Killing a Commander - Promotion!!!


A great, blue bolt of lightning split the dark skies apart, engulfing the roars of the downpour.

With a pop, Kai vanished.

Kai had not gained even a single Point of Agility since the last time he had added Attribute Point to it. Yet, with the stupendous increase in his Selfless Breathing, topped by his condensing 2 hours' worth of Blood Flames, his speed had already reached nearly 300 m/s.

The armor of Blood Flames only covered his right arm, but it enhanced his overall strength, like a battle-amplifying factor.

This speed… was no joke. It was especially with the case of Wizards and Witches, who relied on Magic.

There was a time when the 18th-floor Contestant, Shadow Origin, had told Kai to not rely on Magic too much. Kai had not truly understood the meaning behind those words.

Not, though, he could see.

Without non-verbal and Wandless Magic, beating a truly powerful being was nigh impossible.

And Murasame killed with one cut.

"Sectumsempra!" Harry's wand burst out with a dazzling flash.

"Expulso!" Sirius bellowed, a bulge of shock wave tearing out of his wand.

"Avada Kedavra!" General Lily's wand shot out a bolt of green lightning, her greener eyes merciless.

The incomprehensibly powerful General Lily Potter, Commander Harry Potter, and Sirius Black couldn't have shouted the spells any louder.

Harry's spell slammed into Kai… and passed through it, the afterimage vanishing in the next moment.

When Kai appeared over Harry Potter's head, Sirius's spells arrived, blasting his head off.

The blasted head became blurry, followed by his body, and then this afterimage dissolved into rain as well.

When Kai appeared behind Sirius, the killing curse arrived.

Kai smiled.

Sirius, who still had his wand raised, suddenly got pulled back irresistibly under the effects of Kai's tremendous Telekinetic Ability.

"No!" Harry shouted, his eyes widening behind the round glasses.

But before the killing curse could actually hit Commander Sirius, he spun around himself and disapparated.


"Humph!" General Lily snorted. "Thinking of running, coward? Protego Diabolica!!!"

Suddenly, a ring of blue and black fire surrounded the three soldiers and Kai, the flames roaring toward the dark sky, reaching over 300 meters.

Kai's soul shuddered. His heart palpated. His hazel eyes reflected the color of those flames.

A touch! The barest and faintest touch of those flames would incinerate him on the spot, he knew.

Now, the three wizards just had to push him toward the flaming ring's boundary. And Kai dared not take the risk of flying up, as the flames could cover the opening with just a thought.

He was fast. But not faster than thoughts.

"Reducto!" Harry fired the spell, anger flashing across his face.

Kai's figure blurred as he appeared to his left… but a step behind—a step toward the deathly black and blue flames.

"Stupefy!" Sirius matched the timing with his godson.

General Lily looked at Kai, her eyes burning. "Pestis Incendium!!!"


A great, red and orange flaming serpent appeared within the ring of black and blue fire. It consumed rain. It consumed the wind. And it consumed the very space. The serpent became a chimera, and then a dragon, changing from one beast to another.


Kai was absolutely gobsmacked, his expression changing. Not because of the fire itself, but because of its size. Acting as Darcie, Kai already knew much of the greatest mysteries of the Harry Potter World.

Fiendfire was one of those inexplicable mysteries.

It was an immensely powerful fire that couldn't be extinguished, and not even the caster could control it entirely. Not to mention, it possessed sentience, with a desire to burn everything it could.

Then there was its size. It was supposed to have an abnormally colossal size, which kept becoming larger and larger.

It was this that changed Kai's expression.

The Fiendfire Serpent in front of him—wasn't even 6 ft long. Size didn't mean greater power, especially with Magic.


The ever-changing Fiendfire bellowed toward Kai, instantly closing the gap between them.

Kai blurred, his speed making him instantly close up with Harry.

But he disapparated.

The Fiendfire wasn't slow, either. It rushed toward Kai, ignoring all presence. Meanwhile, the General and Commanders kept firing spells at him, mocking him as he ran for his life.

"Haha!" Sirius laughed. "Run! Run! Run, like a rat!"

Harry roared out a peal of laughter, firing a Patronus Charm as Kai became Dementor-Kai. "I play with Dementors, you abomination! Humph!"

Even the General giggled, her wand continuously spewing fire because of using the Fiendfire spell. "Too cocky!" she mocked, her thin lips arching up. "Burn him to ashes!"


A final roar. A final mad rush. A last attempt to escape. Failed.

The ring of black and blue fire shortened, the Fiendfire's size enlarged, and in between lay Kai, sweat covering his brows.

