Eon Soul Dew, Death, and Lethifold

Eon Soul Dew, a legendary Item that Kai had obtained not because of a mission, but because of his obsession and greed; an ever-burning desire to obtain Power.

In the Pokemon Random World, even after the completion of his mission, Kai had persistently refused to complete the last task, preventing his eventual teleportation to the Game of Thrones Random World. Instead, he had forced the self-destruction of three legendary Pokemon - an adult Latias and two young siblings, Latios and Latias, by creating an artificial tsunami. This tsunami could have easily annihilated the town of Alto Mare if it wasn't for the three Pokemon.

These abhorring acts had caused the System to bestow a new Stat upon him, Cosmic Authority. Moreover, Kai had also unlocked a Title, Outer One, whose mysteries he had yet to pry into.

It was also then that Kai had gained his three minor epithets - The Devastating Despair; The Blue-skinned Demon; The Unforgivable Cursed One.

Only later did Kai find out how to use them to create a channel from one dimension to another, linking two Random Worlds through his Inventory; an impossible feat for the Contestants without the help of Old Ones like Hastur. The third epithet did curse him to face a tsunami in sea bodies across the Multiverse, but it was a small price to pay for the promised boost in power.

Yet, all this couldn't compare to the ultimate gift Kai had given himself that day.

The sacrifice of the three Eon Pokemon had created a never-seen and the most powerful Eon Soul Dew, and because there was a Contestant involved in its creation, it had turned out to be an Item as well.

There was only one issue with this so-called "gift".

Nobody could see its Stats. Not even Kai, the creator, and master of this Item. What use of it being a Legendary Item if he couldn't even know what it could do? It was another matter altogether that he probably couldn't use it before attaining a certain amount of Attributes.

When Kai had tried to see the Stats, something like this had come into his vision.


Item: Eon Soul Dew

Grade: Legendary

Specification: ?

Requirement: ?

Attributes: ?

Skill: ?

Quality: ?

Warning: The Item resents Blue-skinned Demon


The Stats were full of question marks, but that wasn't the first time Kai had seen those hidden Stats.

Before arriving at the Pokemon World, Kai had visited Harry Potter World to get the first of the three dragon eggs as a part of a Main Mission. There, before getting teleported to the Pokemon World, he had devoured Dementor's blood essence. One of the Skills he had obtained because of this was Dementor's Progenitor. It too possessed this question mark.

Then there was another Skill, which Kai had gained by devouring Golduck's blood essence. Focus Punch. And this too had the question mark. Unlike Dementor Progenitor, though, because of some coincidences, Focus Punch Skill had revealed its Stats by itself.

And the condition to use and see Focus Punch was the maturation of the mind-gem of Golduck-Kai.

It was this maturation and his subsequent use of Focus Punch to thwart the tsunami that had made Kai fall into a depthless well of thoughts and theories. Since then, Kai had been thinking about why the blood-colored jewel had let him use the Focus Punch, and how. What was so special about the gem, and how it was related to the absurd Skill?

It hadn't come easy to him, despite him being a never-seen talent in his previous life. However, with time, there was almost nothing that could not be solved, especially when someone like Kai Stormborn was working on it.

It was only after coming to the Harry Potter World as Darcie Malfoy that Kai finally developed some theories.

First, the mind-gem had come from himself, meaning whatever that was needed to remove the veil of question marks from hidden Stats would also need something that was already on him. The key to the lock had always been in his grasp, to begin with. It was just he didn't know how to bring it out.

Second, Focus Punch had the attribute Focus about it, concentrating all power into a single fist of destruction. Even the Skill's requirement was a strong, defying will. These facts forced Kai to make a shocking assumption.

The source of Golduck-Kai's Telepathy and Telekinesis was none other than the mind-gem. Not only that, but Kai also believed that the mind-gem let him "focus", granting him the power to use Telepathy and Telekinesis. But the Systems transformed those powers into Abilities.

No matter how wild these assumptions were, with something to serve as the basis, Kai had already started to form theories about Dementor's Progenitor and Eon Soul Dew.

To Kai's surprise, it was the Legendary-grade Item that revealed something about it to him, for it had had a clue about it since its creation.

And that clue was the warning — The Item resents the Blue-skinned Demon.

