirmed Su Ba's mind.

"Yes, we are the Su family from Fengwu City..."

"Oh, it turned out to be a family."

The smile on Su Ba's face increased a bit, "Then you don't need to call me senior, you are older than me, just call my clan brother."

"No, no, let's call you Brother Su Ba."

Su Huihe and Su Wanling were a little flattered!

The person in front of him is a fierce name, and he is still the 28th best player in the list of outstanding people. Although in the family, their status is indeed greater than that of Su Ba, but it is different in Wufu.

They are only the level of ordinary inner palace disciples, how dare they be big in front of Su Ba.

Seeing this, Su Ba smirked and didn't force it.

"Hehe, what's the matter with you? If it's okay, I will go to the contribution hall to lead the task."

"Actually, it's nothing big..."

Su Hui paused while talking, and then looked at Su Badao with admiration.

"Senior Brother Su Ba, we only learned about it yesterday that it turned out that the fierce man who even picked up the top talent list as soon as he entered the inner palace...oh no, the genius is you.

Now Brother Su Ba, your record has been passed to the family.

The patriarch was completely shocked!

Not long ago, he personally met with your parents of Brother Su Ba and gave the grocery store to his uncle and aunt. He also rewarded a lot of things, saying that he was grateful to his uncle and aunt for having such a genius child!

At that time, Brother Su Ba, if you return to the family, the patriarch will bring the whole family to hold a grand banquet for you! "

"Right, right."

On the one hand, the little beauty Su Wanling nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice, her beautiful eyes looked at Su Ba with a look of admiration!

Born in a collateral family, it is amazing to get to the top of the list without any resources!

Moreover, even though Senior Brother Su Ba has just grown into an adult, his whole body is full of the charm of a man's determination and strength, as well as a reassuring breath.

So charming~

Su Wanling thought, her face blushed slightly, and she lowered her head unconsciously.