The Darkest Of Roses VII

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Chapter 65: The Darkest Of Roses VII



"Oh... I see."

Dragos was sitting on the bed, butt naked though he was using the blanket to cover himself a bit. Next to him was a woman, perhaps a prostitute.

Layla got the gist of the situation. The henchman's scream interrupted the action though she still didn't see how such action is possible with how morbidly obese the man is.

"It's alright. I am here for the girl." Layla gently spoke as she started making her way toward him with her hands behind her back.

Like before, she used Ian's signature move of distraction, making them confused as she approached them. It would've gone perfectly if not for the prostitute's scream of horror.

Layla had closed the door behind her, making sure they don't see what they shouldn't, albeit the poor henchmen were bleeding to such an extent that the puddles of their blood expanded passed the door's threshold into the room.

Layla let out a sigh though she wasn't worried. Dragos seemed like an idiot to her as he didn't bother bringing a gun out at the scream of his subordinate.

"What do you want!?" Dragos leaped back in fright and nervousness at the sight of blood.

"I want her," Layla gently spoke as she eyed the woman, and Dragos was quick to act as he pushed the frightened prostitute towards her, "Yyes, please just take her and leave me alone!"

The prostitute was pushed with such a force that she stumbled her steps and fell to the ground, hurting her knees in the process, tears of fright and pain were falling down her face as Layla crouched close to her and caressed her hair with her blood-filled hands, "It's fine. Everything is going to be alright."

Layla stood up a second later, leaving another expanding blood pool behind her as she approached Dragos who finally regained some of his wits and tried to reach out for the gun on the table.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" Alas, he found his hand stuck on the table as Layla's dagger went right through it.

The man almost passed out in pain, but he still had enough strength to speak a few last cries, "Ahh Aaa God no please no!! Wha hav I done to u!!!!"

"You were the first to jump on destroying my lovely home." And finally, a bit of emotion surfaced on her face, slight anger, "You destroyed something dear to me... It might all be a part of his plan, but that doesn't make it any less painful, so please bear my anger."

She didn't wait for him to respond as she pulled the knife out of his hand and started chaotically stabbing him in his chest and face. In contrast to her previous meticulous cuts, these ones were stabs of pure emotions without any meticulousness to them.

Layla let out a sigh as she took off her baggy dress. It was drenched in blood by this point which was easily anticipated by her as she had another dress underneath, only God knows how she was able to move with such swiftness while wearing such clothes.

She still had her gloves on as she threw the Rose she brought with her on the bed with the dress and lit it up on fire. The fire spread extremely quickly, all due to the flammable chemicals on the Rose and the dress, it was almost like a ritual.

'I feel better... Now I can serve him better with a clear mind. Thank you father, due to your training, I can be more valuable. I guess even the most worthless of trash can do a good thing sometimes.' The gentlest of Roses was in actuality the darkest of Roses.

Layla left the building in utter silence, leaving behind her a silent massacre without any clues to her identity. The authorities only arrived after a significant part of the place was burned down.

Her actions led Ian to call off a certain operation of his as it became unnecessary, and he didn't have to wonder for long who did the deed because Layla told him herself through a message.

Ian traced his fingers along his black diamond ring with a smile of amusement on his face, "Of course, you will grow up fucked up if you spent most of your life in a cult, let alone if you were the leader's daughter with much responsibilities."

Ian eyed his dear ring again, remembering something, "Right, I forgot to give you a name... Dark Rose. Simple and it sounds pleasing to the ears."

He blinked and in his hands appeared a strange folded scroll. It used to take him a while to summon something from his ring but as he fed it more of his life force, it became easier and easier to control.

The scroll in his hand was bizarre, to say the least. It looked like a combination of several pieces of torn papers, assembled together to form the scroll before him.

It was held together by what looked like a burning fire, a crimson fire with black vines all over it. Despite how ancient the scrolls look, it was almost indestructible, not even the fire of hell can burn it for it was partially made by it though it was made with black flames before that.

'Combining the fire of hell with the black flames of the underworld, absolutely brilliant though it's something that can only be done with a being as demonic as Trigon.

I am at least thankful the scroll didn't summon Trigon or get his attention so soon. Perhaps it's because of me? Because of my bizarre soul?

After all, Neron wasn't able to detect the deal I made with Beelzebub on my soul or in my body, and I was counting on that... Did the contract even take effect on me in the first place? Am I bound by its rules?'

Ian caressed the gorgeous scroll, its fire having no effect on him though he didn't open it. He knows what would happen if he opened it, and he isn't worried about his safety but how much unnecessary destruction it would cause.

'However, a lot of expected things aren't happening. I expected people to look for me by now for the Kryptonian incident. I did take a few alien technologies after all, yet no one came despite there being witnesses at the time... Someone is covering for me.

The problem is the lack of action. Another example would be Zatanna. She has yet to find me despite almost two weeks passing since we met. She should be suspicious of me, right? She really should, else how can I use her?'

Ian let out a sigh before thinking of one last person, 'Then there is Ivy, I really wanted to work with her. We would be a great team considering how my power seems to rejuvenate her and even strengthen her, yet she disappeared for so long... Just what the fuck is happening.'

The good thing about what had happened is that there wasn't much destruction aside from the Cat's rest. After all, the crime families wouldn't want to thoroughly destroy what could be their territory in the future.

Moreover, the Rose of peace remained strong and continued with its operation without much trouble. The Rose territory also remained relatively peaceful, all within Ian's expectations.

If he stayed, the crime families and his enemies would've had a target to go after, a goal to pursue. His disappearance disrupted their plans as they found that all they had to do is to destroy the symbol of the Roses, the Cat's rest.

They saw no purpose to cause more destruction as their goal was Ian, and there was only so much time they can wait and remain cautious before their greed control them.

Or perhaps it was the fall of the Ibanescu family, a very small family but one of them nonetheless. The mysterious circumstances of its fall forced them to do exactly what Ian wants.

"Are you really not joining?" The one to speak was none other than Superman himself, the symbol of hope. He was in an entirely different city in what looked like an advanced facility.

He wasn't alone, many were around him, but he was paying the most attention to the man walking away, Batman.

"I am not a people person. I rather continue to do what I do best. It's just better for everyone that way, but I'll be on call if something happens."

Batman didn't halt his steps but continued leaving them with those words.

The six remaining people in the room looked at each other before letting out a sigh themselves.

"He seems like the stubborn kind, so it makes sense... but," One of them, a woman spoke. She was attired in a shield-like vest, a skirt to go with it, a tiara with the star emblem, handcuffs, and boots to finish her look. Her name was Diana, or as everyone knows her, Wonder Woman.

"We'll have to get him to be a people person I guess?" Superman added.

"Yaghihalottdsy!" A man wearing a red suit with a flash symbol on the chest spoke some nonsense before disappearing from where he stood as he was never there.

"He said 'Yeah am going home. I have a lot of things to do, see you.'" Superman alleviated most of the heroes in the room's confusion though his face was still twitching at Flash's behavior.

"This doesn't feel like a league at all. I guess it will take time, until then, I also have a lot of things to do." Green lantern shrugged his shoulders before flying away better than a better ever could.

"Justice league huh..."

Batman was in a hurry. He had to go back to Gotham as he had this gut feeling that something bad is going to happen, especially with the recent circumstances and the disappearance of Ian... Alas, he was too late.

. .

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-------------- 1275 Stones for an extra chapter!!---------------