Since his return from the Samurai's Hut, after unlocking Murasame, Kai had been using it to kill all lifeforms. It wasn't like he could hide his abilities from them, either. If he were to know the results of his training, the best trick was to try them out in the fields. Otherwise, there was no one to tell him if he was walking on the right path or wrong.

So, the biggest reason for Kai to attempt such assassination attempts was that the enemy already knew all his capabilities. If he stopped training, becoming stronger every time he left the cave, then it wouldn't be a shock for him to fall against a human-Pokemon next time.

That's why Kai continuously trained, never skipping a single day.

Yet, there was one thing that the four Armies didn't know about him. One ability… which he hadn't used before.

One power—which had no counter.

Sounga needed 2 million Points to unlock, forcing Kai to unlock his other Powers instead. However, these "other" Powers weren't a joke, either.

In the end, Blood Demon was a killer. Moreover, these days, he had been becoming better and better with Acting, his Facelessness Comprehension growing with all little Acts.

The Fiendfire Serpent roared, and blue flames bellowed, and both lunged themselves toward Kai, engulfing his tiny figure.


"Haha!" Harry laughed, looking at the mix of red and blue fires.

"Bug!" Lily spat mockingly, and then looked at Harry with a gentle gaze.

Sirius was also smiling at Harry. He stepped toward him, "Good spellwork Harry! You have done—aah!" he gasped.

A long, enchanting katana entered his back, pierced his heart, and came out from the front.

"SIRIUS!!!" Harry thundered.

Great fire cast the greatest shadows!

Behind Sirius, there was a shadow too, rippling along with many-colored conjured flames. And gliding out of his shadow was Kai, laughing so hard that his eyes had gone wet.

A noiseless laugh!

Lily Potter was too overprotective of Harry Potter, so Kai dare not brand his shadow. That left Commander Sirius Black.

The first time Kai had appeared behind Sirius, under the guise of pulling him toward the Killing Curse, he had already branded his shadow using Shadow Link Skill. A basic diverging technique. But there weren't many who could implement it while getting attacked from all sides. Not when one mistake meant death.

Then, just before the Fiendfire serpent and the incinerating blue flames could burn him to ashes, Kai used the Skill Shadow Space to enter his Shadow Space before using to come out from the branded shadow. Sirius' shadow.


Kai snatched Murasame out of Sirius, blood splattering everywhere. Cursed runic marks ran over Commander's body, poisoning and corrupting his heart. But there was no need.

Sirius Black—was already dead.

"I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Harry roared, seeing Kai's ghostly, hideous, noiseless laugh. "YOU—!!!"

But, even before Harry or Lily Potter could move, Kai again dropped back into his Shadow Space… just like another raindrop.

All Shadow Brands vanished after one use. And Kai could only Brand a shadow in a set area of 10 meters.

But the thing was—he could Brand many shadows within a world, as long as he didn't leave that world, i.e. once he went to the Samurai's Hut, all such brands would vanish as well.

When Kai entered his Shadow Space, he looked up, and his laugh intensified.

The entire roof was covered in hundreds of holes, each representing a Branded Shadow on Island X. Some were just rocks, some were trees, and some were even Xenomorphs. As Pokemon and Eternal Snow Armies used shadow magic, he dare not brand their soldiers' shadows if he had no intention of using it instantly. The same was the case with Death Eaters.

As Kai looked at those holes, his laugh finally died. Through one of them, he could see Selene still rampaging in and out of the careless wizards and witches.

This was enough, Kai decided. He flew toward her and pulled her into the Shadow Space.

-Master!- she hissed, snapping at Kai. -I was having so much fun!!!-

Kai smiled at her. -Let's go!-

With another jump, he flew toward a hole and arrived directly into the cave.

Sigh! Kai sighed, shaking his head. A trump card is no longer a trump card if the enemy knows it. Tch!

But the smile still lingered on his face.

He had finally done it.

His Points had already gone beyond 2 million. "Smarty!" Kai said, caressing Selene's scales. "To the Samurai's Hut!."

When he walked out of the blue-black teleportation vortex, he found Samurai Jack standing in front of him, as usual. "Had fun?" Kai asked, licking his lips. "You sit here all day on your ass, watching me like a pervert. Haha! Not ashamed?"

Samurai Jack looked at Kai, his bare, wet chest, and his drenched army trousers. He also looked at Murasame and Selene, who hissed at him menacingly in return, her third eye burning to open.

"Well done!" Jack said, shocking Kai. "I am promoting you, Kai Stormborn. From now on, you are no Trooper, but a Captain. This means…"

Kai didn't like where it was going. Not one bit.

Jack continued, turning around, "… this means your time is running out."


AN: Till Chapter 519 are available on Patre on. I will update all of them here. However, if you want to support me and access them, you can do so at just 5 $.

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