Who was the Blue-skinned Demon? Kai Stormborn. Not to mention, the word "resents" itself told many things to Kai.

First, this Item had some sentience to it.

Second, it would do anything to harm the Blue-skinned Demon.

With these two facts on him, Kai came to a conclusion that had made him frown and feel a touch of fear. And if he were to compare the matter of Focus Punch and mind-gem with the Eon Soul Dew, then he could only come to one conclusion.

Like the mind-jewel, Kai must have already had the thing that would let him use and see the Eon Soul Dew.

But, if mind-gem and Focus Punch shared the attribute "focus" among themselves, then what could Kai possibly have that compared to the Eon Soul Dew? Not to mention, this shared characteristic must also harm him upon its use, as per the precondition of the Item's Warning.

It took Kai over 3 months to find the solution, and that was saying something in itself. He probably had found it sooner, if he hadn't been so reluctant to believe it.

There was only one thing that was common among Eon Soul Dew and Kai Stormborn. And that was…


Kai had theorized that Eon Soul Dew resented him enough to consume his soul before letting him use it.

This theory had sent a shiver running down his spine, for in his previous life, three components were needed to reach the Divine. Mind, Body, and Soul. If his soul were to get damaged, then wouldn't it cut his future path short?

That's why Kai had asked an 18th-floor Contestant, Shadow Origin, about a thing that could heal a soul, confirming his doubts. Because, without a solid answer, he dared not try his theories out.

And now came the moment of truth.

Kai eyed the legendary Item, recalling his month-long thoughts and troubles. Even with the three nail-sized crystals, Kai felt a touch of fear in his heart. But this was indeed a matter to be scared about. Soul… It was too personal, a nigh important source of power and existence.

Then there were the chances that these three crystals might not be enough to heal his soul completely.

What if the consumption rate was to be significantly higher than the healing rate? What if the answer given to him by Shadow Origin was false, to begin with? What if Kai's theory was inaccurate, and he might gain nothing from it?

What if Death were to visit him, sensing a legendary grade Item?

Kai had potent reasons to believe it could happen, for the Eon Soul Dew was related to the retribution of a Timeline, and even the Deep Ones weren't equal to a Timeline's mighty powers, perhaps.

Kai's gaze lingered on the ten imprints of long, dark fingers on his right forearm, and he sighed.

Risks without reasoning had always gone against his principles.

And there were enough reasons to take this risk.

At the least, Kai wanted to know what this Legendary Item was capable of. Only then could he think of investing in obtaining more Philosopher's Stones. Otherwise, it would all come to waste, Kai knew it.

Kai turned his face and looked into the fire, its myriad colors and transformations. The thousands of tongues of fire licked at the void in front of Kai, sending a warm, burning sensation. In this feeling, Kai took solace, calming himself down to an optimum state.

Then he picked up one of three crystals, the Philosopher's Stone.

The crystal almost looked like a densely crystallized form of tons of volumes of blood. Kai even felt something more eerie and unearthly about it. He didn't know its true capabilities, for even in the Primordial Tower, there weren't many who possessed it and had used it before. And even if they had, who would be foolish enough to publish the results of their findings?

Kai took the Eon Soul Dew in his left hand, then.

The fist-sized jewel was as smooth as Lethifold's silk, and he could see millions of stars floating into a yellow starry river, giving it an otherworldly grace.

-Selene,- Kai hissed. -Once again I am leaving it to you.-

Within him, the Ghost Basilisk pulsated, sending a minor burst of cold, full of affection. If the Philosopher's stone were to fail in healing his soul as the Eon Soul Dew consumed it, Kai would rather have Selene's Soul Chill freeze his soul than let it get damaged even more.

Kai stood up, and with his one thought, the three chairs and the table got pushed far. Then he sat on the ground, facing the fire.

Despite the previous instance of calming himself down, his heart was pounding.

At this moment, Kai looked over his shoulder and eyed Lethifold. It was the still hovering midair some dozens of feet away from him, flapping and fluttering endlessly.

Kai didn't know what made him do this, perhaps an unparalleled instinct, but he said, "If something happened to me, then Darcie Malfoy wouldn't remain alive, either."

Lethifold showed no response.

Kai narrowed his eyes and then turned his face around.

