The centuries-old Jingling flower is so impressive!

Damn it!

How unlucky!

The sixth-level cloud lion and alien beasts did not go down to Yunwu Mountain once in a few years, so they actually encountered it!

The gray-clothed youth secretly cried out.

They didn't come to Yunwu Mountain to experience once or twice. With the strength of their team, as long as they didn't go to Yunwu Mountain, they were basically enough to protect themselves.

after all.

In the forest at the foot of Yunwu Mountain, at most fifth-level strange beasts appeared.

But 'luck' is here, really nothing can stop it!

This is great, today it is estimated that they will explain here!

He is a five-star pinnacle with true strength, but facing the more powerful Yunshi among the six-level alien beasts, he is not an opponent at all!

Yunshi is fast, has strong attack power, and has the ability to breathe poisonous mist. Even the average six-star mid-stage warrior will change his color when he meets it!

At this time, being stared at by the sixth-level cloud lion alien beast, the gray-clothed youth was afraid to move, cold sweat quietly shed!

And the pretty woman in the early five-star stage on the side was even more pale, and her beautiful eyes showed hopelessness!

But suddenly, the Yun Lion who was about to attack let out a low roar, the lion head suddenly turned and looked aside!

Not far from it, a young man in black clothes folded his hands on his chest, standing casually beside the grass.

Although this black-clothed young man seemed to be mediocre, but I don't know why, but he gave Yunshi an extremely dangerous feeling!

"It's him! A disciple of Yunmeng Wufu's inner palace!"

Following Yunshi's gaze, the grey-clothed youth and pretty woman also saw Su Ba standing by the bushes, and they were suddenly surprised!

Why is this young man back?

Did you hear their screams and hear them?

However, he was only a five-star initial cultivation base, why was he not scared at all when he saw the sixth-level cloud lion alien beast?

"This is the special animal of Yunwu Mountain, Yunshi? I heard that it sprays poisonous mist?"

At this time, Su Ba murmured to himself, and then thought of something, he walked towards the cloud lion leisurely, "Come on, let me experience the thrill of poisonous fog."

The gray-clothed youth and others are all dumbfounded!

Don't let this kid die!

The most powerful thing about Yunshi is its poisonous mist!

The sixth-level cloud lion and alien beasts, the poisonous mist sprayed at will, can make the five-star warrior lose consciousness!

If it is true, I am afraid that the mid-six-star warrior will be recruited, and he will die in a few breaths!

"This brother, Yunshi's poisonous mist is very powerful, you..."

"It doesn't matter, I have a sense of measure."

Su Ba faintly interrupted the pretty woman.

Nine suns magical power, masculine and strong!

After practicing, the vitality in the body regenerates extremely fast, the body's recovery power is greatly increased, ordinary fists and feet can also use the great attack power, the defense power is unmatched, and it is non-invasive, and it specifically overcomes all cold and feminine attributes. law.

Su Ba has already realized most of the benefits, and he has full confidence in this supreme martial arts technique!

It says that a hundred poisons will not invade, even if it is not absolute, it must have a great ability to resist toxins!

This will be a test!

What's more, the Su Ba lottery draws a lot of physical points, and the physical fitness has improved a lot. The poison of the small sixth-level cloud lion and alien beast is no problem!

Take a step forward!


Yunshi Alien Beast suddenly let out a threatening growl, it shifted its target, and its eyes were fixed on Su Ba!

Despite being provoked, Yunshi, who has the blood of the Lion King, was extremely angry, but the faintly terrifying aura radiating from the black-clothed youth in front of him made it dare not act rashly for a while!


Yunshi once again let out a low beast roar, signalling Su Ba to retreat!


The grey-clothed youth and others were shocked!

"This... Yun Shi seems to be afraid... the disciple of Yunmeng Wufu Palace..."

How is this possible? !

The sixth-level cloud lion alien beast, or the sixth-level alien beast with the blood of the lion king, is actually afraid of a five-star junior warrior?

The gray-clothed youth felt that his mind was a little overwhelming.

The same goes for that pretty woman!

It's just that I don't wait for them to react, the next second!

Su Ba takes a step forward again!

The sixth-level cloud lion was finally furious, and was provoked one after another, and the violent aura burst out instantly!


With a screaming roar, the sixth-level cloud lion opened its mouth and sprayed a thick black mist, spraying it towards Su Ba!

The dense fog spread extremely quickly, and it came to Su Ba in an instant!

"Ah, be careful!"

Seeing Su Ba hiding, the pretty woman screamed out of discoloration!

The gray-clothed youth was also in a daze, and then suddenly recovered, took the pretty woman by the arm, and led her for several feet to avoid being corroded by the poisonous mist!

The poisonous mist sprayed by this cloud lion is very strange. Even if you hold your breath, it will penetrate your ears, nostrils and other places like a poisonous snake.

Before that, the young man in white also fell to the ground with poison because of this.

However, when they fled the danger zone and turned to look around, they just saw the scene that made them bewildered!

The poisonous black mist enveloped the young man in black. Instead of hiding, he raised his head and took a deep breath.

