Marking Crazy Pt 2 - R 18

It was lightly raining in the morning and the cold wind rustling the leaves.

10:00 AM.

Lana on was a chair with her both hands tied on the back with a red rope , even her lips were completely sealed with a sticky tape . she woke up with dizziness in her head and was feeling slightly nauseated .

She slightly opened her weary eyes and saw that she was completely naked and restrainted from escaping . she shifted from side to side but the ropes were tightly secured and won't budge . Lana tilted her head from side to side and realized that she was in her Parents room with the King size bed that was in front of her . She gave a anxious and worried expression while looking around with her unsettling eyes .

[ what the fuck !!! ] she screamed inwardly .

when suddenly the door opens . Ling came inside with a mischievous smile curled up on her plumb red lips and a plate of desserts on her hand . she made a stride walk with her sexy steps by swaying her hips like a super model. She was intoxicating and beautiful with sweet fragrance lingering in the air. she placed the plate desserts on a small counter and took a bottle of honey with her and stood in front of Lana like a commanding officer .

I have removed your dirty wet clothes and finished wiping you down .. ', she said and bit her beautiful lips while staring at Lana's nakedness with her hungry eyes directly landing on her huge cock .

'mggg Ggm mm.... ' , Lana words couldn't get out but only was blocked by doing so . The tape and ropes were her enemies and the other was her dangerous sadistic sister. she glared at her and was flared up with anger .

[ Crazy Bitch !!! what the hell are you thinking!!! ] she screamed bitterly within and was frustrated.

Ling creeps up with a evil smile and

seductively said ,'

" I'm going to discipline you " .

She started to strip her clothes off and throwing it away in the corner. she stood there exposing her desirable twin gazelle and her beautiful jade white skin . she was a like a seductress goddess.

Lana was in unrestrained order that she couldn't help but stare at her amazing body even though she had already seen it before , she could not help it but admire her enticing and alluring body and every inch was memorizing In her eyes .

Do you like what you see ', Ling spoke in a seductive tone.

Lana pressed her lips in thin line to control her emotions , but the redness continue to spread from her neck to ears and then to her cheeks . she quickly averted her eyes away from her with a sensational heat that arose from her stomach to her chest . Lana's throbbing heart was beating against her chest like a heavenly rhythm .

[ Fuck , why do I feel like this ]

Ling caressing touched her face and gently pulled her chin to look at her . She got closer and whispers softly ,'

" I know you want to fuck me " Do you want to eat this body of mine "

Their eyes were locked on each other like wild beast in heat . Their hearts were beating like a ticking bomb . They were staring at each for quite awhile and was feeling emotionally sexually aroused.

Suddenly Ling squeezed the bottle of honey on to her crotch , leaving Lana in a confusing state .

Ling noticed her reaction , she drops the bottle and kneel down on the floor with her face in between Lana's legs , She touched her cock and began rubbing it up and down with both hands and spoke in her sadistic flattering tone ;

"I want you to explode in my mouth"

Lana dick ejected upwards like a strong tower , feeling so hot and bothered .

[ Fuck ] ; Panting in pleasure , She couldn't help it but be submissive towards her .

Ling smiled at her rifle and used her tip of her tongue to trace on the penis head that meet the shaft . she started licking it around and massaging it at the same time.

mmmfk mm mmfk mm ', Lana's nerves were packed up and was going crazy .

"Hmm , You like that , I make sure to give you a good suction " she said and use her flat side tongue to lick from the bottom of the shaft , going from the tip of the Head and flicking her wet warm tongue on it , Licking the honey of her shaft then she rotate her wrist in clock wise as she moves her slippery hands all over the place .

How does this feel , Is this what you want ',

She said and started to deep throat her .

Her tongue were like living , roving , irreplaceable work of art twirling and sucking her hard rod in a intense speed that was making Lana moan in pleasure '" mmmfk mm"... mmffk .." her breath hitched and was panting uncontrollably.

Ling's flustered face continued giving her a blowjob and making alot of slurping noises in her penis , she was grasping for breath for few times when deep throating her sister and making sexy moans . She steals a few glance at her sisters reactions and was stimulating aroused.

Lana was lifting her hips high to her and Ling kept pushing her greedy mouth back and forth on her shaft .

The starving beauty was eager and eating her out and sucking her like crazy . she wraps her hands around her hips and continued with her intense techniques .

*Slurping * slurping * slurping * Slurping*

*Up and Down*

* Round and round her honey wet firing tongue moves exceedingly .

* Slurping and moaning on her Dick *

"Mmmmfmmmkmmmkkfk " Lana felt so good that she shoot out semen into her mouth .

Ling gave a delightful expression as she sucks on it without any going to waste , Her full mouth , drank it happily as she gulps it down on her throat . It was like she was lingering long for a wine and pleasingly drinking it with pleasure.

