Elizabeth's misfortune - Tell me the Truth!

WARNING: This chapter can be a little disturbing.


Despite his flashy escape, Jack Sparrow got himself incarcerated in Fort Charles' prison after John Brown, William Turner's employer, had knocked him out, leading to his eventual capture by the marines.

The afternoon had become evening, and over half the newly arrived Contestants had already died. The chilly wind had become gale some moments ago, and a light fog had claimed the vacating alleys like hungry dogs.

There was a thrill in the air; mixed with horror and vile.

The Black Pearl would arrive in a few hours… It was then the bloodbath would reach its peak.

At this moment, Governor Swann's mansion had gained an eerie quietness.

The matter of the young lady falling into the sea, her subsequent rescue, and then later getting captured by the same man, who turned out to be a notorious pirate, had left the family shaken, to say the least. Hence, after having their supper, Elizabeth decided to call it a night, ending her day with a light read of her favorite book on a young princess getting rescued by a pirate.

Lanny the maid accompanied her, despite the stunt she had pulled in the morning. Even Governor Swann, who was the most displeased by her actions, had kept his silence, postponing the matter to the next day. As usual, the Governor had gone to Fort Charles for his after-supper walk with Commodore Norrington.

Aside from Elizabeth Swann and Lanny, there were only the Butler, another maid, and a few other staff members in the mansion.


There was one more.

Cersei had let Kai in through the sewers even before Elizabeth and her father had returned to the mansion. Since then, he had been hiding in the wine cellar in the basement, preparing for the Side Mission.

Kai had not forgotten about the Objective, although it wasn't the reason for his arrival in this Random World. He had just wanted to move Elizabeth out of the picture for his plans. It was Chaos who had other things in mind, however. Now that he was already here, there would be no sense in not carrying it out.

The only thing was that this Side Mission wasn't as simple as it seemed at a glance.

'Kidnap Elizabeth Swann and influence her life trajectory in favor of Chaos,' this was the Objective. That meant not only Kai needed to influence her life trajectory, but he also needed to guide it toward Chaos.

And Chaos was Imbalance. Kai had not forgotten that, too.

Then there was the matter of Mission's Hint — Luck.

This wasn't a word Kai ever wanted to see in his Missions, but it also didn't mean he feared it. After careful deliberation, Kai had concluded that it wasn't his Luck that Chaos was hinting at in the Side Mission, but Elizabeth's. There was solid reasoning behind his findings.

First, the mission was about the main storyline's major Character, Elizabeth Swann. If his Luck had been a deciding factor in this mission, then Kai had already failed it by now.

Second, Kai knew that all the major Characters of a Random World, like Ash, Harry Potter, Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann, and yes, Darcie Malfoy, possessed tremendous Luck. No matter the floor number of a Contestant, or their strength, any instance of harming such Characters would incur the wrath of their Lucks, making the preparators undergo a heinous backlash of the Timeline.

Now, Kai's Side Mission didn't say to kill Elizabeth Swann. Otherwise, he wouldn't have needed to wait till now to do the deed. The mission emphasized her life, meaning he must not kill her.

So, in a sense, Kai's Side Mission Hint wasn't a hint, but Chaos' warning.

Kai dared not be too presumptuous after coming to such a conclusion. If he could complete the Side Mission according to his plans, then he could obtain greater benefits in the next few coming hours.

In Elizabeth's bedchamber on the first floor, Lanny and the young Swann were giggling over some unknown topic, sitting side by side. There was a book in Elizabeth's lap, the words on its pages dancing under the dim light of the candles.

"Hehe!" Lanny stifled a laugh, pressing her thin lips. "Let me bring your evening tea, Elizabeth. I will tell you more later."

"Very well," the young lady nodded. "I have something to share with you, too."

"Oh!" Lanny, Cersei's assumed identity, raised her eyebrows. "What it must be about, I wonder. That William Turner… now that is a fine lad, isn't he?"

"That is too bold!" Elizabeth rebuked, blushing. "No, it's not related to him. It's about Commodore Norrington. Come back, then I will tell you more."

"I will be back in a second, then," Lanny squeaked, almost running out of the main door.

