Discussing Order, the most-awaited Questions, and the fear of Death's gaze

AN: Don't skip today's Author Note.


This was something Kai had been looking forward to the most.

Not because he hoped that he would find Lethifold's Stats, but because he knew he wouldn't.

Kai drummed his fingers on the chair's arm. "Item-M had told me that not all magical creatures would have Stats, especially those who had or would interact with major storyline characters in the Random Worlds," he said, recalling a past discussion. "Take Hedwig as an example. No matter if I go near it now, or after Harry's arrival, it won't have Stats. The same is true for Daenerys' dragons and Ash's Pikachu as well. I don't know if it's because of this, or because it's a Familiar, that I can't see its Stats. Keep in mind, this Lethifold has already interacted with a major storyline character. Darcie Malfoy."

The gathering came to silence, then.

Such silence had never been presented to these three before, no matter the circumstances. But things had changed, and so had the time.

It wasn't in Littlefinger's nature to remain serious for more than a few minutes. "It seems we have bitten more than we can chew this time, my lord," he jested, smiling. "This Order of the Immortal Lotus is your one-way ticket to failure."

"You scoundrel!" Cersei cursed, her green eyes fuming with greener poisonous flames. "If you have nothing to add, then better keep your mouth shut."

Kai raised his hand, stemming the flood of an incoming scuffle. "Things are not as bad as they seem, Petyr," he told them. "I have a feeling that if we were to choose our steps carefully, then we could still gain something substantial out of it."

Both characters raised their brows over this.

Kai let out an evil sneer. "I can't resist them; true," he said casually. "But can they do something to me? WILL they do something to me? One doesn't reach the heights like those Six by being indecisive. If they had the mind to act against me, then they would have already done so by now. You grossly underestimate the word Karma. Has the matter with Item-S taught you two nothing?"

It was Cersei who sang, then. She took Kai's hand in her hands, and said, "All things aside, it's Red Seat, Circe, that troubles me, my love. She is a spiteful woman, I can tell. What if she were to do something behind others' backs?"

Petyr chuckled. "Women of the same mind know each other the best," he mocked.


"That would be enough out of you two," Kai snapped, laughing inwardly. "Circe wouldn't do shit to Darcie. Believe me. Such Organizations are as much the wings of power as they are shackles on freedom. The rest of the Six will never let her do something to Darcie. Not when they have already driven away Albus and Voldemort. I don't know why, but I could sense a touch of desperation in their tones.

"I have a feeling that even if Darcie were to become the next Voldemort or surpass him in carrying out the most heinous acts, even then they would turn a blind eye to her. As long as a witch of her capabilities were to become Indigo Seat, nothing would matter to them."

Blood Demon was truly a monster for him to figure out the crux of the situation, even when he had been Acting like Darcie Malfoy in Avalon. Especially when it came to Survival and taking advantage of a situation to gain Power, something like a primal being would awaken within him, making his mind race at unachievable speed and letting him calculate unpredictable thoughts and scenarios.

Even he had no control over it, for this thing was as much a great tonic for him as it was a disease.

"You…" Petyr stretched out the word, looking pensive, "… might have grasped the truth of this, my lord. But it also confirms that those Six will not teach a thing to Darcie Malfoy before becoming the true Candidate of Indigo Seat. By then, you would have already gone."

Kai's eyes narrowed, and then he nodded. "One can't have everything, Petyr," he said, his pupils trembling in calculations. "If it was that easy, then it would have been impossible for this Order to not stand out by now. Yet, even Item-M had heard nothing of this Organization. Not to mention, the more Darcie will interact with them, the greater the chances of raising their suspicions.

"I think the best course of action is to learn superficial things from them by interacting the least, for what is worthless to them may be grander than everything for me. Moreover, we still have years to ourselves in this world. It's best to play our cards as per the development of situations. A more pressing matter now is the third part of Daemonologie."

Cersei rubbed her smooth fingers on the back of Kai's right hand. "It wouldn't be easy to get that thing from her, especially now that we know her true identity," she said, scowling. "And let us not forget that it must be you, my love, who will have to get that grimoire. Otherwise, the Systems might not approve of it."

