Sounga Unleashed - Island X's nightmare!!!

100000 soldiers flooded the grounds and clouded the sky as they marched toward a specific location.

In this Division, there were 5000 Xenomorphs, 5000 Yautja, 5000 Knights, 10000 Pokemon, 10000 Wights, 150000 Dothrakis, and 50000 Wizards, Witches, and other magical creatures.

The number of Captains in this behemoth stood at 990.

9 out of the remaining 10 were exceptionally strong Commanders.

And commanding them all, flying in the air without using a broom, was General Lily Potter. The part below her waist was churning like greenish-black smoke, her eyes bloodshot.

They had finally found it! They actually had!

30 years had gone by since the times of Rain Slaughter when the False One had killed Commander Sirius Black. And not one day had gone by when her son, Commander Harry Potter, had rested his search for the enemy.

They occasionally heard the reports, true. But the enemy never carried out another mass massacre or attempted another attack on any HQ.

The coward had been hiding in a hole, it seemed to them.

But now they had found that hole, too.

Where would he run now?





The ground trembled, dragons roared, the thousands of Pokemon thundered and cried, and the drums shook the space in front of the countless destriers.

"Ahoooooo!" the Dothrakis howled.

Clouds of ice froze the skies as the legendary Pokemon, Articuno, flapped its mighty blue wings. Flames scorched the other part of the sky, where the legendary Pokemon, Moltres, flew by.

These were the two Commanders from the Original Ones.

On a magnificent warhorse, Commander Robert Baratheon led the army, carrying two war-hammers on his back.

Two Royal Xenomorphs acted as the Commanders for the Xenomorphs, and the Commander of Yautja was nowhere to be seen, along with half of their army. All invisible.

The Wights were led by a White Walker Commander, riding a colossal, undead dragon.

The rest of the 3 Commanders were from the Death Eaters' camp, all flying on their brooms behind General Lily Potter.

In the middle was Commander Harry Potter, his eyes burning with revenge. On his left was Commander Ron Weasley, with a red beard and one-eyed, a scar running down from his good eye to his lips. On Harry's right was Commander Cedric Diggory, his jaw clenched tight.

"We will get him, mate, we will," Ron said, wind slapping against his face. "The Star Beast Brotherhood had developed Shadow Realm jamming technology 10 years ago, right? An area of 10 km is already locked around the location by Yautja ships. He can't run away this time."

"Ron's got the truth of it, Harry," Commander Diggory chimed in, seeing Harry's trembling grip over the broom. "Today he will draw his last breath."

"Haaa!" Harry snorted, his lips twisting. "I will never let him draw that last breath. Never."

General Lily frowned as she heard the conversation. After Sirius' death, her son had never been the same, getting angry and losing rationale at the slightest remarks. But everything would change today, yes. Everything.

"Pass the command!" Lily's voice rang in the ears of 3 Commanders following her. "We are here!"

Harry put his wand against his throat. "ALL ALERT!!!"

All Alert…

All Alert....

The words echoed far and wide as if they didn't care about the enemy listening to them.

From the right side of the 100000-strong Division, Pokemon, Xenomorphs, Yautja, and Knights charged forward, making an arch.

From the left flank, the Wights, Dothraki, and the magical creatures surged forward.

In no time, they encircled an area of 1 km from the sky, earth, and even underground. This was an inescapable trap, and there was nowhere to run; nowhere to go.

In the middle of this colossal encirclement was a hole, leading into a cave-like grand structure.

There he was, they all knew.

The False One. The Rain Slaughterer. The White-haired Demon.

Today—he will die!

"COME OUT!" Harry's voice ripped the air, his anger boiling. "COME OUT, COWARD!!!"

It was noon, a burning white sun scorching the hilly grounds. Light moss covered the entire land, and small waterfalls infused the air with a gentle fragrance.

A gale swept by in the silence, swishing and howling.

It was then someone caught the sight of white. They all saw it; they saw him.

