Shinobu's big trouble and the irony of Uncondtional Followers

Dawn, 2 days later

Light snow pelted the lingering mist, and the sky turned pink and blue.

Under the high covering of trees' canopies, the fire roared, its tongues flailing around, licking the cold air.

In the camp, a second hut had been raised at an angle with the first, with the fire just a few feet away from where their walls met.

Inside the smaller hut, a tiny, curled figure of Nezuko could be seen sleeping soundlessly. The little girl hadn't woken up since the Dream Demon's spell had hit her. Kai had ruptured his ears to prevent himself from falling under the effect of the same spell, but he couldn't do the same for her.

The second hut was a little colder than the first, and its front was covered for the fire to see into it. Only a slit-like opening had been left unguarded, from where Kai could keep an eye over the package.

Inside the second hut, within the blue darkness, Kai was lying leisurely and lazily with Shinobu's petite figure on top; both naked. The butterfly-patterned haori was lying listlessly over them, covering Shinobu from her bare back to ankles. However, even this failed to hide her sensuous curves, and sheer lust spread around them like a smell that could make the hearts flutter.

The very sight of them caressing each other was the height of carnal pleasures and deepest affections.

Shinobu's head was resting on Kai's chest, her breast pressed against his stomach, and her legs entwined with his, the Golduck-Kai's tail flicking up and down her leg with a mind of its own.

"One day I'll kill them all…" Shinobu said through gritted teeth, her eyes brimming with intense hatred.

She had been telling Kai about her past, her sister's death, and her resolve. Her tears kept pouring out as Shinobu brought out the hatred buried in her heart.

It was hard not to share such things with her man, she had thought perhaps. Not when he had asked so gently for her to tell him about it.

Kai sighed inwardly, his thoughts unknown. He patted her head, kissed her hair, and asked, "I understand. Tell me about the Butterfly Mansion and your fellow Hashiras."

Shinobu's breathing softened at the request. "Well, it's mostly used as a recovery base for injured Demon Slayers," she told him, playing with Kai's fingers. "Kanao lives there with me (-she's Tsuguko, too, Shinobu added-). Then there are assistants — Aoi, Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho, along with many other attendants, called Kakushi. You will like it.

"Among Hashiras there's Rengoku-san, the Flame Hashira. You've already met him. Hehe! He's a good person, but sometimes we aren't on the same page. Muichiro-san is the Mist Hashira. He can't choose his words well, but he's a good boy at heart. Mitsuri is the Love Hashira. I like her the most. She's very cheerful and cute. Gyomei-san is the Stone Hashira, and I respect him sincerely."

"Which Hashira was it who showed up on the cliff?" Kai asked, cutting in.

Shinobu paused, rubbing the web between Kai's fingers with her thumb. "He was Giyu Tomioka, the Water Hashira," she said, her tone weaker than before. "I had a crush on him once."

Kai's eyes narrowed by the faintest degree.

Shinobu turned her head to look up at him. "Ara-Ara!" She giggled, the smile on her face becoming playful. "Don't tell me you are jealous? That's quite cute."

Kai smiled. "So what if I am?" he jested, flicking her forehead.

As their eyes matched, Shinobu pushed herself up and kissed him, their sweat-sodden bodies gliding over each other like oil on water.

She didn't let go of Kai's mouth, her tongue coiling around his, and determined to make him forget the recently learned names.

When they parted, their minds felt fuzzy.

Shinobu felt the hardness pressing against her hips and raised an eyebrow. "Again?" she asked incredulously.

"You can't blame me," Kai replied, pecking her lips.

With their stamina and the hard-earned respite in their hands, he and Shinobu had already done it in all the manners possible. With time, Shinobu's hidden personality and thoughts had come pouring out for Kai to observe, bringing them closer to each other.

Yet, there remained a young lady's reservedness, which Shinobu's occasional shyness and tone shown openly.

Kai knew it, and she knew it as well.

Only Time was the remedy for such things. Time which both could see running out.

Shinobu's hand left Kai and reached down, grabbing it with her small fingers. Her grip felt both hot and cold to him, and when she stroked it, the smile on her face was anything but playful.

"How many times more will you do it?" she asked in a hushed tone, guiding the tip inside her.

Kai caressed her face and pushed back a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "Until you realize that keeping a count is meaningless…"

Shinobu's eyes widened and a dense red blush surfaced on her plump cheeks, her eyes reddening in shame. "How did you…"

"… know?" Kai asked, completing her question, and laughed. "Instinct."

Shinobu pouted at the answer, and then pressed her waist down, her body shivering in pain and pleasure. "Kiss me…" she moaned, looking at Kai with watery eyes.

The entire hut got filled with suppressed moaning, squelching, and kissing sounds as Shinobu's waist and hips went up and down over Kai's length. The call of trees and the morning breeze whistled along with them, and somewhere a swallow chirped, singing a song of endearment.