Kai ran his left hand through his hair, sensing the rising of hidden dangers and twists and turns of the path ahead. 'No wonder, after gaining their Life Halt, Contestants take their sweet time in doing missions after reaching the 3rd Set,' he thought, nodding to himself. 'A hasty step and hurried decision mean failure in both gaining power and retaining life. Tch!'

"Let's move on to the tasks we have been waiting for quite some time," Kai suddenly said, smiling. "It's been a very long time since I have felt rich. Cersei, serve us wine."

Kai had already contacted Item-M today, knowing the outcome of her trade.

He took out a jar of wine and three cups from his MRB and placed them on the table. When Cersei had poured Kai and herself a drink (-ignoring Petyr, who poured for himself with a sly smile on his face-), she returned to her seat.

"Chaos," Kai asked, sipping the wine, "what's the time difference between my current world and the Random World having Multiverse ID: ?#?#?###?"

Kai looked relaxed, but his heart was pounding. He hadn't forgotten Petyr's words about the plausible scenarios of Shinobu dying because of the time difference.

Yet, the answer was something none of them had expected.

"Cough!" The wine in Kai's mouth almost spilled out through his nose. "This?!"

"That bad?" Petyr commented.

"Hahaha!" Kai burst out in a feat of laughter suddenly, taking the characters off-guard. "Brilliant! 10 days here is only a day in the VF Random World."

Petyr raised his cup as he heard that and smiled at Cersei. "To Shinobu Kocho, then."

Kai didn't mind and raised his cup along with him.

"Humph!" Cersei snorted, looking at Petyr. Nonetheless, she raised her cup, too, begrudgingly.

Then came the next question. "Chaos, if I were to jump to the Pirates of the Caribbean Random World next week, what would be the most probable time difference between that world and my current world?" asked Kai.

It was all a matter of phrasing the questions, Kai knew. For Contestants, it was a trick one must learn to survive.

This time, the answer brought no joy to Kai.

"According to Chaos," he told the characters, "3 hours here would only amount to an hour in that world. Hmm, I would have to stretch the time. It's good that we have no shortage of Mission Credits for now."

"This will indeed be dangerous and troublesome, my lord," Petyr counseled. "This mission will concern the main character of a Random World. Any length of time seems less when I think of that."

"What about the Pokemon World, my love?" Cersei asked, making the boys move on to the next topic.

Kai didn't need his privilege or mission credits to go to Professor Elm because of the Magical Contract, but he didn't have that world's Multiverse ID and he could only go there for 3 hours. Not to mention, he would need to go there at least twice to place an order for the pieces of equipment and then bring them back with him.

Once more, the answer stunned Kai.

"What the?!!" Kai almost cursed, raising an eyebrow. "There's no time difference."

Kai could go to Pokemon World every 3 months for 3 hours. But the time of 3 months was in the Primordial Tower timeline, making it 15 months in the Harry Potter World after the first divergence.

The 3 hours of visitation, however, meant the time within the Pokemon World.

It was just a play of words, placing, and understanding the contract. Someone like Kai didn't need to go through it many times to differentiate between which time duration was pertaining to the Primordial Tower and which to the Random World itself. [1]

And now Kai had found out that there was no difference between Harry Potter and Pokemon World's timelines.

It was not bad, but not something to be overly joyed about, either.

"Finally done," Petyr breathed out, leaning back into the chair.

"No." Kai shook his head. "I need to know about one more world. Its importance is no less than the others."

Both Petyr and Cersei looked puzzled.

Kai smiled inwardly. "Chaos," he said, looking at Cersei, "what's the time difference between my current world and the world with Multiverse ID: #?#%?!!?##?"

Suddenly, a rosy blush surfaced on Cersei's face like the one even the wine had failed to give her. Her breathing quickened in realization and a smile surfaced on her lips that could very topple kingdoms, uprooting lineages by the roots.