Cersei didn't head to the kitchen, though.

By now, everyone among the staff members had gotten to know that their young miss cherished this new maid's company. Lanny had already proved herself in the way of words, despite her rebellious and naughty actions. So, even if the old servants didn't like her much, they tolerated her presence and her commanding gaze, for they knew she could very well gain a high post among the Staff members soon.

Cersei approached the Butler first and said, "Elizabeth has commanded that no one is to come to her chambers. She is too tired and troubled because of the morning's events."

"Be that as it may," the old Butler nodded, accepting the command, "but you mustn't forget the propriety and call the young miss by her first name, Lanny."

The old man was standing in the main hall, and other servants were listening to the discourse as well. As they heard the Butler reprimanding the new maid, they all nodded as if Lanny had it coming to her.

Cersei sneered inwardly, but in the open, her face was emotionless if one could ignore her raw beauty. "Would that I could," she said, shaking her head. "Miss Elizabeth insists I call her by her first name. I dare not refuse her friendly intentions. Now, please excuse me. I am taking Elizabeth's evening tea to her room."

These people were just too honest and upright to see through Cersei's cunningness and her play of words. When the Butler saw no way to retort, he just lifted his chin and stalked off.

"Shouldn't you be making that tea by now?" Cersei spat, looking at the other maid. "Go on, it's not good to keep the young miss waiting."

The other maid frowned and ran toward the kitchen begrudgingly.

When the tea was done, Cersei snatched the plate with the kettle and cups from the maid's hands and took it to Elizabeth's bedchamber. But before she entered, Cersei took out a vial from her bosom, and poured it into the kettle, smiling evilly.

It was a sedative!



An hour later, when Elizabeth came to, she found her mind filled with groggy thoughts.

Aside from the blurry darkness, for a moment she couldn't make sense of anything. Had she fallen asleep? Or was she dreaming? The young miss of the Swann family couldn't tell.

It was then cold kissed her, sending an icy shiver running down her spine.

With great horror, Elizabeth realized she was naked. The absurdness of this realization made her snap open her eyes suddenly, and the darkness receded. But before sight graced her eyes, pain announced itself to her with sheer boldness.

Her wrists were bound, and so were her legs from the ankles.

A terror the likes of which the young lady had never imagined existing took shape in her vision.

This terror was a man, no older than her, with long white hair tumbling down to his waist. His pupils were hazel, and there was such a charm about him that if it wasn't for her current circumstances, it could have made her heart flutter.

This terror-incarnated man, wearing a pirate's attire, was looking at her with a dead gaze. So dead, in fact, that he made Elizabeth feel like she was standing in front of a corpse, cold oozing out of him, seeping into her bones through her bare skin.

Yes! Why was she naked?!

The same thought again made her eyes widen, and now she was fully awake.

Her hands were outstretched in the shape of Y, bound at the wrists via ropes. Her legs were also bound in an up-down Y shape, her feet bare, wet, and cold.

Her private parts were in the open as well.

A deep sense of shame and disgust coursed through Elizabeth's veins, and tears welled up in her eyes almost instantaneously.

There was only one thing left on her by this vile man as if he dared not take it off.

The Gold Medallion!

"Who are you?!" Elizabeth shouted, crying, twisting and pulling her hands, squeezing her thighs, hoping to hide the shame. "Where am I?! HELP! PLEASE HELP!!"


This laugh was enchanting, full of youth and vigor, and told a tale of nobility and cunningness mixed oddly.

The horrific thing was that this laugh hadn't come from the man, who was looking at her up and down like she was some common whore.

Even more horrifying and the heart-wrenching fact was that Elizabeth had recognized the laugh. She had heard this laugh many times in the last two days. She had laughed along with this laugh. And she had come to like this laugh.

Cersei walked out from the shadows behind her, giggling merrily. She was wearing Elizabeth's clothes, and with her height and bearing, she indeed looked like the young Swann, if someone hadn't met her before.

Under the pained and shocked gaze of Elizabeth, Cersei approached the white-haired man and… kissed him.

