Eon Pokemon

The movie ended for the second time.

Both Kai and the old woman had watched it two times with their utmost concentration. Meg kept filling in Kai using her experience, dissecting the movie part by part. By the end of the 3 hours time limit, Kai had got a pretty good gist of the movie and its setting.

This city was Alto Mare (-City of Water-), an isolated island south of Azalea Town, Johto Region. The city was guarded by two legendary Pokemon, Latios (male) and Latias (female), also known widely as the Eon Pokemon. In the past, the father of these two Pokemon had saved the city from an evil trainer and his evil Pokemon, who wanted to flood the city. The father Latios had given his life to save the city by turning it into a water city. When that Latios died, it had left a jewel, called Soul Dew, containing his spirit.

The entire movie's plot revolved around this jewel and a machine called, Defense Mechanism of Alto Mare (DMA), which could be powered using the Soul Dew. One could use the DMA to control the entire city. And the same was done by two Team Rocket members, Annie and Oakley, by stealing Soul Dew and the male Latios in the movie (-the son of the Latios who had died before-). Ash, along with his friends and the female Pokemon, Latias, helped the legendary Pokemon and brought the two girls, Annie and Oakley, to justice.

In the end, the male Latios died anyway, saving the city from an enormous tsunami caused by the destruction of the Soul Dew from a surge of evil energy.

"That should sum it up," said Meg, repeating the words into Kai's ears.

The notification had already occupied Kai's mind.


You have triggered a Side Mission

Main Mission: Three heads of the Targaryen Dragon

Side Mission: The birth of Viserion

Side Mission Summary: 11 months after the events of the movie. Peace has returned to the water city, Alto Mare. With the death of legendary Pokemon, Latios, a new Soul Dew now sits on the altar within the sacred pool of the Secret Garden. The remaining legendary Pokemon, Latias, now guards the city, and another pair of young Latios and Latias lives with her in the Secret Garden.

The Alto Mare Museum exhibits the DMA machine, along with the fossils of the evil Pokemon, Aerodactyl and Kabutops, that attacked the city in the past. Their fossils can be seen embedded into the Museum's floor. Unknown to the Museum Curator, Lorenzo, and his granddaughter, Bianca, there rests another, but a more archaic fossil in the depths of the same floor.

A cream-golden dragon's petrified egg from another world, magically hidden in the past.

Side Mission Objective: Use the DMA machine to bring the egg out of the confines of the magic into the Museum's floor.

Side Mission Time Limit: 2 months

Side Mission Hint: Not one but two

Do you accept the side-mission?


Kai accepted it.

Another notification followed it then.


Contestant Kai Stormborn, this is your first time in the Pokemon World.

You must take notice of the following things:

1. You can only capture Wild Pokemon

2. You can only take captured Pokemon with you out of the random world using Pokeballs

3. Eating Pokemon will not affect your Stats

4. A sum of 100 Pokemon Dollars is given to you as an allowance


"What does it mean, eating Pokemon will not affect your Stats?" Kai asked.

Meg smiled elegantly. "Where do you think we are?" she questioned him. "In the world of Pokemon, every animal is a magical beast."

Kai almost gaped, hearing that. 'Yes, this is a place where people eat magical beasts as common food,' he thought. 'If Contestants could get affected by this food, it would have been hard to prevent worldwide slaughters.'

But one thing puzzled him.

"The people here seemed normal to me, though," Kai commented. "Shouldn't they be much stronger than average adult Contestant?"

"They look normal," Meg agreed. "But they have a monstrous level of Intelligence. It's hidden within them, in their souls. That's why they easily create bonds with magical creatures, and that's why we, the Contestants, can't perceive it."

Kai's eyes trembled as Meg mentioned souls.

"So?" Meg asked, sitting next to him on the sofa. "What's the Mission?"

Kai looked at her oddly. By now, she had told him about the powers of her Pokemon. Squirtle was a water-type Pokemon and (-her Squirtle-) could use three powerful attacks: Water Gun, Hydro Pump, and Water Pulse. For defense, it could hide within its shell.

Kai didn't know how one could remotely call those things as powerful. He didn't look down on the Pokemon. Kai still remembered the mud attack from the Pokemon Ekans, which had sent both Shae and Simon flying. But that was then, and this was now. With his targets becoming more dangerous every time, and the missions getting intricate, these low-level attacks were useless to him.

"We are in the same city," Kai said, handpicking his words. "11 months from the movie timeline, to be exact. My mission is related to that DMA machine."

Meg raised her eyebrow, almost asking for more details.

Kai looked away, instead. "How can I become a Pokemon Trainer?" he demanded. "Given that I am not young enough to just barge into a research lab and get one."

Meg let out an audible sigh. "I don't know," she admitted, standing up. "Those were the only two methods I know of. The movie didn't mention any research lab in this city either."

In the movie, they had only seen the Pokemon Center. Ash and his friends had used the bunk beds on the second floor. On the first floor, there were single rooms for lodging.

"Very well," Kai said. "I am giving a Side Mission to you. Go out and find everything you can about the nearest research lab and how to get a Pokemon. Also, find out the major things that would happen in the city within the next month. Report back to me by dinner."

Just as Kai finished declaring, a detailed Side Mission appeared to Meg, he could tell.

"Yes, captain," the old woman said, walking for the door immediately.

Just when she was about to go out, Kai called to her. "Wait," he said, tapping his fingers on the sofa's arm. "If I were to kill everyone in the city, people and Pokemon alike, then what do you reckon will happen?"

Meg looked at him, her mouth opening and closing. There was a heavy silence and tension in the room, and Kai's casual question seemed to turn the pleasant atmosphere dark and bloody.

"You aren't serious, right?" she asked, dumbfounded.

"Haha!" Kai guffawed. "Of course not. I am just curious."

Meg's face didn't look as if she believed him. But she answered him, anyway. "You can do it," she said. "If your Main Mission Time Limit is about to be over, you might just get away with it. But many things can go wrong. Before long, Officer Jenny would show up with a task force of Pokemon Trainers and Pokemon. If you aren't powerful enough to kill them and get captured, then the mission's time will keep on expanding until you serve the prison time, or die in the prison, for all Chaos cares."

"What if I am powerful enough to kill them?" Kai asked coolly. "There is no harm in making assumptions."

Meg's breasts were heaving up and down from nervousness. "In that case, you can continue killing more and more," she said, wetting her throat with a gulp. "Eventually, and undoubtedly, a Mythical Pokemon would descend and kill you."

Kai smiled. "OK," he said. "You can go."

The old woman nodded and walked out. When he made sure that she was truly gone, Kai's smile vanished, turning into an ugly scowl.

"What do you think?" Kai asked. Petyr's blurry figure walked out of him, solidifying as he took a seat on the sofa. He was wearing his usual clothes, a black doublet over black breeches and black shoes. Even before changing his attire, Kai had used the Primordial Theater to imbue life into the tale, the Herald of Chaos.

Using the act, Relentless Love, and letting Petyr assimilate within him had become an automated task for Kai. Petyr had watched and heard everything. He put his left leg over the right and chuckled.

"I think," the character whispered, "my lord should solve his problems first rather than thinking of plausible reasons that you can give to the System to kill that old woman."


AN: Hey, guys! I think I have explained the necessary points of the movie's plot in the simplest of the language. Still, if you didn't understand, do ask in the comments. I will explain the major things again when the time comes. Don't worry about it, anyway. We have too much time to actually needing anything from the movie.