At this moment, there was probably no one who could match her beauty. Not even Item-M with her outrageous Charisma.

Kai had only two Multiverse IDs. One he had already used, and the second was of the Random World that had issued him his first bounty.

The world of Game of Thrones!

Even though Kai wanted to go there to check on Actaea and Andrik, his Unconditional follower, one could not deny that he would upgrade Cersei and Petyr's tale as well. With the matter of VF Random World and the Order of Immortal Lotus surging in his mind, Kai direly needed an upgraded Blood Prophecy.

Cersei knew this, too, but that didn't lower the intensity of the flush on her face. Not a bit.

"I wish my cheeks could become red," Petyr suddenly commented. "Or is it a characteristic of having a cunt?"

His words were full of mockery and vileness. Even these, however, failed to bring down the elation on Cersei's face.

The answer was even more pleasant. An hour here was 20 in the Game of Thrones, more than enough to do many things if Kai could be a little more extravagant with his Mission Credits.

"You two should vanish now," Kai said after some time. "The thing I will do next may bring down the gaze of Death."

It was like walking on a meadow and slumping into a cliff. The drop was too sudden for one to prepare oneself for it.

Cersei's face became hard and full of worries, and Petyr lost all his sneers and smiles.

They knew what their master would do now.

Petyr stood up, bowed, and vanished, saying no more words. Cersei put down her cup, leaned on Kai's face, and kissed him for a long time. Long enough for her to sober herself up. She then pecked him on the chin and vanished.

Kai licked his lips and found the sweet taste of Cersei's tongue more than enough to his liking. His gaze remained indifferent, however. Indulgence never came to him without his permission.

He took several breaths to bring his mind to an optimal state and then took out a box from his MRB. With his lips pressed into a thin line, he opened it up.

Three nail-sized crystals hovered within the box, bobbing up and down.

The Philosopher's stones!

Kai's pupils trembled at their sight, and what he had given up on getting them. However, it wasn't the end.

His hand again flicked, taking out another object.

It was a fist-sized jewel. This jewel was glowing with a light yellow color as if there were millions of stars within it, forming a yellow river of death.

Finally, after so much time, Kai had obtained the things to figure out its mysteries; its Stats, for this jewel was the most powerful thing Kai had upon him.

The legendary graded Item - Eon Soul Dew!


[1] Magical Contract 3rd clause: The Contestant can request to teleport to this (*Pokemon) World Timeline once in three months (*of the Primordial Tower), paying no Mission Credits for 3 hours (*of Pokemon Random World)

--- Timeline differences, time travel, and Divergences can be a little complex to understand for some. Here's an attempt at explanation - (Remember, its an attempt, and I have no mind, or time, in being overly technical about this) -

1. The Primordial Tower synchronizes its timeline with every Random World having Contestants. For example - If 3 months passes in the Primordial Tower, then 3 months will also pass for a Contestant (A) in Beyblade world, and for another Contestant (B) in the Naruto World

2. But the Random Worlds' timelines aren't synchronized with each other. For example, let's say Contestant A jumped from Beyblade to Naruto World for 3 hours. So, only 3 hrs will pass in the Beyblade world, but, in the Naruto World, these 3 hrs might be equivalent to 10 hrs. Did you notice the problem? For Contestant A, he spent 10 hrs in the Naruto World, which is already synchronized with the Primordial Tower. But in his own Beyblade world, only 3 hrs would pass, which is also synchronized with the Primordial Tower. This creates a paradox. Hence, this Switching from one world to another is a Privilege, only available to very very very few Contestants, as a lot of power gets consumed to neutralize this paradox.

3. Why Kai was worried about Shinobu dying in the VF world then? Well, VF Random World is not a standard Random World, but a product of 2nd Stage of ToW. And like the 1st Stage's island, these worlds belong to the Primordial Tower. Hence, Kai had no idea how the two divergences he had already caused must have affected this world.

You can even say that Divergence can break these synchronizations between the Primordial Tower and the other Random Worlds (where the skill was used). But that's not the only thing it can do.

Thank you.