Kai's hand traced her sweaty back and squeezed her hips before pressing them down even more.

"Mhm!" Shinobu bit her lip and her head fell beside Kai's, her breath hotter than blood.

And then, moaning and crying, she whispered in his ear, "Why is it… so big?"



When they were finished, now tired and satisfied, hunger found them finally.

"I will catch some game for us," Shinobu whispered, patting her sweaty body with a warm and wet cloth.

She dressed and snatched the soiled haori off Kai, leaving him naked. "It's ruined," Shinobu sighed as he rubbed the cloth and smelled it. "I will have to wash it as well."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Kai jested, lifting himself to sit upright.

He and Shinobu had crossed too many lines to not understand the underlying meaning and the hidden intentions of each other.

"You…" the Insect Hashira blushed furiously, and then snorted before walking out with large strides.

When she had gone, Kai slumped back on the straw and moss bed and smiled.

After 5 minutes had passed, a silvery mist entered his back from the ground, unseen by all.

-Has she gone?- Kai hissed, his lips parting slightly. To others, it just felt like he was talking to himself.

-Yes, master- Selene hissed back, as she came to rest over Kai's heart. -Are you alright?-

The smile on his face gradually vanished.

Kai again sat up and grabbed his head, letting out a deafening, silent scream. 'It hurts… it hurts… it hurts so much,' he screamed in his mind, complaining to himself. 'Come out, you fucking nuisance!'

He grabbed the mind-jewel on his head and hissed again -Selene, use a Soul Chill at 30%-


-DO IT!-

A burst of ethereal force froze his soul, and his body reflected it. Light blue frost covered Kai's skin, and even his breath frosted, becoming white and blue.

The intense bout of headache finally calmed down a little, and Kai took a relaxing breath. He massaged his temples, and now and then tried to pull out the mind-jewel, but it was all in vain.

'If it wasn't for the Focus Punch,' Kai thought slowly, wincing, 'I would've fucking replaced the Golduck Blood Essence by now. But even in the Verse Fusion Random World, one use of Focus Punch is enough to take out the king of demons, I can tell. It's an absurdly devastating Skill, but the price to use it is also equally hideous. Tch!'

Now that he was alone again, and for quite some time, Kai knew it was the time to deal with the rest of the things. Only 1 day remained for his Mission Completion, and if he wasn't wrong about it, then he had already found the answer to the Mission's question.

But first, Kai brought out the new notifications to contemplate them again.


Congratulations Contestant Kai Stormborn…

You have unlocked 1 Title

Title: Heart Breaker

Specification: Have consensual sex with 5 women who love you

Status: (1/5)

Effect: Eternal Remembrance

Note: Only 1 Title can be equipped at a time


And then, as expected, another notification followed this one.


Your Title Status is updated…

Title: Dimensional Leader

Specification: Make 3 main-storyline characters follow you voluntarily and unconditionally

Status: (2/3)


1. Intelligence +3

2. Worth +5

3. Charisma +10

4. Luck +1

5. Skill: Dimensional Summoning


Kai observed the two notifications and sighed once again. It was the same sigh from before, after which he had patted her head and kissed her hair. Even the thoughts behind this sigh were the same.

'These unconditional followers aren't the same as Item-M and Item-S,' Kai reflected, his lips pressed into a thin line. 'Yes, their emotions and their loyalty towards me are true. No doubt. But both of them are backed by severe conditions. With Andrik, if I were to disown the Drowned God Teachings, or would try to make him follow another Deep One, he wouldn't remain an unconditional follower of mine. It's also possible that the Dimensional Leader Title's status will regress.'

And Kai needn't even think about Shinobu. As much as she loved him now, giving him her body, soul, and her everything, the moment he was to betray humanity, she would be the first to come for his life.

In the last two days, Kai had been using Emotion Manipulation in a very suppressed and subtle manner to bring out the piled-up hatred and anger from her heart, as it was detrimental to her life in a battle, making her sacrifice herself just to bring down a demon. Now Kai couldn't have that, could he? He had already invested so much time in her. It would be the biggest joke if she were to die after his return to the Harry Potter World.

It didn't look like it, but Kai had already formed grand plans for this VF Random World. The only thing that remained now was to get the Multiverse ID of this world, and he was truly at the mercy of the Systems about it.

Kai shook his head, made the notifications go away, and drummed his fingers on his knee, his eyes never leaving the package for even a fraction of a second.

'Let's do it,' Kai thought, making up his mind. 'It will be one of the biggest gamble of my life.'

In the next moment, Kai took a deep breath and connected to the lone Sponsor with whom he still could.

From beyond the realms, Shadow Origin's voice reached Kai's ears with a chuckle. "Haha! I've been waiting for your call…"