Kai's preparations and the most-awaited Lie

Kai still had 20 minutes worth of time left to converse with the Sponsor.

In the vast White Hall, before coming to this Random World, Kai had undergone a deep state of meditation after seeing the name of 5 Sponsors and their floor numbers written in front of them.

That state of contemplation had not been random.

After leaving his meditative state, Kai had done five things. It had looked like an ordinary series of expected events, but his tiniest actions and decisions had hidden meanings.

When Kai had thrown himself off the chair, he had already planned for this last conversation, knowing well that a Sponsor would ask these questions.

The first thing he had done was to turn himself into Golduck-Kai.

The reasoning behind it was simple, and if Kai wasn't wrong, then it had already served its purpose. He didn't want to let the Sponsors know he could change his form as he wished. If it was the reward of the 1st Stage, as Kai wanted them to believe, then only a month had gone in the Primordial Tower Timeline; too short for a 4th-floor Contestant to figure out how to return to his human form.

The second thing he had done was to take out the three swords.

Kai wasn't a fool. He knew that these Sponsors must have already found out about his Identity by using the Swords as a foundation. Kai hadn't cleared all clues related to them on the 2nd Set, to begin with. How would he have known that such figures would show an interest in him then? So, by uncovering his swords, Kai meant to say that he had nothing to hide, and if necessary, then he knew how to compromise as well.

This he had already accomplished in this month. The acceptance of one Sponsor's terms, and rejection of the others, hadn't been random, either.

Next, he had taken out the Book; the third action.

If Kai truly wanted to hide the Book's presence from the 18th-floor Contestants, then he would've kept it in the Inventory. Rather, he wanted them to see it. Or, to be specific, he wanted them to recognize the runic script in which the tales had been written by the legendary wizard, Beedle the bard. For him, understanding the runic script was as important as his Glitch.

If an upgraded and incomplete tale of a Character allowed him to use an ACT, like D-Mail, Kai couldn't even comprehend how mysterious a complete tale would be, if deciphered. This, too, he had accomplished.

At the end of his talks with Contestant Aphrodite, opening the Book page by page hadn't been random as well.

The fourth thing Kai had done was to take out the Capsules case. However, it was neither for HP capsules nor for MP capsules. Yes, they served their purpose, but it was the SP capsules Kai had been looking forward to the most. Because Focus Punch consumed SP to increase the Base Damage. However, it was another matter that the mind-jewel had yet to reach the full maturation for it to be used. Nor had Kai faced the king of demons in the battle, creating the sense of urgency.

Still, a day remained until his Mission Completion, and when Bad Luck would turn misfortune, he couldn't tell. Novice Collector raised his Luck to 6, but it was still 4 points less from being considered average.

At last, Kai had taken the fifth action, taking out the last Item.

This Item was the costliest gambling chip in Kai's arsenal. It had no other purpose but to let Kai play the riskiest gamble of his life at this moment, for he had known even then that this moment was inevitable.

And sure enough, this moment had finally arrived, heralded by a laugh.

"Haha! I've been waiting for your call," Shadow Origin laughed. "Kid, you are truly a grade better than even the top Contestants I've seen on the beginning Sets. Comprehending and confirming your beliefs amidst battle… Brilliant! Don't depend on Magic too much. Stick with this path, and you will go far."

Kai said nothing in response. After a brief silence, he whispered, "How bad is my situation?"

"Oh!" Shadow Origin exclaimed. "Not getting carried away by momentary achievements? Haha! No wonder… No wonder. It's bad, kid, but not as bad as you are imagining it to be. VF Random Worlds are indeed a monstrosity. However, which King doesn't have them? Not to mention, VF Random Worlds can be artificially induced in the Tournament of Worth, if one dares to pay the price."

Kai didn't show any shock at this news. By now, he had already guessed a few things. "By manipulating a Contestant's Stats, you mean?" Kai asked.


From beyond the realms, the sound of clapping reached Kai's ears. "Not bad, kid," Shadow Origin commented. "I wanted to trade this knowledge with you, but it seems you have already figured it out. Yes, by manipulating Stats, one can artificially induce a VF Random World. Now, Attributes, Abilities, and even Skills can't be manipulated. At least not enough to bring out such a response from the Systems. Items, however, are another matter. Only forces above the 5th Set can afford such expenses. Give a Contestant enough absurd Items, that would solely belong to him, and there will be good chances for the VF Random World to show up. But you know the repercussions of this, right?"

Kai nodded heavily. "If the Contestant were to die," he said, showing a horrified and betrayed expression on his face, "then all the Items will vanish as well, and being a VF Random World, the chances of this happening will be tremendous, because the Contestant's Stats won't match the Difficulty."

Shadow Origin laughed meaningfully. "So," he drawled, "care to share with me who fucked you up, kid? I will trade for the answer, of course. Don't worry, the rest of the Sponsors won't act against you, either. At least not before the Final Auction."

'Bingo!' Kai roared joyously in his heart.

This question. This very question he had been waiting for the Shadow Origin to ask.

If Kai had divulged the information by himself, then the sponsor, perhaps, might not have believed him. Shadow Origin needed to ask this question by himself.

Not using the D-Mail after his last conversation with this Sponsor hadn't been random, either.

This question was one of the reasons. The strongest and most important one.

Because this question diverted the truth towards falseness.

Why had the Systems brought Kai to a VF Random World? All knew the answer — There was something wrong with his Stats; a monstrous secret. But what exactly? It had yet to come out in the open.

Attributes, Abilities, and Skills couldn't be manipulated. So what remained? Items. Even in their dreams, the Sponsors would have never thought of Glitch being the prime reason. Not at least those who belonged to Chaos, and the ones from Order couldn't Sponsor him, anyway.

Kai's risks depended on these reasons.

Now came the time to toss out the chip.

Kai's face contorted in false ugliness. "The Temple of Many-faced God," he answered, his eyes burning with red, hot fury. "It was them, and they didn't even tell me."

'Bullshit!' Kai sneered inwardly. How could he not know that these Sponsors must have already found a connection between him and the House of Black and White, no matter how faint the trail was?

His doubts had been confirmed when Shadow Origin had asked about Viscount's assassination.