Black Pearl Arrives! - Parley and William Turner's Fury

As the night approached the town of Port Royal, an uncanny silence had made the alleys its home.

Light fog lingered like ghostly sentries everywhere. Clouds had taken over the promised full moon's moonlight, and even the very sea had gone quiet as if it dared not whisper the announcement of the devil.

It was ghastly and bleak weather, to say the least; the most unique and ominous of its kind.

Amid this fog and silence, a large black ship, with tattered black sails, glided over the sea, engulfed by an eerie mist on both sides.

It was the Black Pearl!

The Gold Medallion had called them here, and it was that coin for which they had come.

And, yes. To pillage, plunder, kill, loot, rape, and murder. That, too.

Governor Weatherby Swann and Commodore Norrington were walking on the Fort Charles' ramparts when the first whistling sound reached their ears.

At the next moment, the cannonball had already arrived.


It was just the start.

As Jack recognized the sound of his ship, the Black Pearl bombarded the entire town with ceaseless cannon fire. Homes exploded, bridges collapsed, and dozens of people died under the might of the vicious ghostly crew and their wrath.


"Clear the dock!"

"It's the Black…"

"Mamma!" Even the cries of toddlers got buried under the rubble.

Several pinnaces (-small ship's boats, propelled by oars-) sailed their way to the docks, boarded by at least a hundred pirates. From their ferocious expressions and murderous shouts, their savageness spilled out, mixing into the smog and the sea underneath.

Two of these pirates were Pintel and Ragetti, who had been commanded to bring the gold medallion back to the ship. [Image 1]

Their destination? Governor's mansion!

As the streets got taken over by pirates, who just blatantly began to loot, kill, rape, and plunder, William Turner armed himself in the blacksmith and walked out courageously to resist the pirates' atrocities; to defend his home.

"He-ha! Come back!"

A pirate roared, chasing a young lady across the street. William chanced upon the scene and threw his axe at the pirate. The sharp axe plunged itself deep into the pirate's back and he fell dramatically before William came and snatched it out again, and marched off to another battle.

Over at Fort Charles, the ramparts had gotten decorated with hundreds of cannons, and the newly promoted Commodore Norrington had taken charge to defend against this sudden besiege by the infamous ghost ship.

As the entire Port Royal fell into a clamor, something unexpected was going on at the Governor's mansion.

The mansion was already quite a distance from the main harbor and the markets and slums. Around the mansion, there was a stillness as if the living had abandoned it long ago. Nonetheless, signs of life could still be seen if one was desperate enough to look for them.

From the balcony of Elizabeth's bedchamber, Cersei eyed the smog, shouts, flashes of cannon fire, and the raw raucous caused by dying people and their killers. [Image 2]

She was still wearing the young Swann's nightgown, and around her neck, there was a gold chain from which hung the famous gold medallion. There was no hint of any worry on her face. Nor was there any sign of anxiety.

This day was hers.

Cersei had already proven her worth to Kai, but she knew she needed to do more if she wanted Kai's true acknowledgment.

With the matter of Blood Prophecy, she had gotten few chances to show her capabilities and how useful she could be. One could even say that this Random World bestowed the greatest stage upon Cersei to act, showcasing the might of her tongue and cunning.

Perhaps, the major character Cersei, whose memories had given her this form, indeed had some weaknesses. But she wasn't that Cersei, to begin with. Her experiences, thoughts, and goals were entirely different from that main storyline character. So, it was natural for her personality and thinking process to differ as well.

With such reasoning, the young Cersei, as proud and scheming as she was, even believed that this entire thing was just Kai's way to test her out. Whatever was going to happen next would dictate how much her lord would invest in her growth later.

She could not and would not afford failure. Not now.

The corner of Cersei's lips arched up in a sneer as she rubbed the gold medallion between her fingers.

Power… was in her grasp!

It was then that gigantic iron-bar gates leading to the manor got thrown open by the pirates, who were carrying fire torches, brandishing swords, and pistols.

Cersei narrowed her eyes at them and vanished back into her bedchamber.

Down at the main hall, the Butler strolled toward the main doors of the mansion upon hearing knocks. Unlike the main storyline, Elizabeth Swann didn't come down to warn him against him; her fate unknown. Nor was there the maid Estrella in the mansion.

All servants had retired to their quarters. And the moment the Butler opened the doors, Pintel the pirate shot his head off with a loud bang, walking them all up.

Screams, full of fear and rage, flooded the mansion like mighty waves.

"Up!" Pintel said, nodding at Ragetti.

As the other pirates ran off to find pretty maids and pillage the gold, Pintel and Ragetti ran up the stairs.

By now, the main storyline had already undergone drastic changes, and none could stop it from falling off the cliff, and plunging into the deepest darkness.

When they burst into Elizabeth Swann's bedchamber, holding sword and pistol, they found Cersei looking back at them, sitting on a chair like a queen.

"Thrown your hands at your fate, poppet, eh?" Pintel asked, grinning through his fat cheeks.

