The lord is here!


Su Ba looked slightly startled after listening to Su Huihe's words.


What a long term this is.

In the previous life, Su Ba's parents died early. He spent more than 20 years alone. So after Su Ba passed through, he didn't care much.

But now, once Su Huihe mentioned it, the feeling of blood thicker than water in his bones overflowed unconsciously.

After all, he has accepted the "Su Ba" of this world, and the parents of "Su Ba" are his parents!

In this life, Su Ba's parents, so that Su Ba could practice martial arts well, got up early and were greedy for the dark, frugal, and basically gave him the money they earned every month.

It's a pity that the original Su Ba was unconvinced, and he was fascinated by a saucy fox. He didn't grow up in cultivation, but he didn't have any money left!

Poor parents in the world!


The Su Ba who accepted this life can make the parents of this life safer. It can be regarded as Su Ba's compensation for taking the original body!

Reading this, Su Ba felt a touch of satisfaction.

"Okay, then thank you brother, sisters for telling me, I will enter the contribution hall if there is nothing wrong."

Regaining his senses, Su Ba hugged the two of them, then turned and entered the contribution hall.

"Senior Brother Su Ba, he is also very kind. Who is talking nonsense, he is a murderer, isn't he, sister."

Su Huihe touched his chin, muttering in his mouth.

Turning around, she found that her little sister was staring at Su Ba's back, raising her brows and moving.

"Sister, didn't you get fascinated by Senior Brother Su Ba so quickly?"

"Ah? What? Ah! Brother, what are you talking about!"

Su Wanling suddenly made a big red face, and if she didn't follow her, she would use her fist to beat Su Huihe.

"Brother, you are kind of run away!"

"Ahaha, I was so embarrassed that I turned into anger..."

"Damn it! I'll stop!"

. . . . . .

Just when Su Wanling and Su Hui were fighting, Su Ba was already in the contribution hall, quickly scanning the various tasks displayed on the task panel.

"Clean up, one week at Inner Palace Yanwu Hall. Mission reward: Three points of Wufu contribution."

"In addition to the demon, there are a few fourth-level strange beasts in the eastern suburbs of Fengwu City that have harmed the people. Go to eliminate them. Task reward: Ten points of Wufu contribution."

"Destroy the evil, there is a wave of bandits around Fengwu City, going to exterminate. Mission reward: 20 points Wufu contribution."


Most tasks are simple tasks, which are time-consuming, but the rewards are still good.

The contribution of Wufu can be used to exchange things, and the worst contribution of Wufu can also be exchanged for a low-grade true essence stone.

If you have enough contribution, you can even get a good-quality pill.

Therefore, if the disciples in the inner palace are more diligent and do more tasks, the resources are quite considerable.

But these rewards are very tasteless to Su Ba.

If it weren't for the imperial palace disciple to complete a mission every month, he would not have come.

Since he had to do a mission, Su Ba had to choose one, the mission that was most beneficial to him.

Oh, yes!

Suddenly, Su Ba's eyes lit up and he saw a mission that had just been out.

"Gather, ten centennial Jingling flowers (Note: Jingling flowers are near Yunwu Mountain, with a high degree of difficulty, below the five-star peak strength, and do what you can). Mission reward: 50 points for Wufu contribution."

The degree of difficulty here is relatively high. On the one hand, it means that it is a bit dangerous, and on the other hand, it is difficult to find a century-old Jingling flower, which is very time-consuming.

But for Su Ba, it doesn't matter!

Anyway, there are strange beasts in Yunwu Mountain, so he should go to experience and increase his strength. The task is only incidental, and the task reward is not bad!

At the moment, Su Ba took the task directly without hesitation, and immediately set off, and quickly swept towards Yunwu Mountain.

. . . . . .

At this time!

Yunmeng Neifu.

There was a black-clothed old man with an unusually large stature, yellow hair and no anger. Holding a red iron rod in his hand, he entered the Dan Pavilion aggressively...

The old man in black had a purple waistband on his waist.

In Yunmeng Wufu.

The disciples of the outer palace are equipped with white waist cards, the disciples of the inner palace are blue, the core disciples are blue, and the elders are purple!

This person is impressively an elder-level figure!

at this time!

The black-clothed old man was expressionless, and strode into the altar hall with an imposing manner!

"Elder Xiao!"

"Elder Xiao!"

"Hello Elder Xiao!"

When the passing Dange disciples saw this person, their expressions changed slightly, and they hurriedly stopped to say hello respectfully.

The black-clothed old man ignored Zhou's greetings, and came to the entrance of a luxurious alchemy room inside the alchemy hall, and suddenly stopped.

A loud roar resounded throughout the Dan Pavilion!

"Hu Danqing, you turtle grandson, come out for me!"

The roar was earth-shaking, and accompanied by a terrifying momentum, even Pill Pavilion seemed to shake a few times in an instant!

Everyone's body shook instantly, their complexion was a little pale, and they looked at each other!

What happened to Elder Xiao? Why did he make such a big fire? What did he do to Elder Hu? What happened to Elder Hu?

