Resonance of Love - the call of Hearts

AN: To read ahead, consider becoming a Patron and support the work. 2 Patrons to go to meet this month's target. Haha! Enjoy and have fun!!!

(2 days break, guys. Chapter update will resume on the third day.) - gomen


4 days later,

ToW - 2nd Stage

Kai blew onto the wooden pieces glowing hot, and fire came roaring out, trying to lick his face. Across the fire, Shinobu was seated in a meditative pose, her breath misting, coiling around her.

Over the fire, a rabbit was propped up, its flesh smelling of hunger and promised deliciousness.

They couldn't remember who among them had woken up first. But when they came to their senses, Kai, with Nezuko on his back and Shinobu in his arms, was walking towards a distant hill covered in snow. Even the storm had ceased by then.

In sheer deliriousness, Kai had constructed a makeshift hut by drying the sodden wood and straw using Magic. By the time he came to his senses yesterday, his injuries had all but healed, and he had found Shinobu sitting in the same state as of now.

However, Kai wasn't as aloof about the process taking place within her as before.

Shinobu was among the few Demon Slayers who could use Total Concentration: Constant, a Breathing state that one could maintain during the morning, noon, and night, and even while asleep.

There was an immense difference in strength, speed, and stamina between someone who could maintain Total Concentration Breathing at all times and someone who could not. Not to mention, when coupled with Recovery Breathing, it allowed one to heal faster and return to an optimum state in the least time possible.

So when Kai saw the blue, black, and green shadow of death on Shinobu's stomach fading little by little, it didn't surprise him.

Kai looked into the fire, and the flames dancing within it made him recall the notifications he had received that night, which he had ignored in the heat of the battle.

The very first notification had confirmed all the things told to him by Shadow Origin about the Verse Fusion Random World.


Contestant Kai Stormborn, you can sacrifice your Abilities — Advance Twin-Saber Style and Advance Slither Steps, to get an Elementary Ability.

Such Elementary Abilities will be several steps higher in terms of quality and will be more aligned to the Contestant's nature.

Do you agree to sacrifice the said Abilities?


With one thought, his two most prized Abilities had melted away, becoming one; something more than just an ordinary combination.


You have sacrificed your Abilities — Advance Twin-Saber Style and Advance Slither Steps.

Give a name to the newly created Ability.


'I will call this,' Kai had said ethereally, 'Total Concentration Selfless Breathing.'

Somehow, the Systems found the name too long, so they shortened it, to Kai's chagrin.


You have created a brand new Ability — Elementary Selfless Breathing

Congratulations Contestant Kai Stormborn…

You have achieved a Milestone

Milestone: Create your own Ability for the first time

Milestone Rewards: +10 Worth


However, it wasn't the last notification Kai had gotten that night.


Congratulations Contestant Kai Stormborn…

You have achieved a Milestone

Milestone: Kill the Upper Rank Three, Akaza, from the Twelve Kizuki

Milestone Rewards: +3 Strength, +3 Agility, +3 Stamina

Congratulations Contestant Kai Stormborn…

You have unlocked 1 Title

Title: Selfless Hashira

Specification: Undergo the Hashira-level Demon Slayer Corps' Training, get chosen by a current Hashira as successor, and then kill at least 1 Upper Rank Demon from the Twelve Kizuki


1. Demon Slayer Corps' Training - Process (0%)

2. Successor of a current Hashira - Insect Hashira, Shinobu Kocho

3. Upper Rank Demon Kill Count - (1/1)


1. Charisma +20 (for Demon Slayers), -50 (for Demons)

2. Demon Slayer Marks +1 (an additional mark, if already awakened)

3. Probability of achieving Transparent World Comprehension +10%

4. Skill: Undying Breath


Even after seeing the ridiculous Status and Effect of the Title, created only for him perhaps, Kai couldn't take his eyes off the Milestone.

How strong Akaza was for Kai to get a Milestone just for killing him? Would the rest of the Upper Rank Demons also give him a Milestone then?

9 Active Attributes!

Even if they had come from Kai's Set Quota, he couldn't ignore such a massive gain. It was like the Systems were telling him - Now that you have killed such an absurd being, have the Stats that reflect it as well.