"Delicious" she said and licked her lips .

She stood up and hoisted her naked body on Lana's lap . when their heated bodies pressed against each other they both felt the sensational rush , fuming inside of them and began staring into each other eyes with a burning desire.

Ling was grinding her naked body and wet pussy on to her , moving smoothly . she licked the tape that was attached to Lana's lips and whispered softly ;

" How badly do you want to fuck my Pussy ".

As she continues moving and grinding on top of her , suddenly she felt Lana's hard dick perked upwards .

Ling smirked and kept moving her hips without putting it in .

" You want my Bitchy Pussy " , she purrs .

Then she quickly removed the tape from Lana's lips and clashing her soft lips on to hers . Lings fingers run through her red hair and pulling her closer for more intense and passionate kiss .

ahh HHH ', Both were moaning in sync and panting heavily .

"Do you want to fuck my Bitchy Pussy " , she asked while grinding onto her crotch .

" Beg for it "... And she continued kissing her on the neck while her warm hands fondling with her breasts.

hhahh ahhhh ... Please let me in .. ahh Please', Lana moaned .

Ling was embracing her and exploring her body with wet kisses and rubbing her gentle hands onto her waist.

" You want to fuck me " , she teased .

" Yessss , please ee .. ahhhh.." yessss... please let me fuck youuu... ; Lana begged in a desperate tone.

Ling shifted her body from both sides to untie her hands that attached to the chair . she was fast and a experience expert to remove it with great ease.

"Touch me and Fuck me " , she commanded .

The ropes loosen and drops on the floor . Lana quickly took her hips and entered her .

Ahhhh , fuckkk..... ; Ling screams in pleasure .

They were melting into each others embrace with there wet tongues tangling and sweats covered their bodies . Lana kept thrusting into her and grabbing her buttocks to move in and out in a rough speed .

Ahhhh Lana ... ahhhh .... Lana ..

Lana was fired up like fiercely beast . she lifted Ling and slammed her on to bed . She repeatedly thrusting into her . Their minds were only thinking about wanting and there love making was too unfurling all their senses to silence all Thoughts and only give into pleasure .

She kept invading into her , Stirring and pounding .

Ahhhh ..ahhhh ... Yes SSS .. drill me deeper ... ahhhh fuck me harder ; Ling moaned loudly.

Lana was filled with anticipation . she pulled her legs over her shoulders and strokes harder . Ling clenched her hands on the sheets and screaming out in pleasure because Lana was going into her depths and knocking on her door.

Ahhhh Ahhhhh ' Ahhhh Ahhhhh....

Their moaning were resounding like roaring of the sea . Lana kept stroking hard and fast with all her might and their bosoms were bouncing around exceedingly . The bed was shaking like a quake .

Fuck... ahhhh Ahhhhh . we mi_ght break th_e bed ', Ling cried out In pleasure .

Lana lift her with her groin still intact inside of her and went to the bulge against the wall .

I'm going to destroy your pussy ', Lana whispers into her ears and suddenly in an instant she kept reeling her in and slamming on to her like crazy wild beasts with their driving sweet fragrance filling around the air . Lana kept moving in an incredible speed and power.

ahhhh fuckkk m... ahhhh Ahhhhh.. LanaAA ahhhh Ahhhhh... ; Ling moaned louder and louder. ..Her nails dig deep into Lana's back and her feeble legs were shaking throughout.

She was trapped in her embrace and being rock hard against the wall and her sweet foundation kept overflowing .

Ahhhh ... Ahhhh ... AHHHHH....

Lana was moving out of control and kept thrusting deeper and deeper into her .

Ling I'm coming ... I'm gonna_ book you_ up with _my semen... ; Lana said and panting heavily and heavily.

Ahhh ple_ ase dump it in me I Ahhhhh.. Ahhhh Ahhhh. ..

My thirsty pussy_ is waiting.. Ahhh AHHHH AHHHHH..

Lana kept rooting and roaming around inside her pussy walls . Banging her in all the right spots... plunger into her pussy and ramming her inner core .

Ahhh Ahhh AHHHH AHHHHH.. ; she moaned and came inside of her....

Fuuukkkkkk Ahhhhh Ahhhh ; Ling's eyes rolled back , with a drool trickle down on her bottom lips and was spectacularly rejoiced to be filled up with hot semen , it was like a wave of mind crushing pleasure.

They began to dazed and gaze into each others eyes , like they have mutual attraction with there hearts beating in a strong rhythm. She kissed Lana on the lips and whisper weakly ;

" Please , Mark Me " .

[ * Notice * : Is where the alpha and Omega bite at the juncture between the neck and shoulder. Marking is like a marriage. Where a mated pair essentially mixed their scents. Marking is a way for an alpha to show what's theirs and makes other alphas to not take their omegas.]