Marked [Sweet Moments ]

It was a alluring encompass Day . The sun has settled in and the warm breeze blowing Swiftly . [ 5 : 00 PM ] .

Lana went to her shaded Four Post Platform Tree House to gather her thoughts . The ork tree house has a edible landscape and was Elegantly spacious .

She was curled up on her comfy hammock that was attached to the post below the main deck of the tree house . It was a ideal for her to hang out and catch a breeze on a warm sunny day .

I have marked her ,' she uttered and smiled warmly as swings slightly on the hammock.

[ My senses were on fire and had a maddening desire . My whole body wanted her and needed her . Ling's aroma has the sweetest smell that was undeniably exotic and she is so Fucking beautiful and My heart was pounding so hard as if though it was going to escape my chest entirely . I can't help it but feel the tingling sensations within my skin and butterflies dancing with in stomach , Everytime we touch I feel like my mind was going to explode and the sex is mindblowing. My inner demon that was inside of me was screaming to have her and let no one else claim her . I took that opportunity without a second thought and marked her , she marked me as well . I feel so satisfied and happy at the same time. I just need some time to tell my parents and hopefully they will accept our relationship . ..... ]

Before she could withdraw her mind from its far places , when suddenly Ling interrupted her thoughts . she sneak in from behind and laid next to her .

" What are you thinking about , gorgeous ", Ling blew her warm breath onto her earlobe. Then she caressing traced her fingers on waist , slowly going up to breasts making circular motion onto her nipples . while her other hand reached out to touch her Chin and gently pulled her face to get deep tender kiss.

Lana felt again the rush of helplessness , the sinking yielding , the surging tide of warmth invading her lips . The sweet wetness of tongues tangling , twirling , whirling continually making her mind a blur and drowning into nothingness .

They began to cup each other's red cheeks , kissing hard and fighting for dominance . The Swift gradation of intensity of their bodies cling on each other as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world .

Their tongues were swimming in giddiness , spinning and spun round and round with arms embracing each other to get more intimate and intense.

Lana blushed like a furnace when she suddenly felt her wet tongue being sucked hard and harder , Then a Jammed of ling's wet depressor tongue going down her throat .

Ahh, Don't kiss me like that ', she moaned and pulled away from the kiss.

" How would you like to be kissed , Princess "

You are teasing me ,' Lana said and panted .

" I want you so badly that I can't help myself but ravage you " . she smirked and gave a vulgar expression.

They were both blushing reductantily and gazing into each other eyes.

Ling touched her hot opening lips with a utmost moist tongue was showing , she slipped her fingers inside Lana's sloppy wet tongue and spoke seductively ;

"Next time , I want your tongue inside my pussy " I seriously want to ride on your face ".

Lana was blushing so hard with her heart rate racing in the mid highway point with no return and was speechless that she couldn't make any words to come out of her mouth.

Ling inclined her face towards her and stole another kiss with her soft lips , almost silken and pillowy against hers and their breath softly tickle beneath their noses , her fingers carding through her red hair and slowly her hypered hands practically moves around Lana's body.

Ahh HHH ; wait !!! we have been doing it all day...', Lana moaned .

"I'm so fucken horny and you are just too cute"!!!..

The hammock was swaying and breezeway of warm gentle wind touched their skin . They kissed repeatedly and made arousal sounds . The kiss became more revelation ,an epiphany . They were both enjoying it and was swept away by passion but suddenly Lana had to cut her off .

" Ahhhh Ahhhh wait , wait " Mum_ will be home so_on . Her shifts ha_s been changing frequ_ently and___ " . Lana put both her hands against her lips to prevent her mouth from working her magic but ling took a alternative and licked her hands instead. Lana was feeling emotionally vulnerable towards her and also felt like she was going to step in a mine field if they end up getting caught.

[ Fuck ..... I need to stop this sexy Fox ] ; she thought and pants in a sexual manner.

" Ling " , She screamed to get her attention . Then she grabbed her face and said ;

" I'm going suck your juicy wet pussy and your beautiful butt hole but not right now " .



" Hmmm ....Okay but I want to know how you feel about me . What made you decide to mark me and accept my request willingly ,' She asked shyly and her emotions were inquisitive for a promising answer .

Lana saw her cute innocent expression , took her right hand and kissed it sweetly and spoke ; " You are beautiful . I adore your curves and all your edges .

"Your face is worth more than jewels on the crown ...Your mouth is like a best grape wine , the fragrance of your breath are like sweet apples with your favor flattering tongue being my remedies and potions to my yearning heart.

* smooch , she kisses her lips *

Mmmm ahh ', both moaned deliriously .

She travels each wet kisses on her body as she spoke ; Your lovely neck , piercing ocean blue eyes , cute nose , brunette lustrous hair , well toned waist . Then she slipped her slender fingers through her sexy crop top that has no bra on and saw her pink nipples were visible . she touched her exquisite breasts by jiggling it playfully and delicately kissed on both nipples then she tracing her lips on to her beautiful exposed skin , sucking and kissing softly .

* Both were panting heavily with there hearts beating like crazy and moaning lightly *

"You are so captivating , a skillfully work of art and the fairest among woman. You have stolen my heart and I have claimed this ravishing body with all the love and care that it needs . I will treasure and worship your beautiful body like a temple that has made Chambers in my heart , You're so addictively sweet and I completely surrender to your breathtaking and glorious body " .

Then she took Ling's hand and placed it against her chest . Lana's heart was thumping hard to it's rhythm , like a sound of drums on Melody .

*Ba - Bump , Ba - Bump *

" Do you feel that . It's beats when ever I'm close to you or Everytime we touch . Do I need to explain this burning sensation of emotions . Let me make this clear for you even though it's short crazy moments but I can not deny or escape this feelings , I never felt like this before ". She took a breather to calm her beating heart and gaze into her eyes ...

"I have fallen in love with you " she confessed . Her feeling were mutual and expresses her honest feelings with no sign of regrets.

Ling felt tears rolling down her cheeks . she felt like the right answer that she has been waiting for was making her overwhelming happy . She took her by the collar and clashing on to her lips . Both were having affectionate and passionate deep kiss.

"I love you too " she murmur against her lips.

"You're mine " ; Lana said and smiled happily, she grabbed her ass cheeks then spanked her buttocks . she claimed her mouth like a hurricane with Hot tangling tongues connected , swirling around like a whirlwind and moving back and forth to catch there breath . Kissing fervently for more intimation then Lana slapped her buttocks again to get a response .

" Ahh..ahh Yessss I'm yourssss " . Ling moaned and was filled with joy.

Then there kisses began to become slow , tenderly and infinitely more . It was like they were getting to know there intimate level. Both became breathless and dazzed when they parted , a string of scaling saliva attached to there mouth , snapped.


We have to go inside and wait for mom . we can do this later . okay ... ; Lana said then kissed her head in a reassuring way .

Ling smiled and cuddled to her warm embrace as they went into the house.

[ Thanks for your support and comments. it's really nice and appreciated 🌹 I'll make time to write for you all ]

stay tuned for more chapters.