Spinning Duos

Kai sat in the middle of the room in a meditative position.

A silvery mist came slithering out of his closed left eye, took the form of a white serpent, and yawned, adjusting her fangs. A light trail of blood trickled from the corner of her mouth, suggesting she must have had her lunch just now.


-Sleep- she said.

Kai opened his eyes, and two narrow reptilian slits greeted his surroundings coldly. His body was red hot, emanating pulses of boiling steam that blurred his body. Suddenly, a burst of coldness exploded out of him. The red color of his body receded a little, and the steam leaving his body liquefied, wetting him like sweat. A white-blue frost covered the solidified form of the Ghost Serpent, freezing her body.

In the next moment, she returned to her mist form, using Intangibility, and the frosted particles dropped to the floor.

Kai opened his mouth, the muscles in his throat contracting like twisted wires.


-Go- he said, almost turning his hissing into a word.

The mist slithered to the part below his navel and coiled into a tiny ball of condensed coldness.

'Selene is eating a lot these days, as I had expected,' Kai thought. 'The Contestants below the 2nd Set are just a stronger version of common people. From the 4th floor onwards, though, they truly enter the path of magical bodies. Though not of good quality, 4th-floor Contestants can serve as a cheap substitute for magical flesh.'

Kai had thought of this before cutting apart Heavy Block and turning him into meatballs. He wanted Selene to grow up as soon as she could by letting her eat better food. Neither Selene nor Kai knew what was the condition for her growth. But remembering that she was but a child, Kai figured out that she needed what all children need as a part of their growth process. A good diet.

'I wonder if she has any restriction on eating Pokemon and benefiting from it,' Kai wondered, a devious beam of light shining out of his slitted pupils.

4 hours had passed since Meg left. Kai and Petyr had scoured the movie many times over by now. Meg had dissected it, but these two had ripped the plot's soul apart, putting forward schemes more vicious than each other. Kai turned his head to look at Petyr, who was still watching the movie for the umpteenth time.

'He is right,' Kai sighed. 'I should focus on my own problems for now, and not on leveling up my Traitor-Title Status.'

Unlike Meg, who was just here to complete her mission, Kai had many things to do within this Side Mission. Killing 4th-floor Contestants, leveling up his Proficiencies, Titles, and Dementor's blood essence, watching over Selene, and now, becoming a Pokemon Trainer. The movie came as the most obvious god's blessing to him, and that too, at the right time.

With the help of the movie, Kai could find out the data on Artifacts available in the city. He had already found out the easiest Milestones he could complete by paying a price of 150 Mission Credits. It had all the stuff Kai had expected, and much more, always taking a darker turn at the end.

"Your plan might work, my lord," Petyr said. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Kai had made a preliminary plan the moment he had seen the movie for the first time. After watching it many times over, he hadn't changed it, instead its roots had only gone deeper into him.

"Heh!" Kai sniggered. "Why wouldn't I?"

Though they didn't mention what this plan was, Petyr and Kai exchanged a glance before breaking it for good. "I think I have found the solution for the trouble of Emotions Manipulation," Kai mumbled. "Mother always used to say that if you are having issues figuring out something from outside, then look within. I will do just that."

"What? I hope you are not planning to become a hermit, my lord," Petyr jested.

Kai didn't deign to reply. "From tomorrow, I will go to the Pokemon Center's hall during the daytime," he declared. "There, I will use my bond with Selene as an anchor to keep my urges to devour happiness from flaring up. Keeping myself in the company of so many Pokemon will also smother the will of my Glitch to just devour them by exhaustion. Hmm, it's the hardest, but the quickest, way to be done with it."

"And what will you do in the nighttime?" Petyr asked, but he had already put his head into the movie by the end of the sentence.

The corners of Kai's mouth arched up.

'My nights are already booked,' he thought. 'But before making any further plans, I must do two things.'

"Disappear when you are done going through the last part. I need Cersei," Kai told Petyr. To Chaos, he said, "Create a Side Mission to Kill the nearest 4th-floor Contestant of Order. Adjust Mission Summary accordingly."


Analyzing the Contestant's Stats…

Analyzation Complete

Creating Side Mission…

You have triggered a Side Mission

Main Mission: Three heads of the Targaryen Dragon

Side Mission: Kill the Spinning Duos

Side Mission Summary: The Spinning Duos are tasked to get a batch of Pokeballs handmade by Pokeball expert, Kurt of Azalea Town of the Johto Region. Their mission includes kidnapping Kurt's granddaughter Maizie and ransoming her for the Pokeballs.

Side Mission Objective: Kill the Spinning Duos

Side Mission Time Limit: before 15th June

Side Mission Hint: 3-2-1

Do you accept the side-mission?


'15th June,' Kai eyed the date. 'Today is 1st June. So, I have only 13 days left. I don't even know where this Azalea Town is. Not to mention, the Duos suggest that there are two of them. Two 4th-floor Contestants? And what the hell is wrong with this hint?'

But the question that puzzled Kai the most was why there weren't any 4th-floor Contestants in this town?

Kai took out the book, bringing out Koffing's blood essence and his supply of filthy meatballs. "Primordial Theater!" he called out, opening the book to the Lioness of Casterly Rock. When the smoky veil parted and she came out, Kai found her wreathing in anger and disgust.

'Now what?' Kai scowled. "What happened?" he asked, sending the book to Inventory.

Cersei glared at him. She was wearing a lovely turquoise gown, and her hair was down like a golden waterfall. But on her face was fury, and that somehow made her look lovelier. "I wanted to see the Diagon Alley," she complained. "Do you think I can't do what Petyr can do for you?"

'Where is this coming from?' Kai felt annoyed. "All characters have their acts to play, Cersei," he said, trying to placate her. "You did a great job with Heavy Block, didn't you? I couldn't have called you in the Diagon Alley, anyway. You are too beautiful and too remarkable than two simple men walking down an alley."

Cersei blushed. "But I want to do more. I can…"

"Enough! I don't have time for bullshit," Kai snapped. "Blood Prophecy!"