He had long white hair and enchanting hazel eyes. On his face, there was light stubble. As he flew up, they found him wearing a ragged, white shirt over baggy army trousers. Under his feet was a shield, gliding, taking him up and up.

And in his hands were swords. Two.

Two? Wait! Two?!

General Lily's eyes squinted as she noticed the change. She had been following all reports on the enemy for the last 30 years. Never she saw someone mention him having 2 swords. Moreover, no matter how she looked at the second sword, she couldn't tell from where he must have stolen it.

This was no sword of this Island X, Lily concluded, horrified. For how long this man had been hiding this second sword? And why? What had he been planning? What had he intended to achieve by hiding it?

Something's wrong, Lily thought, hovering in midair. The enemy had already flown out of the hole and was still flying up and up, reaching the same height as hers.

Was he not afraid? The question brushed past Lily's mind. Was he not feeling apprehensive after being surrounded—

This?! Lily's eyes widened. She spun her head around, and what she saw shocked her. 100000 soldiers had indeed surrounded the enemy. But the opposite was true as well.

All headquarters had strengthened the securities, preventing another Rain Slaughter from occurring after the first incident. No wonder the enemy never attacked another one.

But, seeing the 100000 soldiers, Lily couldn't help but ask herself. Hadn't she brought an entire HQ to the enemy?

It was then it happened.

The second sword, the new one, gave out an evil, purple glow; just like a signal; a command.

The White-haired Demon threw back his head and laughed, his entire body trembling in apparent ecstasy.

The weird thing was that they couldn't hear him. It was as if he was laughing noiselessly.

Creepy and annoying as it was, Lily's breathing quickened.

The ground couldn't have shaken at the worst time.


It was like a million drills were trying to burst out of the earth, shaking the entire land.

Overhead, a great darkness covered the skies, black clouds rolling in from all sides. Even the gentle gale became a tempest, smelling of blood, rot, and dead.


Blue and purple bolts of lightning cracked, rocking hearts and sights alike.


Earth spit apart, starting from the very hole from which the enemy had crawled out. And out came hundreds and hundreds of corpses like an avalanche; a great, incomprehensible flood, smelling of death, decay, and wrath.

"Agghhhh!" the Pokemon corpses growled. Some instantly began to fly, use moves, and fire Hyper Beams.

"Grrrrr!" the dead Wizards and Witches raised their wands, shooting spell after spell.

"Harrrr!" purple-eyed magical creatures crawled out, followed by hundreds of Xenomorphs.

An invisible Company of dead Yautja melted into space, their Plasmacasters aimed at all.

It didn't stop there.

This undead army was followed by hundreds of abominations, like the ones no one had seen before. Cruel and repulsing combinations of human-Pokemon lunged out, each one no less powerful than a Captain.

The 100000 strong Division first watched transfixed before bursting out with a shriek.

"RUN!" Lily's voice boomed. "IT's A TRAP!!!"

The General didn't fear for herself. But if she were to lose all soldiers other than the Commanders, then it would already be an immense loss. She spun around and saw Ron and Cedric restraining a mad Harry.

Suddenly, the world behind her drowned in purple.

As if time itself had paused, General Lily's head brokenly shifted, making her look over her shoulder.

There he was— Purple Death God!

His right hand was raised high, the curved sword giving out a blinding, purple glow, making it look like a sun.

"Dragon—" a word shuddered the souls, ringing out from the man they had come to kill. A world-ending image of a purple dragon manifested around him, coiling up, looking down at all with pure, evil eyes.

Then he uttered once more. "—Twister!"

Lily's eyes lost hope. "Oh, God!"

Thunder rained, wind hacked, and a grand, purple tornado wreaked havoc on the world, tearing the flesh of hundreds who were unfortunate enough to feel its evil winds.

And those who were fortunate enough to die with their flesh intact—

—came back to life with purple in their eyes.



On the side note, old readers of fanfic, how is the story unfolding for you guys? Trouble recalling a certain things, I bet. Anyway, at least in this Arc I hadn't included much of the old concepts. Everything was fresh, according to the Tournament of Worth. So enjoy to the fullest. Good luck!