Fooling the Kings and the three Questions

A lone gust of breeze whistled by as Kai waited for Shadow Origin's reply to his absurd claim.

"So that's how it is…" the 18th-floor Contestant mumbled. "Well, ask away then."

Kai narrowed his eyes, knowing well that he was treading on thin ice here. So, without taking any pause, he asked the question that had been dancing on the tip of his tongue for a long time. "Why only 5 sponsors from the 18th floor?"

Item-M knew little about the 18th floor, but she did know something.

The City of Colors was a floor where Kings lived in their stupendous castles. Now, if one followed the Empire's general policy, then customarily only the Set Lord of the 6th Set was to be styled as King.

However, the 6th Set shared a quality with the 1st Set in this case.

In the 1st Set, too many Contestants reached the level of a Baron, creating a surplus of Baron-level Candidates. These supposed Candidates didn't remain on the 1st Set, though, choosing to ascend to the 4th floor instead.

This wasn't an option available to the Contestants on the 18th floor.

Contestants of the 6th Set had huge lifespans, and it wasn't a surprise that one achieved a King-level strength every half a millennium. This too created a surplus of "Kings" on the 18th floor. Unlike the 3rd floor of the 1st Set, it wasn't as simple as just ascending to the next floor to bring down this surplus.

For the surplus Kings to ascend to the 19th floor, they needed to complete the floor ascending mission, and this mission took place in the World of Cartoons.

From here originated the name — The Graveyard of Kings.

Because most Kings, who attempted this mission in haste as their piled-up Life Halt ran out, got killed at this stage.

Hence, these Kings instead stayed on the 18th floor, preparing for their floor ascending mission.

The fear of the Graveyard of Kings could be surmised from these actions.

"Although there are many kings on the 18th floor," Shadow Origin answered, "their strength and influence aren't equal. When one reaches such a stage, even the name itself gets divided into realms. That's something beyond your understanding, for now. To be straightforward, those who selected you represent the top 5 powers of the 18th floor, who can contend against each other. Rest obviously turned a blind eye towards you."

'So that's how it is,' Kai nodded inwardly. 'No wonder only 5 Sponsors appeared. If I am not wrong, then these 5 Code Names aren't kings but represent the kings behind them. Hmm, that's the most natural reasoning.'

The next question Kai wanted to ask was what exactly it was that made them take an interest in him. However, after careful deliberation, Kai rejected this idea.

'What? You don't even know what makes you special, and here I thought you were smart. Wait, what questions did you ask before this?'

Kai couldn't afford any doubt to take birth in the other party's heart. If not now, then he would soon find the reason for them choosing him eventually. Kai didn't have the greatest of patience for things like these, but he wasn't indecisive. So he gave up on knowing about it with a single thought.

Now came the time for the last chip of the gamble; the most precious and absurd.

Sure enough, Shadow Origin asked, "My next question is, what Item they gave to you and its grade?"

Kai showed an expression as though he was going through an intense struggle in his heart. However, his heart was calm; his soul almost frozen.

Kai knew words wouldn't be enough to fool the kings. Only an idiot considered others stupid, and he had learned it already in his previous life.

What mattered now wasn't his acting, but material proof.

Here came into play the ultimate thing Kai had taken out before his arrival.

Kai's hand reached for his Kimono lying beside the straw bed, and from its deep pockets, he took out a small fist-sized cake.

The Rock Cake!

It was given to him by the 9th-floor Contestant Robin. It wasn't some great Item, either. The only purpose it served was to allot some Attribute points randomly if the Set Quota hadn't been emptied yet. Robin had given it to Kai for him to empty his 1st Set's Quota to prepare for the Tournament of Worth.

As much as Kai believed in hoarding Attribute Points, even then he had kept the Item on him to serve miscellaneous purposes. Purposes like this.

Not to mention, other Sponsors couldn't hear Kai, but they could see him. Why would Kai take out such a common Item at this time? Was he showing it to someone? Was it an answer? Or… Was it the secret they had been waiting to know?

Kai had thought of all the questions that could arise in his Sponsors' minds beforehand.