Afterwards, the poisonous fog gradually dissipated, and the black-clothed youth still stood in place, as if nothing had happened.

Damn. Groove!

What's the situation? !

After inhaling the poisonous mist sprayed by the sixth-level cloud lion, it was okay?

The eyes of the two were about to come out, as if they had seen a ghost, looking at Su Ba's back!

at this time.

The corner of Su Ba's mouth was slightly curved.


His body's anti-drug ability is beyond words!

He could clearly perceive that when the poisonous mist was inhaled into his body, the Nine Suns True Essence in his body instantly agitated, and the scorching aura exuding for an instant, instantly seemed like a thousand horses descending, killing the poisonous fog army Defeated!

A hundred poisons don't invade, in the future, I will have one more means of life-saving.

The cloud lion saw his signature skill, but it had no effect on Su Ba, and the red beast pupil immediately showed a humanized look of anger!

After roaring a few times, he sprayed out a few black and dark poisonous fog again, and rushed towards Su Ba!

"Oh, sorry, your role ends here, there is no time to play with you!"

After the inspection, Su Ba's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and his figure moved and lightning flashed!

Because the speed is too fast, the surrounding environment seems to be illusory in an instant!

what? !

So fast!

The gray-clothed youth and pretty woman exclaimed!

Immediately they saw that Su Ba came to Yunshi like a lightning bolt. At the same time, they had already pulled out the black iron rod behind him!

Smashed out with a stick!


The sixth-level cloud lion opened his mouth in a rage and was about to bite Su Ba, but a black iron rod came first, hitting the sixth-level cloud lion's head, and burst out!


The huge cloud lion corpse fell from the air, overwhelming a large area of ​​bushes below, and the sound of dead branches, broken leaves and cracks continued.

Sixth-level monster, kill with one stick!

The gray-clothed youth and the pretty woman, they watched Su Baru come down, headshot the sixth-level cloud lion, and their subconscious apples moved.

Without even using martial arts, he killed the sixth-level strange beast with a stick.

Ok... what a terrible man!

He is still in the early five-star stage!

Could it be that the disciples of Yunmeng Wufu's inner palace are all such perverts...

Solving the six-level cloud lion with one stick, Su Ba's face was calm as usual.

This Yunshi's most powerful move is the ability to spray poison, and in other respects, it is just the average level 6 alien animal level!

Su Ba didn't invade with a hundred poisons, so he was born to restrain the cloud lion and knocked him to death with one stick, nothing to be proud of.

After solving the sixth-level cloud lion, Su Ba casually placed it on the sixth-level cloud lion's body. The white light flashed, and it was recovered.

However, in the eyes of others, it is estimated that Su Ba received the storage space.

After this step, Su Ba turned around and looked at the gray-clothed youths.


The gray-clothed youth and the pretty woman shook their bodies, and they were neatly aligned, standing in a row, with their hands on both sides of their legs, looking at Su Ba with their heads shrinking, as if they had become good babies for a moment.

Not only that, but the gray-clothed youth's face was a little nervous.

This person is terrible, I'm afraid that the core disciple of their Kim Sang Wufu is nothing but that!

The point is that this black-clothed youth's cultivation base is only the beginning of the five-star stage!

It's ridiculous that you have to collect protection fees?

Fortunately, this young man in black didn't have any knowledge of them, otherwise, it would be light to beat them!

Fortunately, I didn't use my brain to grab Su Ba, otherwise the consequences can be imagined!

Thinking of the tragedy of the sixth-level cloud lion!

The gray-clothed young man shuddered violently, and his body did not dare to move extremely.

Seeing them like this, Su Ba felt a little funny, he should not be so scary.

He shook his head, and said with a faint expression on the white-clothed young man who was deeply poisoned and unconscious.

"Isn't he your companion? If you don't save it, he will probably burp."

"Ah! Brother Liu!"

The two of them reacted, and the pretty woman exclaimed!

Seeing Su Ba's acquiescence, the two rushed over and helped the white-clothed youth up. The grey-clothed youth quickly took out a few detoxification pills from the storage ring and gave them to the white-clothed youth.

When going out, or in Yunwu Mountain, detoxification pills, they are necessary, just in case.

This will just be useful.

Fortunately, at that time, the sixth-level cloud lion just sprayed the white-clothed youth at will, and a few detoxification pills went down, and quickly solved the white-clothed youth's poison.

When the young man in white woke up, his head shrank when he saw Su Ba at first sight, his eyes filled with awe and fear!

Before he lost consciousness, he could see Su Ba's performance in his eyes.

"This... brother, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, we would have become Yunshi's lunch today."

After awakening the young man in white.

After hesitating, the gray-clothed youth stepped forward with courage and saluted Su Ba respectfully.

"It's okay, if it wasn't for you and the girl who had a good temperament, I wouldn't bother to care about the life and death of the person who once wanted to make my mind."

Su Ba said lightly with his hands on his back.

As he spoke, he glanced at the white-clothed youth nonchalantly.

