Void Convention Of Evilness

About every like ten chapters or whenever I feel like it, I'll post a similar chapter to this where I present an idea, question, or a viewpoint for everyone to debate. You're free to participate and feed me ideas and knowledge, or you can just skip the chapter. (The answers should be Just about DC)

Most evil deed done by a villain?

Most evil deed done by a superhero? (Preferably when not in a controlled state or something similar, out of their own free will.)

A bit spicy huh? Well, let's take it a step further.

What superheroes or villains you hate the most? Why?

For me, it has to be the Batman who laughs, I loved him at first. His character was great and interesting, but it got ridiculous at some point (Dc just milking characters.) I finally had it with him when he 'Outsmarted' Perpetua, the multiverse creator found him somehow trustworthy despite reading his mind? It gets even dumber from then as he acquires Dr, Manhattan's powers and so much more... Sigh. Just fuck off.

Btw, we're close to the required amount for an extra chapter, so feed me your stones! Only about 525 to go!!