
Yunwu Mountain.

Not far from the Mountain Range of Alien Animals

Unlike the Alien Beast Mountain Range, it is only a lonely mountain, but it is exceptionally majestic!

At the foot of Yunwu Mountain, thousands of feet high, there is a large forest at the foot of the mountain, traversing more than ten kilometers!

In the forest, there are all ancient trees in the sky, and an average tree needs five or six people to embrace!

Yunwu Mountain, the scenery is very beautiful, on the mountainside, perennial clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

However, if you regard it as a tourist destination, you would be very wrong. The special product in the cloud, lion and animal will teach you how to behave!

However, the Jedi of ordinary people is a good place for warriors.

Because Yunwu Mountain is full of aura, it is very suitable for the growth of Lingcao, Linghua and Lingshu, and it has rich cultivation resources. Although it is not comparable to the Mountain Range of Alien Beasts, it is fortunate that there is no higher-level Alien Beast.

The most advanced monsters that have appeared so far are no more than level six!

Therefore, it will also attract a lot of low-level warriors to experience and collect.

at this time.

Somewhere in Yunwu Mountain.

A stern-faced young man in a strong black suit was walking in the forest continuously, looking for something while walking.

"Hundred-year-old Jingling Flower, in the forest at the foot of this mountain, it is estimated that it is unlikely to meet, will it be on Yunwu Mountain?

After all, the aura on the mountain is stronger and more suitable for spiritual growth. "

Su Ba thought to himself.

Along the way, he has seen a lot of Jingling flowers for ten or eight years, but there is not much value in this level, almost no one will pick it, and Su Ba naturally didn't want it.

It is not easy for the spiritual material to grow out, so let it grow for a few more years and wait for someone to pick it up.

Su Ba never did anything to catch fish.

The sunlight in the forest is strictly blocked by the big trees in the sky. On some of the big trees, thick vines hang down from the branches like giant snakes.

From time to time, Su Ba could see a lot of large strange animals shuttled in this vast forest, squeezing the cane, stepping on the broken branches with their big feet, making a clicking sound.

Yunwu Mountain not only has the special product Yunshi and other animals, of course, there are other strange animals, but the number is relatively small!

Regarding these strange beasts, Su Ba naturally refused to come, and directly stepped forward and beat him to death!

After being killed, all reclaim!

With the 135,000 catties of Ruyi Golden Cudgel and Su Ba's nearly 30,000 catties of power, it is feared that even the sixth-level strange beasts can burst their brains with a stick!

The alien beasts on the periphery are only level three in strength, and there is no pressure at all!

After a few hours, even though Jingling hadn't seen a single hair for a hundred years, Su Ba still gained a lot and gained more than a thousand strengthening points.

Su Ba's original intention was to kill alien beasts to experience, and the task was only incidental, so he didn't panic at all.

Moving on, after a short while, Su Ba passed through the periphery of the forest and entered the depths.

Just after walking for a while, Su Ba's ears moved slightly, and there was a vague sound of fighting in front of him.

In the dense forest, we must not only guard against all kinds of exotic animals, but also guard against warriors. Some warriors like to do some murderous activities. Here, they can kill and destroy the corpses easily!

Su Ba narrowed his eyes and decided to take a look!

If there is a villain, maybe he can make a fortune!

After all, the two gangsters who were fat and thin in the Alien Beast Mountain Range last time contributed a lot to Su Ba.

Moreover, in the forest at the foot of Yunwu Mountain, even in the depths, there were up to five-level strange beasts. People who came here to experience had a cultivation base of around five stars at most, and there was no threat to Su Ba at all.

Even if it is Yunwu Mountain's strongest sixth-level monster, even if it can't beat it, it's more than enough to protect itself!

After thinking about it, Su Ba turned his body skills, only to hear a small electric light sound, Su Ba's figure disappeared in place like lightning.

Not long.

When Su Ba passed through a bush, he vaguely saw people flashing in front of him, and the sound of fighting came into his ears accompanied by a series of cold babbles and low beast roars.

Perception spreads!

Su Ba immediately saw an open space hundreds of meters away, and three warriors were besieging and killing a fifth-level strange beast-the iron-clad rhino.

The strength of the armored rhino is medium among the five-level alien beasts, but its skin is very tough, coupled with the protection of the armor, if the general five-star pinnacle warrior does not have the weapon at hand, it will be a headache to kill the armored rhino!

The three warriors who besieged it, two men and one woman.

Seeing that they wear the same 'gold' waist badges on their waists, they don't know which country and which military residence it is.

The female cultivation base was only in the early stage of the five-star stage, with a long sword in her hand and a light body. From time to time, she smashed the iron-clad rhino with sporadic sparks. It seemed that her attack power was obviously insufficient!

Another young man in white clothes who was about the same age as a woman used a knife in his mid-five-star cultivation, but his attack power was also insufficient to damage the iron-clad rhino!

Two people are half-hearted, and at best they play a restraining role.