No one could deny that all these notifications, including the massive 10 points in Worth, were worthy of Verse Fusion Random World. It did incline toward Kai's nature of taking high risks for higher rewards.

However, it wasn't the time to evaluate all his gains and losses, Kai knew. Not now.

He sighed and looked up and found Shinobu secretly peeking at him. Yet, the moment she noticed Kai looking at her, she closed her eyes and snorted.

The corner of Kai's mouth twitched, a rueful smile surfacing on his thin lips.

Shinobu had said not one word to Kai after waking up. On the first day, when she had regained momentary consciousness in his arms, Kai had recounted the events related to him and the demon to her. When he mentioned him creating a new Breathing Style, Shinobu's dead eyes had flickered, filled with great amazement, wonder, and if Kai had seen it true, admiration.

But it was Kai's ambush that angered her the most, he could tell.

A vein kept popping up on her head now and then, and Kai knew it was the times she was recalling his strike, her eyes looking at him over her shoulder.

"I am sorry we will not reach the Entertainment District in time," Kai apologized, his gaze lifting from the fire to land on her face. "I didn't have the mind to jeopardize your mission."

Shinobu opened her eyes, noticed Kai's sincere tone, and for the first time in a while, sighed. "You have nothing to apologize for, Arlen," she said, her gaze softening as she looked at him. "There was no such mission, to begin with."

Now that surprised Kai, making him raise an eyebrow.

'No wonder I didn't get a Hidden Mission,' he thought, recalling the time when the Insect Hashira received the mission, but hadn't shared it with him. At that time, Kai had reasoned it was because of some oddity related to the VF Random World. 'So it was like this. Heh! They were trying to probe my sincerity.'

A laugh escaped Kai's throat, mixed with a touch of sadness. "So, have you found me sincere enough now, Shinobu?" he asked, making the Insect Hashira tremble. "Or should I kill one more Upper Rank Demon?"

Shinobu looked down at her hands and mumbled, "I didn't want to…"

There was no wind to bury her whisper, and the fire was merciful enough to not crackle, letting her words approach Kai with her true feelings.

Kai shook his head and stood up. The rabbit was done a while ago, it seemed. He pulled it off the fire and went around the fire to sit next to the Hashira. They had laid a coating of straw and moss over the snow to keep the cold away, and it was wide enough for the two of them to sit side by side with an ample gap between them.

Kai tore off a mouthful of greasy flesh and passed the rest to Shinobu. She took it from him without looking up and nibbled on a tiny bite.

In silence, they passed the rabbit to each other, taking one bite, then another. When the food was all but gone, Kai said, "I don't blame you for lying to me. Sigh! I have lied to you, too."

Shinobu's head snapped towards Kai with a jolt, her eyes narrowing at him. "Tell me."

Kai laughed and scratched his head, his long white hair reaching to the orange snow behind him. "Would you believe me if I tell you that the prime reason for me to bring you away from that cliff on the first we met," Kai whispered, smiling, "was because I found you too cute to not snatch you for myself?"

Shinobu observed Kai with a stunned expression. And then she burst out with a giggle. "Ara!" she exclaimed, putting her hand over her mouth. "Umu, it does sound like something you would do."

Kai turned to face her. Shinobu's laugh gradually vanished, as the silence between them became hotter than fire. Even the surrounding forest didn't dare to utter a buzz, and the moon over their head watched with bated breath, a few broken clouds irritating its moonlit gaze now and then.

Kai leaned towards her and grabbed her left hand, bringing her closer.

The kiss was too abrupt, but no time could've been better than now. Shinobu's eyes widened, their breath mingling with each other. She lifted her right hand, her palm open, and then once again aimed it at Kai's chest, the very air sizzling around it.

Kai let her lips go and looked into her purple eyes. "Must you be so cruel to yourself?" he asked, his breath broken and their hearts pounding. "Must you be so cruel to me?"

The palm landed on Kai with the gentlest touch.

Their lips met again, more passionately than before. Kai's one hand went for her waist, pulling her closer, but gently. Her waist was slim, small, and injured, and she was a breath that must not be broken. His other hand lifted to grab her round face, his fingers caressing her warm, soft cheek, feeling the reserved movement of her mouth.