The young man in white shook his body suddenly, and his face suddenly became pale!

Not only him, the eyes of the gray-clothed youth and pretty woman also showed incredible colors!

Could it be that all of their speeches just now were heard by this person?

However, they obviously saw Su Ba walked a long way and disappeared into the bushes!


For a moment!

The eyes of several people looking at Su Ba were even more in awe!

"Okay, I'll come over. On the one hand, I think you are not bad, but you are also citizens of the same country. I will help you. On the other hand, I want to ask you a question."

"Brother, if you have any questions, just ask, as long as we know, we guarantee that we know everything we know and we can talk about it!"

The gray-clothed youth quickly said, and everyone else nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.


Su Ba nodded faintly, and then said, "I heard that you have been to Yunwu Mountain several times and know where the Centennial Jingling Flower is?"

"Hundred-year Jingling Flower, brother, you want to collect Hundred-year Jingling Flower?!"

As soon as Su Ba just said it, the gray-clothed youth's pupils shrank!

"Huh? You know?"

Seeing this, Su Ba's eyes lit up.

Although he mainly experienced killing alien beasts in Yunwu Mountain, the Wufu mission only had a one-month deadline, and if he could finish it early, he would be able to specialize in killing alien beasts!

"This, I know, but..."

The gray-clothed youth hesitated, and Su Ba suddenly came over with a cold look. He trembled, thinking that the black-clothed youth in front of him was a ruthless person, and said quickly.

"This brother, I have forgotten. With your strength, it must be fine."

The gray-clothed youth paused and continued, "On one occasion, when we were chasing a fifth-level wind-chaser, we chased it somewhere at the foot of Yunwu Mountain. There was a pool of icy blue lake and the temperature was very low.

But the aura is relatively strong, not far from the upper reaches of the lake, we found the traces of the century-old Jingling flowers!

But there is a cave over there, which should be a small site for Yunshi.

From a distance, we can faintly feel a few powerful auras, it is estimated that they are all six-level cloud lions!

Therefore, despite our eager eyes, we did not dare to act rashly. After writing down the location and thinking of being stronger in the future, we would come back to collect..."

"Where is the location?"

Su Ba said lightly.

Several people in Kim Sang Wu's Mansion looked at each other, and finally the gray-clothed youth still honestly told the news.

There are a lot of Jingling flowers over there, and they are a treasure. If you say this, a few people are still a little distressed, but they don't care so much when they think that their lives are saved by others.

After all, they don't know when they will be able to beat the sixth level Yunshi.

And maybe, when they can beat Cloud Lion at level 6, the place there has already been discovered by others, so it's better to tell Su Ba as soon as possible!

Su Ba was satisfied with what he wanted to know.

Glancing at a few people slightly, the painful color on their faces at first did not hide his perception.

After pondering for a while, Su Ba's hand flashed a white light and threw a few bottles of medicine to the gray-clothed youth.

"Thank you!"

Su Ba faintly dropped a word, his figure moved, and his body disappeared like an electric light.

He only wants to be ashamed of his heart!

These people did him a favor, and Su Ba thanked him, and he acted as Karma!

Originally, Su Ba wanted to give the True Essence Stones, but thought that most of the True Essence Stones had been recycled by himself, so he replaced them with the few bottles of pills left over.

And seeing Su Ba disappeared, the pressure on the few people was greatly reduced!

Especially the young man in white, relieved with a sigh of relief!

Ever since he heard Su Ba knowing that he had proposed to rob Su Ba, the young man in white has been in fear, for fear of being taken out by Su Ba to hang him!


Now the little fate is finally saved!

"Brother Gu, the martial artist of Yunmeng Wufu Mansion is really strong!"

The white-clothed young man with a lingering heart breathed a sigh of relief and exclaimed.

"That is, after all, it is the benchmark Wufu of Fengwu Country. It is strange if it is not strong, and I suspect that even in Yunmeng Wufu, this young man in black is definitely not an unknown person!

Now I know that there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world! "

The gray-clothed youth cast a glance at the white-clothed youth, who nodded with a dry smile.

While talking, the gray-clothed youth opened the two bottles of pills that Su Ba gave him. He didn't report any hope.

But as soon as the stopper of the porcelain bottle was opened, two strong medicinal aromas spread.

"Fifth and sixth grade Ju Yuan Dan, my God!"

Three exclamations were sent out from the three members of Kim Sang Wu's residence. Their eyes widened and their faces were full of ecstasy!

The resources of Jin Sang Wufu are limited. Even the disciples of the inner palace usually use the third-rank Juyuan Pill for cultivation, the fourth-rank Juyuan Pill is used by core disciples, and the fifth-rank Juyuan Pill and their core disciples are treated as treasures!

As for the sixth-grade Ju Yuan Dan, it will be used by elder-level figures after rubbing it!

at this time!

How could they not make them ecstatic when they got two bottles of the 5th and 6th product pills!

"Thank you, thank you brother!"

at once!

The three of them stood neatly, bowed deeply in the direction where Su Ba left, and expressed their sincere thanks!