Everyone mainly relied on a slightly older man in grey clothes, who was cultivated as the five-star pinnacle, and played with a giant axe. Every time he chopped it down, it would make the iron-clad rhino scream in pain!

Moreover, this gray-clothed youth has good eyesight, every time he attacks, he will hit the weak point of the iron-clad rhino's eyebrows!

After grinding for a quarter of an hour, the armored rhinoceros had amazing defensive power. His weakness was repeatedly hit, and his head was also blurred and his movements slowed down.

The gray-clothed youth's eyes lit up, and the time was ripe for him to burst out from his body, and suddenly shouted as his momentum surged!

"Open the mountain!"


The giant axe in his hand emits a vigorous blue light, and it smashes into the forehead of the iron-clad rhinoceros with the force of opening the mountain!


Only heard the sound of the skull cracking, the giant axe slashed into the head of the iron-clad rhinoceros, the iron-clad rhino wailed, shook a few times, and fell to the ground with a thud!

"Wow, Brother Gu is really amazing. Under the mountain, even the iron-clad rhino with amazing defensive power was killed in an instant!"

Seeing the death of the iron-clad rhinoceros, the young man in white immediately came up to flatter him!

"Haha, that's a trivial matter."

The gray-clothed youth laughed, obviously very useful to the flattery, "Xiao He, the horn of the iron-clad rhinoceros can be sold for a lot of money, go and cut it off."


The white-clothed youth responded and went over to cut the rhino horns with joy.

"Brother Gu, you are so strong, I'm afraid it won't take long before you can become the number one expert in the inner palace."

The girl also leaned forward at this time, looking at the gray-clothed youth with a look of admiration.

"Hehe, I should, when I become the number one master in Kim Sang Wu's inner palace, I will cover you, and see who dares to bully you!"

The gray-clothed youth smiled vigorously.

It's cool to be able to show off in front of beautiful women.

At this time!

The gray-clothed youth suddenly noticed Su Ba standing not far away, and was shocked!

At a distance of one hundred meters, he didn't notice a person at the first time!

However, I saw that the opponent's cultivation was only in the early five-star stage, so he didn't care much.

However, the next second, his eyes rolled, thinking of something, and he opened his mouth and shouted at Su Ba.

"This friend, do you come to the depths of Yunwu Mountain alone? It's a bit dangerous to be alone, there will already be a fifth-level alien beast here!

Did you see that the level five iron-clad rhino I killed just now, without the strength of the five-star pinnacle, is probably suspended!

Do you want to experience with us, I will protect you, the protection fee is easy to say. "

Protect his experience?

Still asking him for protection money?

I heard the gray-clothed youth say so.

Su Ba's face remained unchanged, but he was a little funny.

Kim Sang Wufu, if he remembers correctly, it seems to be a relatively ordinary Wufu in Fengwu Country.

"No, I still like someone."

Su Ba said lightly.

Hearing Su Ba's refusal, the gray-clothed youth shrugged indifferently, smiling on his face, but gloating in his heart.

This kid, with the strength of the five-star early stage, dare to venture into the depths of Yunwu Mountain alone, and there will be good fruits for you, don't regret it.

Seeing this, the white-clothed youth next to him whispered to himself with a disdainful twist of his mouth.

"It's really stupid, Senior Brother Gu is willing to take him to practice together, this kid still refuses, wait for death."

Although the voice of this white-clothed youth was small, Su Ba's soul power was far beyond that of the same rank, and his perception was very keen, so he naturally heard it.

A faint gleam of cold light flashed through his eyes!

However, after thinking about it, I didn't make a move in the end.

This person probably had a broken mouth, due to his character, and with an ant, Su Ba was not interested in taking a lesson, and turned around and was about to leave.

But the remaining pretty girl didn't seem to have the heart to send Su Ba to death.

"This Xiongtai, it should be your first visit to Yunwu Mountain. We have been here many times. We are very clear about the dangerous situation in the depths of Yunwu Mountain. If you are alone, you should leave here and go to the outside. Safety.

Otherwise, let our Senior Brother Gu take you with you. Don't worry, you won't be charged a lot. If you go out, please help each other. "

Su Ba paused and glanced at the girl unexpectedly, saying that the girl had a good heart.

Looking at the iron-armored rhino at their feet, Su Ba thought for a while, and said: "The iron-armored rhino you killed, don't stop it, don't just sell it to me."


When everyone heard it, they were a little startled!

Apart from the good value of the horns of this iron-clad rhino, the other skins are not valuable and not delicious. Therefore, most people don't need it.

How can this young man in black be unique!

Is it possible that there is a pit in your head?

Otherwise, how could you come to the depths of Yunwu Mountain alone!

The young man in white had a malicious guess.

Seeing them stunned, Su Ba frowned slightly and became impatient. He threw out five low-grade true essence stones to the gray-clothed youth, and then took the iron-clad rhinoceros corpse and strode away.

With five lower-grade true essence stones, the recovery point is only one hundred.