The hand pounced on her ear then, his fingers coiling around it, massaging it gently. And her lips opened with a moan.

Tongue met tongue, and taste lost meaning to them. Shinobu's hands coiled around Kai's neck, and he didn't need to pull her any closer.

No amount of time seemed enough and right to pull their heads away, their hot tongues searching for some lost treasure in each other's mouths. Kai laid her down on the straw bed, with nothing but the open sky as a roof and him as the blanket.

When they parted to take a breath, she smelled of spring in winter.

Her cheeks had gained a furious rosy color, the blush rising from her neck and seeping into her eyes. They gasped for breath before pulling each other again.

The fire crackled beside them in shyness.

Kai's one hand went for her breast, and it seemed to have a mind of its own. It deftly unbuttoned the kimono, lifted the bra underneath, and found her breast burning hot, her flesh as soft as summer's wind.

"… Don't…" Shinobu moaned, putting her hand over Kai's hand, yet her mouth never left him for even a fraction of a second.

Kai's other hand had naughtier intentions than its brother. As Kai kissed her neck, her hands groping his head, this hand caressed her thigh and then squeezed it. Shinobu bit his ear in retaliation, yet the pain lost itself in pleasure.

Kai's hand went up her pants, his fingers playing a forgotten tune on her figure before coming to rest on her waist. Her skin was as cold as ice, and her moans colder besides.

When this hand slid under inside her pants, Shinobu's grip over Kai's hand fondling her breast tightened. "… Don' …" she breathed into his ear, her legs wrapping around themselves.

Kai stopped. He brought his face up to look at her. Her eyes had gone red and moist, and yet they felt closer to each other than ever before.

Shinobu let go of her grip on Kai's hand and put it on his face. Her small fingers ran down his face, trembling with affection.

She pulled his face in, and her legs parted by the faintest amount.

Kai's fingers found her soaking wet, her flesh as hot as fire; hotter than the glowing embers, perhaps.

Shinobu bit on Kai's lips, her hands grabbing, pulling the silky hair on his head.

When Kai reached down for her breast, he found her heart pounding courageously in her chest. For who knew how long he suckled on them, turning her pink, hard nipples red and moist.

But nothing was wetter than Kai's fingers. They were dancing their own dance down somewhere.

Kai lifted himself off her, and Shinobu shivered as the cold hit her nerves. He undressed, taking off his kimono, and the scars greeted her with a smile. Shinobu's pupil shuddered as she looked at them, and her hand reached for his chiseled waist, feeling the roughness of wounds, like old memories.

Sweat moistened the tips of her fingers, and Kai leaned down to kiss them.

When he took his pants off, her eyes turned away towards the fire in shyness, perhaps hoping for it to become a mirror.

She was sweating heavier than him, her naked body coiling to become a ball in his arms the moment he undressed her.

A stray gust of wind came like a breeze, blushing at the sight.

Kai lay down beside her, his finger tracing a cold, shivering path from her neck to her waist, and still going beyond.

Shinobu opened up with a gasp. Kai chuckled, and she pouted, slapping his hand away playfully.

Yet the blazing gaze in Kai's eyes burned her from inside.

Kai kissed her forehead. Shinobu buried her head inside his chest, her hands almost crushing his bones as her fingers pressed deep into his back. "It's ... It's …" her breath let Kai know whatever she found unable to put into words.

And Kai knew she would break his bones if he did nothing about it.

A blood mist came hissing out of Kai's teeth, making their icy bodies even hot. Kai parted her legs, her fingers now becoming steel, puncturing his skin. Underneath the skin, Kai's muscles wriggled, and her fingers went deeper no more.

When he entered her, Shinobu bit Kai's chest, refusing to let out an embarrassing moan and adding a fresh scar.

Kai brought her face up with the next jerk, and the stifled moan couldn't hold itself back anymore.

"Ahn!" Shinobu could do nothing but glue her mouth to Kai's, her breath smelling of lust, respect, passion, and… love.

Time seemed to have lost meaning, and lost were their identities.

No longer was she a Hashira. Nor was Kai a demon.

A touch of blood gleamed like molten fire on her thighs... their hearts skipping a beat a thousand times every moment.