Ragetti laughed at the word. "Hehe! Poppet!"

"You've got something of us, Poppet!" Pintel spat out through his missing teeth. "Give it to us, and we promise we won't hurt you."

Ragetti looked taken aback by this declaration. He faced his crewmate and asked, "We won't!"

Cersei couldn't tolerate this foolery any longer. She threw herself off the chair and hissed, "Parley!"

"Parley?" Pintel repeated listlessly.


A cannonball found its way to the main hall of the mansion, and struck a pirate face-front, bursting apart wall and flesh alike.

"I invoke the right to Parley," Cersei declared nonchalantly. "According to the Code of the Brethren…"

"I know the Code," Pintel cut in, his lips twisting in disgust.

"To blazes with the Code," Ragetti spat, his fake eye rolling back into his head.

"She wants to be taken to the Captain!" Pintel barked in Ragetti's ear, pointing the pistol at Cersei. "And she'll go without a fuss. We must honor the Code." [Image 3]

After pillaging enough, the remaining pirates took Cersei toward the docks, marching through the bloodstained alleys.

At the same time, in the streets of the town, William Turner survived death at the pirate's hands, depending upon the characteristic tremendous Luck he possessed.

Just as he was heading toward another pirate, from the corner of his eyes he saw the group of pirates and a young lady. Will's eyes widened and terror flashed across his face. [Image 4]

"Elizabeth…" a breath escaped his mouth, like a vanishing call.

The pirates had surrounded Cersei, and her back was toward Will, making him mistakenly assume that she was Elizabeth Swann. Unlike the main storyline, Cersei didn't lift her head to let him inspect her face, intensifying the mystery even further.

Will was about to rush toward her when a pirate confronted him, holding bombs in his hands. He pointed at Will's feet and grinned like a joker.

Will Turner looked down to find another bomb sparking just in front of his feet. However, when it came time to go off, it turned out to be a dud.

William smirked and raised his axe, but almost at the same time, another pirate came rushing at him from behind, and smacked the back of Will's head with a stolen silver utensil, shouting, "Out of my way, scum!" [Image 5]

William lost consciousness on the spot and fell back. [Image 6]

Several Contestants were eying this scene, for the axe and the sword used by Will had already gained the conditions to become Items. They just needed to grab them, and then use them to kill 10 Contestants associated with pirates to turn them into Common-grade Items of high-level or low to mid-level Named Common-grade Items.

To the Contestants' utter surprise and dismay, the same pirate who had hit William's head, and who had disappeared after this plot according to the main storyline, didn't run away. Instead, this unknown pirate, with a rugged appearance, crouched and picked up both the sword and the axe before breaking out in a mad dash toward the docks.


The Contestants almost cursed and chased him, taking out Items to finish him. But after chasing him for a few minutes, they lost him; the pirate had disappeared into the thick of smog, which was already getting thicker and thicker.



"How could a Lead-Protector let such a thing happen?!"

"Let's go!"

Just as these Contestants popped out of existence, the pirate they'd thought gone missing walked out of the smog as if he had materialized out of thin air.

There was a shaggy and rugged beard on his mud and filth-covered face, and over his head, there was a tattered hat. Yet, one could find a single instance of lackadaisical thought on his face anymore. It was as if the bearing of hoodlum was beneath him. It was as if…

… as if his face didn't belong to him.

This pirate looked at the sword in his hands and frowned. Then he threw the sword away like another piece of rotten iron.

The axe, however, had something special about it, like the pirate who was holding it.

This pirate was none other than Blood Demon, the budding Faceless.

Kai had been aiming for the event related to William Turner and a pirate attacking him from behind for a long time.

The moment Black Pearl's pirates landed at Port Royal's docks, he killed another pirate (-not part of Barbossa's crew-) at random, who was matching the profile mentioned in the main storyline. Then, he waited for the said pirate to enter the area near William Turner. The moment he saw one carrying a silver object, as described in the documents, he killed him and took his place.

None had been wiser to notice anything out of place because of his Acting, either.

Kai held the axe in his right hand, feeling its weight, and nodded to himself. Both the sword and the axe weren't Artifacts, despite their appearance with William Turner, a major Character. But, unlike the sword, the moment he held the axe, he had gotten a notification.


Congratulations Kai Stormborn…

You have triggered a Side Mission

Main Mission: Not Applicable

Side Mission: Will Turner's fury

Side Mission Summary: To defend his home, William Turner had armed himself with the axe, hoping to thwart the bloodthirsty pirates.

Alas! The young Turner couldn't accomplish his goals, losing consciousness because of an ambush.

The axe, however, still desires blood, fueled by William Turner's desire and fury.

Side Mission Objective: Kill at least 10 Contestants associated with Pirates using the axe

Side Mission Time Limit: Not Applicable

Side Mission Hint: Crimes

Do you accept the Side Mission?


A pleased look flashed in Kai's eyes, but this wasn't the time to indulge himself in the Side Mission.

A more pressing, and most important, task awaited him in Fort Charles' prison.

Jack Sparrow!


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