This iron-clad rhino is a fifth-level monster. Although it has no horns, it has little effect. There are still one hundred and forty strengthening points.

Su Ba seems to have taken a little advantage, but in reality, those people have taken a big advantage!

After all, the original iron-clad rhino carcass could not be sold at all, it was a lost commodity.

Now I have earned five lower-grade true essence stones for nothing, which is a pleasant surprise!

Kim Sang Wufu is just an ordinary Wufu in Fengwu, with limited resources, even a disciple of the inner government, I am afraid that it will be more tight than a disciple of Yunmeng Wufu outside the palace!

Ordinary Inner Palace disciples can only get twenty yuan of true essence stones a month!

Even if the gray-clothed youth is on the list of the inner palace, he can only have thirty or forty low-grade true essence stones a month.

At this moment, seeing that Su Ba lost five pieces of true essence stones, everyone looked dumbfounded!

I rely on!

Five low-grade true essence stones, buy the iron-clad rhino carcass that others don't want?

Even the gray-clothed youth was a little unbelievable. He glanced at Su Ba subconsciously. At this look, a blue waist badge on Su Ba's waist suddenly fell into his eyes.


The gray-clothed youth was shocked and his eyes widened!

at this time.

The white-clothed youth on the side looked at Su Ba so generously, his eyes lit up and quietly said to the grey-clothed youth beside him.

"Senior Brother Gu, that guy, he seems to be a fat sheep. He bought five low-grade true essence stones to buy garbage iron-clad rhino corpses without blinking!

Not stupid, but rich!

Why did we let him go? Just as I thought, we just grabbed it..."

"Grab your sister!"

The gray-clothed youth suddenly regained consciousness, and gave the white-clothed youth a thud!


The white-clothed youth screamed, and looked at the grey-clothed youth somewhat dumbfounded, "Brother Gu, you, why are you hitting me..."

"Silly beep, do you know who he is?! I noticed the badge on his waist. He is a disciple of Yunmeng Wufu Palace!"

what? !

The disciple of Yunmeng Wufu!

The young people in white clothes and the pretty girls were shocked after hearing this!

Yunmeng Wufu represents the top Wufu in Fengwu, they know it!

Those who can enter Yunmeng Wufu are all elites among the warriors!

The disciples of the inner palace are even the elites among the elites, and they are basically invincible at the same level!

"No wonder, the black-clothed youth dared to come to the depths of Yunwu Mountain alone. He turned out to be an elite disciple of the Yunmeng Inner Palace, and wanted to come to surpass his fighting power."

The pretty girl exclaimed.

"Cut, so what, it's only a five-star initial cultivation base, Senior Brother Gu is a five-star peak, and I'm afraid he won't be able to beat him!"

After the white-clothed youth was surprised, he suddenly grumbled his lips somewhat unconvinced, and muttered.

"Okay, we rely on our strength to eat. Don't think about this kind of house-breaking thing, otherwise sooner or later the ship will capsize in the gutter!"

The grey-clothed youth glared at the white-clothed youth and waved, "Come on, the experience has just begun!"

. . . . . .

In a place less than three hundred meters away from everyone.

Su Ba withdrew his perception, his expression calm.

With his soul power greatly increased, at a distance of three hundred meters, if Su Ba wanted to know, he would be able to detect any disturbance.

If those people just became greedy and prepared to follow, Su Ba wouldn't mind letting them not see the sun tomorrow!

He casually pressed the surface of the iron-clad rhinoceros corpse next to it.

"Didi! A fifth-level monster is slightly crippled, and it can be recovered to get 136 enhancement points. Will it be recovered?"


Lost a more precious rhino horn, this iron-clad rhino carcass was recovered, the strengthening point was a little less, but the impact was not significant.

The white light flashed, and Su Ba reclaimed it.

From the storage space, he took out a large amount of meat, and after eating, Su Ba was ready to go on the road again.

I don't know if it was his illusion. After his physique became stronger, even his appetite became a lot bigger. If this continues, the storage space will probably also be upgraded, otherwise there will be insufficient food.

Just thinking about it, suddenly there was a beast roar not far behind him, followed by a human scream!

Hearing the sound, it seemed that it was from a young man among those few people just now.

"Yeah, it looks like I ran into a tricky guy!"

A playful arc floated at the corner of Su Ba's mouth.

Thinking of the three of them, two of them had good temperaments, Su Ba pondered for a while, spreading his body skills, and disappearing in place like an electric light.

Less than a mile away, Su Ba moved his body and arrived at the scene within a few breaths.

The first thing that caught the eye was a huge beast covered with white scales. It looked like a lizard, but with a larger tail and sharp bone spurs, it hit the ground from time to time, rumbling!

at this time!

In front of the white monitor lizard, two people stood there with horrified expressions, a gray-clothed youth and a pretty woman.

As for the young man in white, foaming at his mouth, his face was black and blue, and he was lying on the ground convulsively. It was obvious that he was deeply poisoned!