Next second!

The door of the luxurious alchemist was kicked open, and a clear-faced old man in a white robe rushed out angrily, watching the black-clothed old man cursing.

"I'm going to your sister, Xiao Biao old stuff, I'm refining a furnace of 8-Rank blood lotus pills, when you yelled, it fry the stove, I wipe it! Is your old stuff sick? It's okay to me Dan Ge's majesty is here!"

Eight-Rank Blood Lotus Pill!

Hu Danqing collected the materials for a long period of time, and the value is precious. Even if you fry it by yourself, it is too much to bear if someone affects the fryer!

At the pinnacle of the acquired realm, the number one master of Yunmeng Wufu Mansion, it's amazing, you can do anything wrong!

He went to my Dange to make trouble!

Wipe, old man, I went crazy, even I was scared!

"I'm okay? It's okay with you. Uncle!"

Xiao Bang looked at Hu Danqing coldly, and said, "Hu Danqing, you are so awkward that even Lao Tzu's apprentice dared to **** it. Believe it or not, Lao Tzu will smash your altar!"

"Xiao Bao, don't spit on me!"

Hu Danqing's beard was frowned upon, "The old man is dedicated to alchemy. Where can I take care of the disciples who practice martial arts in the martial arts palace, you can find other elders!"

"Heh, dare to pretend to be garlic!"

Xiao Bao's face was gloomy, his forehead was blue, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Hu Danqing, don't tell Lao Tzu, a few days ago, did you confiscated the next disciple?!"

"A few days ago, you mean..."

Hu Danqing's complexion changed.

"Remember?" Xiao Bang sneered.


But Hu Danqing had a black face and said angrily, "Oh, you old thing, you dare to hit my good disciple's attention, tell you, he is a natural alchemist, you want to grab someone, there is no door!"

"Fuck you a serial fart of the eighteen ancestors! A natural alchemist?


He is a natural martial artist, and his aptitude is even better than Qin Jiuyue. In the next ten years, he is very likely to be a super power in the innate realm! "

Xiao Bao's hair was straight and he stared coldly and shouted, "You, turtle grandson, actually let the future Fengwu Nation's number one powerhouse come over to practice alchemy with you, and his heart is shameful!"

The people around Dan Pavilion are all dumbfounded!

I go!

The two famous elders in Yunmengwufu seem to be in conflict because of a disciple in the inner office?

Which disciple is so awesome?

A natural alchemist? A born warrior? Will it be able to impact the legendary innate realm in the next ten years?


It's terrible!

Xiao Bao's forehead burst with blue veins, his hands clenched his fists and squeaked, his eyes looking at Hu Danqing were like a terrifying beast waiting to be eaten!

"This kid Su Ba was appointed to Lao Tzu by the palace lord. Lao Tzu waited for three days and wondered why he didn't come to apprentice his teacher. When I asked, I actually became an apprentice under your turtle grandson!

Good guy, Hu Danqing, you are fat, right, huh? ! No one has ever dared to grab food under Lao Tzu's hands! "


As soon as Xiao Bo's words fell, he suddenly exclaimed in all directions!

"It turned out to be him, Su Ba!"

"No wonder, it's the evil man!"

"Unexpectedly, this murderous man actually has such a high level of alchemy talent, even Elder Hu, who is not usually tepid, has a temper!"

Everyone suddenly realized!


Hu Danqing frowned and looked at other people, "You all know Su Ba?"

"Uh yes, Elder Hu."

One of the disciples relied on courage and respectfully said.

"It is said that this Su Ba four-star pinnacle was specially recruited into the inner palace, and as soon as he entered the inner palace, he defeated Liu Niuyi, who was ranked 33rd in the list.

Then on the same day, when I went to the Gongwu Pavilion to select martial arts, I ran into Yuan Tao, who was ranked 28th on the list of outstanding people, and made Yuan Tao a dead dog!

Now he can be described as fierce and mighty in the inner palace, not to mention other inner palace disciples, even some disciples of outstanding people also go around Su Ba! "

what? !

When Elder Hu heard this, he was shocked!

Kill the thirty-third of the best people with one punch, and the twenty-eighth of the best people with one stick?

Some outstanding disciples, still go around Su Ba? !

So strong? !

Elder Hu also knows the gold content of the list of outstanding people in the inner palace.

Those who can be on the list are the strongest people in the entire Yunmeng Inner Palace. As soon as this Su Ba enters the Inner Palace, he will be able to kill the talented disciple of the outstanding people list. This martial arts talent is unimaginable!

"The surname is Hu, now you know, I suspect that he is the son of Tianwu! A true-life son who was born to practice martial arts!"

Xiao burst into the conversation with a sneer, and looked at Hu Danqing coldly, "Do you know what Su Ba, as a freshman this year, just entered Yunmeng Wufu?

Mid one star!

But in just one month, he broke through to the top of Samsung!

After that, he had an epiphany and directly broke through the four-star peak!

Do you know how hopeful the epiphany is for the warrior!

