Fossil Pokemon and Disaster

The trick to this phase was to incapacitate all the three legendary Pokemon to such a heinous degree that not one of them could sacrifice oneself alone to save the city from the impending peril.

Kai looked at them all with a stony expression. There was no mercy in his heart. No sympathy, no empathy, no love, and no hate. These were magical beasts, and even if they were magical humans, Kai would have used them the same. At this moment, it didn't matter why they had come into this world, for what purpose, and for what holy reason.

All that mattered to Kai was that they must die together.

The adult Latias let out another painful howl as DMA sucked out over half of her remaining power. The floor area, where the fossils of the ancient Pokemon were embedded into the stones, lit up with an uncanny, ghostly blue light, and the fossil left the floor, taking shape of their previous self, which once had terrorized the town.

These were the Fossil Pokemon. Aerodactyl and Kabutops.

Aerodactyl was a dual Rock and Flying-type Fossil Pokemon. It was a pterosaurian, bipedal Pokemon, with several draconic features. Kabutops, on the other hand, was a rock and water-type Fossil Pokemon with two long sickle-like claws.

Both Fossil Pokemon let out trembling roars as they gained shape. Aerodactyl took itself to air as if none was worthy enough to fly in its presence. Kabutops buzzed, brandishing its razor-sharp claws, cutting the very air. It let out a rattling noise through its exoskeleton, and disappeared, leaving behind a brownish shadow; such was its speed.


The Fossil Pokemon have been resurrected for 15 minutes.

The user can only give one order to each of them in the beginning for the rest of their time limit.


'So this is how it is,' Kai noted. 'Well, I already have individual orders ready for them.'

The screen in front of him lit up as if waiting for his orders. Kai took a deep breath and word by word commanded the Fossil Pokemon. -/Aerodactyl, keep attacking the young Latios without mortally wounding him. Make sure it doesn't get to help his sister and the adult Latias./- To Kabutops he said, -/Stand by near the circular-mark under the adult Latias. The moment she comes out of the cage of metallic rings, sever her arms and wings./-

Both Fossil Pokemon roared in acceptance.

Aerodactyl stirred itself, firing a Hyper Beam to cut the young Latios' flight path. It then followed with powerful bites, several wing slashes, and then another Hyper Beam. Like a machine, it let itself loose in pursuit of the young Latios, injuring the legendary Pokemon whenever it slipped up.

Kabutops was more silent. It flashed from its position and appeared where Kai had ordered it to appear. It spread its sickle-like arms wide and became a statue, waiting for the exact moment of the adult Latias' escape.

Kai leaned back on his spherical seat and marveled at the chaos borne by his actions. Now he needed to wait. His gaze went down to the Soul Dew and saw that the red hue about it had almost overpowered its natural shimmering blue color. The moment the adult Latias would escape her prison forcefully, it would cause a short circuit, overloading the DMA. The Soul Dew would then turn completely red, becoming an evil, demonic item, rather than a sacred jewel.

In the movie, when one member of Team Rocket had touched that red Soul Dew, it had burst apart, resulting in the Tsunami.

Kai lusted for that moment.

He leisurely observed Bianca running around here and there, throwing rocks at the blurry, spherical boundary that was keeping the adult Latias imprisoned within it. The young Latias kept bombarding the same boundary with her head, wings, arms, and several moves, tiring herself out.

On the other side, Aerodactyl had shown the young Latios who was the true lord of the skies. The Fossil Pokemon's steel-like legs had gripped Latios' neck, slamming into a wall.

-Ah!- Kai hissed in pleasure. -This is bliss, isn't it, Selene?-

Selene was within him, her life dwindling by a thread, he could feel it. But Kai wasn't overly worried about it. She had served him well. She was his Item, his saber. And Kai knew well enough how to keep an edge on his sabers.

'She will be rewarded,' Kai almost promised to himself. 'She will be rewarded well.'

Kai closed his eyes for one fleeting moment, and the time skipped itself.

A loud bang jolted him out of his nap, his eyes moist but clear. Kai rubbed the drool at the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand as he saw the young Latios getting blasted away by a Hyper Beam. Aerodactyl hadn't come unscathed out of this fight, either. Its body was covered with ice, and there were signs of scorched flesh all over its body.

But Kai's interest lay in the events happening on the ground. The combined efforts of Bianca and a haggard-looking young Latias had breached the rotating metallic rings. The cage had come down to the ground but hadn't stopped working yet. Though, there was a gap in its blurry boundary, through which they were pulling out the adult Latias little by little.

Kai beamed, licking his lips.

The moment seemed to have arrived. Kai knew the Fossil Pokemon would disappear once the DMA machine loses its power source, whether the time limit of 15 minutes was over, or not. He just hoped Kabutops would live up to its name and the rumored sharpness of its claws.

He jumped off the control panel, knowing well that it was dangerous with the DMA going haywire after the short circuit. His long, blue tail smashed on the ground, crushing rubble at the merest touch.

"Come on!" Bianca pulled with her entire strength, helping the young Latias. "Ugh!"

One last pull and the adult Latias almost got thrown out.

All things happened at once then.

Red lightning thundered around the DMA as it went haywire, losing its power source abruptly. Kabutops, its figure becoming blurry, dashed, brandishing its claws, and hacked at the fallen adult Latias. The legendary Pokemon wailed shrilly, as thick blood spurted out, painting Bianca's face red .

"NO!" Bianca's throat burst into a saddened and horrified roar upon seeing that. Both young legendary Pokemon let out hoarse, painful coos, rushing towards the adult Latias.

The Fossil Pokemon vanished, becoming small ghostly, blue light.

Kai approached the Soul Dew, which was now letting out a menacing, red, demonic light. From afar, it felt like a red bubble, just on the verge of bursting out with a loud pop. From the movie, Kai knew it required a human touch for it to blow up.

He steeled himself and extended his hand.

"What are you doing?!" Bianca bellowed from his left. "Don't touch it. It will cause disaster."

'Silly girl!' Kai sneered, his finger touching the Evil Jewel. 'Haven't you realized yet? I am Disaster.'



AN: Following images are available on Discord --

- Aerodactyl, its size comparison, and its fossil

- Kabutops, its size comparison, and its fossil

One more chapter today.