To Elizabeth, it was as if her entire world had been toppled upside down. "Lanny?!" she blurted absentmindedly, forgetting even her nakedness. "What… How could you…"

The disbelief in the young Swann's tone clashed against the tone, making her shudder.

"She's all yours, my love," Elizabeth heard Cersei say to the man, pecking his cheek. Elizabeth couldn't say anything but just look at her maid, her friend, her heart getting torn apart to shreds.

Only one word came out of her mouth, full of sadness and anguish. "Why…"



Kai marveled at the sight of this major Character.

Elizabeth was truly beautiful, despite the hateful and saddened look about her. No matter what, Kai found comparing her charms with Cersei just too pointless, so he gave up on it soon.

After making her fall asleep, Kai and Cersei brought the Character down to the Wine Cellar. Then, using his pitiful Mana, Kai had put an Imperturbable Charm on the door so that no one would hear a young lady's screams, for she was going to scream; louder than ever.

Kai had no intention to defile Elizabeth, either. No. What Kai wanted to accomplish was to give her a trauma, so vile, that it would topple her personality forever.

And Betrayal had always served as the greatest source of most of the traumas.

Kai hadn't sent Cersei to the Governor's mansion just for show, commanding her to become close friends with Elizabeth Swann. This was the most important reason behind those actions.

Kai was no psychologist, but he knew torture, both mental and physical. Every scar on his body had a tale of its own, but most of them only screamed of tortures and punishments. The people from his previous life couldn't kill him before getting the Heaven-Defying Blood Essence upon being captured. So they did the next best thing, trying to force it out of his mouth.

His sabers had already judged them all for their lack of decisiveness.

Kai eyed the golden medallion around Elizabeth's slim neck, and his eyes shone with a profound glint. He had already held it long enough for it to count as his Artifact, and he also knew how to turn it into an Item.

It would need him to sail with Jack Sparrow to the Isla de Muerta, where the rest of the medallions were stored. But it wasn't something Kai could even remotely hope to do in this world before getting thrown out by Chaos.

It was these thoughts that had made his eyes look so dead to Elizabeth.

When Cersei giggled while approaching him, and then kissed him, these thoughts finally broke.

The trauma's betrayal part was over; now came the rest.

Humiliation, Lunacy, and Nervous Breakdown.

Just as Elizabeth asked — Why… Kai stepped toward the Character like a monster. He ran his fingers over her bare breasts and waist, his eyes never leaving the sight of Elizabeth's burning gaze.

There was an incredible will inside Elizabeth, Kai knew. If there wasn't, then she couldn't have become the major Character of a Random World.

Elizabeth was adventurous, and she yearned for excitement, danger, and freedom. She was an increasingly strong-minded and determined woman who often knew her own mind, having a fiery attitude and being headstrong.

In the Primordial Tower, someone even said that the true main character of Pirates of the Caribbean worlds wasn't Jack Sparrow, but Elizabeth Swann. If it wasn't for Kai, this would be the day when her tale began.

Alas! This Timeline was bound to be disappointing.

"I heard you find the pirates quite fascinating, Miss Swann," Kai whispered, speaking for the first time. "Well, now you've met two of them. What do you think?"

"You better let me…"


Kai controlled his power and slapped the young lady so hard that her left cheek gained a purplish hue instantly. He waited for the Character to process what just happened, letting her reevaluate her own condition.

Then he demanded, "Tell me the truth."

The shock of the slap jolted Elizabeth awake from her expectations to leave this place unharmed. "Truth?" she repeated, her teeth chattering. "What truth?!"


Another back-handed slap, not lighter than the previous one. "The Truth, my lady," Kai said, pressing his tone. "You know what I am talking about."

"I DON'T!" Elizabeth shouted in retaliation.

Kai looked into her eyes as Elizabeth looked back at him. Then he smiled, the corners of his mouth arching up to become a hideous, demonic grin.

Elizabeth shook as she saw Kai's grin, cold becoming colder, and a sense of raw despair taking over her mind. All the happiness she had ever known and felt seemed to get sucked out of her, replaced by terror, helplessness, and hopelessness.

It was just the start of this hours-long torture.

And by that time Kai was done with her, who knew what would have become of this young lady, of this Character who was called Elizabeth Swann?