Not to mention, an epiphany, breakthrough a great realm! I've never heard of anyone who is so perverted! "

Xiao Bao was talking, and suddenly jumped up!

"Ma De, Hu Danqing, you, an alchemy person, in the realm of an eight-star grandmaster, what qualifications do you have to be Su Ba's master? Su Ba's alchemy with you is a violent thing!

At the peak of the three stars, he realized the martial arts artistic conception that is comparable to the low-grade martial art of the Xuan Tier "The Great Wilderness Demon Stick", the meaning of the Great Wilderness stick!

And when he defeated Yuan Tao, it was Xiao Cheng's great desolation!

Groove, so genius!

Only Lao Tzu, who is the strongest person in Yunmeng Wufu, is qualified to teach him, not to mention that Lao Tzu also uses a stick, and he is definitely a good apprentice given to Lao Tzu by God! "


Elder Hu exploded directly, his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and he said coldly: "The surname is Xiao, Su Ba has such a good martial arts talent, I really didn't expect it!

However, his talent for alchemy is something I have never seen before, not to mention the soul power surpassing the 9th rank!

The first time he made a pill, it broke the old man's highest record in his life to refine a pill of the same level!

In time, under the training of the old man, the eighth rank alchemist of the Fengwu Nation, Su Ba, let alone dominating the three kingdoms of the Eastern Region, is to dominate the eighteen kingdoms of the Eastern Region, no more! "

Also, Su Ba took the initiative to come to visit his teacher, and now I am his master!

The surname is Xiao, you go quickly, Dan Pavilion does not welcome you! "

Elder Hu coldly issued an order to evict guests!

"Are you driving me away?!"

Xiao Bao's brows were upside down and he was furious!

A horrible breath broke out from him instantly, and the entire Dan Pavilion creaked!

The Dange disciples who watched by the side changed their expressions drastically, feeling that all of a sudden, the pressure on their bodies was increased, and their bones were about to be broken!

Hu Danqing's face changed, and he shouted to Xiao upset.

"The surnamed Xiao, you really dare not do anything. If you make trouble with the palace lord, it is you, there is nothing good to eat!"

"You let that kid worship me as a teacher, and I'll leave!"

Xiao Bao said blankly.

"You dream!" Hu Danqing blurted out!

"Okay! In that case, don't blame Lao Tzu for being rude!"

A gleam of light flashed in Xiao Bao's eyes, and his violent aura rose sharply again, and the terrifying aura of the peak of the day after tomorrow swept across all directions!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

There were many disciples who hadn't cultivated enough, knelt on the ground overwhelmed on the spot, their faces pale!

"Slot, it's over, Elder Xiao is going crazy!"

"Ah, will Dan Pavilion be demolished!"

"Elder Xiao has a burst of temper, no one can stop it!"


Panicked all around, exclaiming again and again!

"Well, Elder Xiao, Shaoan, don't be impatient!"

Just when Xiao Bao was about to dismantle the Dan Pavilion, a vague voice came from a distance.


Everyone just felt that there was a flash in front of them, and a tall and slender figure appeared leisurely in front of them.

Wearing a white shirt and a gentleman's sword, he is personable.

"Palace Lord!"

"It's Palace Lord!"

"Palace Lord is here, great, it's saved!"

When everyone saw this person, they breathed a sigh of relief, and a layer of joy appeared on their faces!

"Palace Master, you came just right, and you recommended it to my disciple, but you were tricked into becoming an apprentice by the surname Hu. I will not give it back, and the Lord will judge me!"

When Xiao Bao saw the visitor, he immediately spoke with an unhappy face.

With regard to Xiao Bao's hot temper, the Palace Master was helplessly tight, not caring about his rudeness, and said with a light smile.

"Everyone is in the same category, don't hurt your peace, Elder Xiao, Su Ba is my recommendation to you, but he chose Elder Hu, but I did not expect it.

What surprised me even more was that Su Ba had such a talent in alchemy, and I heard everything you just said.

Well, Su Ba just took over the mission of the inner palace and went out. When he comes back, let him make his own decision. "

"Palace Master, this is not right, Su Ba has already worshipped me as a teacher, so where can someone else get a share!"

Elder Hu looked a little ugly.

"Okay! That's it! Su Ba hasn't seen Lao Tzu's greatness. If he knows, he will worship you as a teacher? Compared to alchemy, martial arts is his final return!"

Xiao Bao gave a cold snort, glared at Elder Hu, and then walked away!


Elder Hu looked at Xiao Bao's back with annoyance, but he also knew the palace lord's difficulties, and he succumbed to the palace lord, and turned and entered the alchemy room with a dull face!

The palace lord's eyes flickered, and then his figure flashed, and he disappeared in the altar hall.

As soon as a few big figures left, the Dange disciples suddenly felt less pressure!

Looking at each other, they all saw the shock in each other's eyes!

This Su Ba is too strong!

One person dispatched the three most important people in the whole government!

The gap between people is really incomparable...

And this time.

Su Ba on the road to Yunwu Mountain, naturally, did not expect that a small act of apprenticeship would cause such a big wave...