"Rock Cake from Hagrid," Kai said, showing the ordinary consumable Item on his palm. "Grade… Legendary!"



Shadow Origin's mouth gaped at the sight and hearing the answer.

He killed the sound and looked to his left. "Your Grace," he said incredulously, "is this even possible?"

The purple mist around the mist churned, and it had been flailing furiously since Kai had answered the first question. The throne had been remade and hidden behind the mist, the king was leaning against it majestically.

Now, his voice thundered with a nod. "It is," the king said, "if he has at least a dozen more of these things."

"A dozen?!" the Viceroy exclaimed.

Legendary grade Items, consumable or not, weren't something even he could look down upon.

"Does the Temple of Many-faced God have such reserves?" Shadow Origin mumbled to himself. "Why would they even invest so much in Blood Demon, even if they could afford to?"

Silence reigned for a moment before the purple mist hissed. "They have," the king confirmed. "Why would they invest? Heh! Fucking lunatics have never learned the word "Reason" in their lives."

Shadow Origin licked his lips, for he knew he must not pursue the matter related to the Faceless Men with His Grace anymore.

Yet, the king did resolve the doubt related to the Blood Demon.

"Damn!" Shadow Origin cursed under his breath. "This Blood Demon Luck must be above 50. Otherwise, I am a fucking dog!"



"Good, good," the Sponsor said casually after some time. "You did well by telling me, kid. Believe me. Now ask your second question."

Kai sighed inwardly. In the open, he cursed, moving his lips slowly to let the sponsor read them easily. "My answer is worth two questions," he said in a tone that sounded wounded.

Shadow Origin chuckled ruefully. "Worry not," he told Kai. "If your question is not up to the level of your previous answer, then you can ask another one. But you must hurry, kid. You have only a few minutes remaining to your Privilege."

Kai reluctantly nodded. "What can mend a broken soul?"

"Tch-Tch!" Shadow Origin tsked, sounding extremely displeased. "Another worthy Contestant about to enter the gutter, it seems. Are you too planning to regenerate Voldemort's souls after taking it out of the Horcruxes, kid? I have great expectations from you, and greater after seeing you creating a Breathing Style. Don't let yourself fall into this hellhole."

'What the?!' Kai gaped. This wasn't what he had in mind at all. "Just give me an answer," he urged. Why would he show his true intentions when the other party had already wrongly imagined them?

"Sigh!" Shadow Origin's sigh was longer than Kai had expected. "No Item can mend a broken soul, kid," the Sponsor told him. "Forget it. However, you can indeed heal a damaged soul. Or even a cracked one. There's only one Item that can do so to the greatest degree possible, making the Soul as new as it was before — The Philosopher's Stone!"

Kai's pupil shook by the faintest degree as he heard the answer. Even his frozen soul trembled with excitement. This answer meant too much to him and was hideously important for the plans he had in his mind within the Harry Potter World.

Who could've thought the answer would lie in that very Random World as well?

"Well," Shadow Origin continued, "you were right. You can ask one more question. Be quick about it."

Only a few seconds were left. Kai pushed down his joy and fired the next question, "In the Harry Potter World, what is the importance of the Book — Daemonologie, In Forme of a Dialogue?"

"Oh!" Shadow Origin showed some interest. "Hmm, isn't that the book which gives the Candidacy to an inheritance once all its three parts are collected?"

"Whose inheritance?" Kai urgently urged.

"Haha!" Shadow Origin guffawed. "The Inheritance of the Legendary Wizard…

… Herpo the Foul!"

And the channel died.


AN: No chapter tomorrow. Only 1 chapter remaining to this Mini Arc. I have an exam tomorrow, quite important, and it has been becomng hard for me to prepare for it along with work and writing. That's the reason for the last two days without publishing, and that's also the reason for tomorrow. Once it's over, we will get back on track again. Sorry for the wait guys.

Anyway, this chapter is leaving you all with many questions of your own. They will not be answered too soon. So I will just say, Believe me and move on. I have great surprises planned for you before the 3rd stage. Enjoy!!!