It happened then.

Kai willed the Item to show its Stats, letting it consume his soul.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then suddenly, a mysterious sensation coursed through him, starting from his left hand. Around him, a wave of yellow-white color burst out, full of sparkling stars. One could even see a formless and ethereal figure of a white-haired man, wrapped around Kai.

It was the outward manifestation of Kai's soul.

Then this soul cracked.

Starting from the soul's head, a hairline crack ran down, advancing toward his chest. Kai's entire figure trembled, his face disfigured in pain, and his muscles went tout. He gritted his teeth to hold a scream within but failed.

"AHHHH!!!" Even someone like Kai couldn't help but scream out loud, putting the burden of keeping his screams within the suitcase on the charms placed on it.

There was so much pain that Kai felt like someone was piercing needles into his bones, trying to extract the bone marrow from them. The veins in Kai's eyes pulsed with such anger and ferocity that he looked like an evil incarnate now; the very image of a true demon.

And when it seemed he couldn't hold it back anymore, his mind already going blank, the notification appeared in front of his eyes.


Item: Eon Soul Dew

Grade: Legendary

Specification: A soul-seed formed because of the sacrifice of three Eon Pokemon and using the Primal Chaos as the source.


1. The Blue-skinned Demon's soul

2. Breath: ??

3. ?

4. ?


1. ?

2. Current Status: ?

Skill: Godai Domain

Skill Requirement: ?

Skill Effect:

1. ?

2. ?


4. ?

5. Absolute Aether Manipulation: The Contestant can manipulate the void, heaven, by controlling the quintessential creative energy of the world within the domain. The Quintessential Creative Energy is the formless subatomic energy that is the basis for the structure of all things, particularly those things composed of pure energy before they manifest; the emptiness that the energy comprises. All energies, including Breath and Mana, can be converted among themselves.

6. ?

7. Tantric Buddha Incarnation: ?

Quality: 100%


"Ugh!!!" Kai's face had gone from blue to purple, blood dripping from the corner of his eyes.

From his right hand, a blood-colored wisp of ethereal mist reached his soul and healed the hairline crack instantaneously.

"NO!" Kai roared, sensing the notification vanishing. "I MUST KNOW EVERYTHING! ONCE MORE!!!"

The second crystal almost blinked into his right hand.

Kai again willed the Eon Soul Dew to continue the consumption of his soul. However, something unexpected happened at this moment. Something Kai had expected but dared not believe.

The scene to his left completely disappeared; the walls, sofas, paintings and tapestries, and many decorations all vanished. In their place, a vast emptiness surfaced, full of black fog, curling and roiling up and down.

From this vast blackness, a bony hand came out, hidden within a black, silky sleeve.


HE had arrived. HE had come for the Legendary Item.

Kai couldn't even turn his face, but he felt its presence. It was almost like dying, and Kai had already died once. Impossible to forget such a feeling when experienced before.

This Death was truly a projection of true death.

The Eon Soul Dew dropped off his hand, and even the Philosopher's stone fell before reaching him.

In sheer horror, Kai looked to his left, bringing out everything he had on him to face this bony hand.

Too late.

Kai's entire body cracked, and his muscles, tendons, and bones almost burst apart even before the bony hand made contact with him.

He couldn't even scream.

Death was Absolute.

It was then that someone dared to defy IT.

Lethifold, the evil and vile magical creature which was hovering with no reaction just a moment ago, reached Kai in a single flutter when the bony hand was just inches away from him. It coiled around him, wrapping itself around Kai's entire figure.

When it coiled one last time, Kai had already vanished from his place.

The bony hand paused, and then suddenly reached for Lethifold instead. But the magical creature had more tricks up its sleeve.

Lethifold expanded itself like a banner and threw itself in the air like a giant piece of cloth getting taken up in the sky by a thunderous tempest. It looked like the magical creature had stretched, the dimensions of the entire black silk expanding outrageously.

And just when it seemed it couldn't outrun Death's reach, Lethifold shrunk instantaneously.

With soundless pop, it vanished into the void, becoming a single speck of black point.

In the library, the bony hand lost its target, and then vanished as well, as if it had never been there, and whatever had happened was nothing but a horrifyingly giant mirage.

This… was an absolute nightmare.