Outer One

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Kai coughed out blood as he slammed into the wall.

He slid down and fell face-front on the floor. Kai couldn't fathom why the blast was so powerful, as he thumped his chest for air. In the movie, touching the Evil Soul Dew had thrown the Team Rocket member only a few dozen feet away.

Kai shook his head heavily and stood up. He had lost half his HP in this single blast, but he decided against taking another HP capsule, as there was no immediate need for it. Yet, the tiredness was distorting his expressions now, becoming a mask of annoyance on his face. He dragged his feet towards the DMA. Red lightning bolts were thundering around it, and all traces of any Soul Dew had vanished.

Kai looked towards the group of legendary Pokemon then and frowned.

The adult Latias was bleeding profusely, but it seemed Kabutops had failed to cut her arms. Only her wings were lying on the ground beside her. The two young legendary Pokemon hovered around her, cooing, their flight path dwindling as if they could fall to the ground at any moment.

Kai had finally tired all of them out.

The adult Latias cooed meekly, looking at the two young Pokemon. Bianca's tears knew no bounds, flowing out like unending rivers. Her arms were around Latias, her head almost buried in her feathers.

Latias cooed again, now more determined than before. Kai guessed she was urging them to take her outside when he saw the young pair of Latios and Latias landing on the ground. Bianca helped the adult legendary Pokemon climb the backs of the two young Pokemon. It took both the smaller Pokemon to lift the larger Latias, even after she had lost her wings.

They flew her out of the museum, followed by a hopeless Bianca.

Kai followed her, but not before storing the huge red wings of the Latias in his MRB, preserving the flesh and the magical blood within them.

The city seemed to have woken up with people coming out of their homes. The horror on their faces was only lower than the terror in their eyes. Once again after a year, the water was receding, abandoning the city for the greater mass of the water outside its boundary.

The ocean had called for it. But they knew the water would return, and it would return with such a fury that there would be no surviving it.

When they could even see the sea floor surrounding the city, the entire city quaked.

From the distant horizon, Kai saw a white sheet rising towards the sky. The sky had gained a purple-orange hue, and the first red-golden light of the day was just on the horizon. But the white sheet buried that light too. The ground rumbled more and more, as the distant white became blue and then bluer. It didn't take long for all to see a stupendously high wave coming for the town, charging at it like the cavalry riding on sea horses.

It was their inevitable doom, their nightmare.

It was a Tsunami.

"Latias, NO! Don't go!" Bianca cried. "Please don't…"

Kai smirked. Finally, his plans were coming to fruition. If he wasn't so damn tired, then Kai wondered if he could even hold back a laugh.

High in the air, the three legendary Pokemon turned to give Bianca a deary look, cooing at her lovingly. A goodbye. Blood dripped off the adult Latias' stumps where her wings used to be. The ground quaked again, and now they could hear a distant rumble as if thousands of humongous beasts were coming towards them.

The two young Pokemon gave a last look to Bianca and then flew away, carrying the adult Latias on their back.

The scene almost touched Kai's heart.

'Maybe I should have killed this girl too,' he thought, sneering. 'They wouldn't have wasted so much time then.'

Kai took some solace upon seeing that the Pokemon were glowing silver like three tiny stars as they rushed towards the Tsunami, which seemed to have reached an incomprehensible height, blotting the sky. All sounds became a low buzz in people's ears now that they could see the Tsunami as clear as anything. The wall of water felt almost reaching for the clouds, and what lay in its path it would annihilate without precedence. All knew.

None screamed, though. No single local ran away. No child cried, and no couple embraced themselves in a last hug.

'Such belief?' Kai was astounded as he sensed the enormous faith of the town's people in the Eon Pokemon. 'How foolish!'

The three tiny stars then became one point of hope and merged into the Tsunami.

Kai's eyes squinted as that point expanded, becoming a massive star, shining silver and blue. The entire length of the giant wave broke apart as people let out hysterical, booming cheers. The water from the ocean returned in many small waves, flooding the entire city.

In the distance, the massive silver star blurred, losing its shine. And when it looked as if it would go out, an even brighter pillar of light exploded out of it, going up and beyond the bluish sky.

Kai smiled upon seeing that. This pillar of light meant that the legendary Pokemon had sacrificed themselves. Kai had made sure that the adult Latias was in no state to thwart the Tsunami by sacrificing herself alone. So either all three had seemed to sacrifice themselves or two of the three.

'It doesn't matter,' Kai snickered. 'As long as I get to have a stronger Soul Dew.'

Suddenly, a harsh, admonishing voice reached Kai's ears.

"It was you!" Bianca cried, her eyes almost red and dry. "You creature! What have you done? What did Latias ever do to you? What are you, monster? You Evil Pokemon!"

Kai's eyes widened. His jaw fell open, and his entire body shivered. His flailing tail came to a sudden stunned stop.

'What the…?!' Kai's lips parted, but no sound came out. Nor a hiss. Never had Kai been shocked by something before in such a dumbfounded manner.

These changes weren't because of Bianca's look or her words.

They were because of the notification flashing in front of his eyes.


Congratulations Kai Stormborn…

You have unlocked a new Stat: Cosmic Authority

Cosmic Authority:

1. The Evil Pokemon of Alto Mare (Grade: Heroic)

Cosmic Authority Lore:

"The Devastating Despair

The Blue-skinned Demon

The Unforgivable Cursed One"

You have unlocked a New Title…

Title: Outer One

Specification: Collect 3 Lores of Heroic Grade

Status: (1/3)

Effect: An Epithet

Note: Only 1 Title can be equipped at a time



AN: Following images are available on Discord

- Tsunami, size comparison, and three legendary Pokemon combining their powers

- the pillar of light going beyond the sky