The Fifth Army - Rise of an Empire!!! (1)

After spending 150 years on Island X, Kai carried out the greatest slaughter to date, massacring over 60000 soldiers, including Captains, and 2 Commanders.

His army of undead lacked in number, true enough. Standing at 20000, this army of the oddest creatures and human undead represented Kai's over 30 years of preparation.

The moment he had unlocked Sounga decades ago, these preparations and plans had formed in his mind—all hoping to reach the mark of at least 5 million Points.

He indeed had to hide his strength. He indeed had to bear with the growing anxiety, pressure, and many failures.

However, it was all worth it in the end.

5 million Points! That was the price for unlocking the Book.

Kai had obtained 6 million by the time he had finished killing, his Dragon Twisters raging havoc on the living.

The only thing was that in the last century, he had already finished all his HP, MP, and SP capsules.

So he could only use the Items' Skills, and his own Skills, with a considerable gap between them. That's how the remaining 40000 soldiers survived.

Otherwise, Blood Demon knew no mercy.

Losing so many soldiers, especially when they had gone to kill the enemy, was already a hideous setback. It was more so when they had just perfected the Shadow Realm Jamming Technology, which could lock all the portals leading to the Shadow Realm in a 1 km radius, for 30 minutes.

What happened to the combined forces of the 4 armies was already a nightmare.

Still, the coming decades were fated to turn out even more despairing for the habitants of Island X.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard… had finally been unlocked.

This one Book contained many ACTS that could topple the power structure in no time.

One of those ACTS was—D-Mail!!

When Kai returned after visiting the Samurai's Hut, failing again at the Task and buying another Life Halt Capsule, it was then his reign began.

Why had Kai been holding himself back from using this Time-manipulating ACT so much?

It was because he was worried about influencing the real-time of the Harry Potter World and Primordial Tower too much, bringing unknown variables into his life. And there was no guarantee of them having good or bad.

What if one day he overdid it, and something unexpected happened, like hundreds of thousands of years' worth of Divergence? He was not ready to tackle a situation of that scale, Kai knew. Not until he reached 5th Set, at least.

Nonetheless, the venue for the 3rd Stage of the Tournament of Worth was different in many ways.

First, it was contained within a Time Nod, separate from the real dimensions. Second, it wasn't a Random World, to begin with. Even the Systems had mentioned that this place only came into being upon Kai's teleportation out of the White Hall. Not before.

There was one more reason, though. That reason was—Kai just didn't care anymore.

So he began using the ACT which he had been carefully avoiding for long. And he used it madly.

Problem: Ambushed while exploring the Island?

Solution: D-Mail.

Problem: Failed to kill someone?

Solution: D-Mail.

Problem: Infiltrated HQ, but got caught?

Solution: D-Mail.

Problem: Suddenly finding himself under the effects of Shadow Realm Jamming technology?

Solution: D-Mail.




When Kai had spent 200 years on Island X, becoming the 5th Hegemon, his true age was only 31 because of the Life Halt Capsules.

In the 201st year, the Death Eaters began using… Time Turners!

The almost unconquerable and infallible ACT finally met a wall. This "wall" was so big that no matter how much it banged its head on it, nothing happened.

Problem: Ambushed while exploring the Island?

Solution: D-Mail.

Death Eaters: Nope!!!

What Kai wanted to undo using D-Mail, the Commanders began undoing Kai's undoings.

A hideous stalemate birthed between the False One and the Apocalypse Alliance that had lasted for 100 years and was still going on. It had lasted long enough for D-Mail to become completely useless.

However, the Book just didn't have absurd ACTS. None knew that behind the illogical powers of the Book hid unnatural lifeforms.

Kai had always been a loner, but it didn't mean he didn't know the value of subjects.

Petyr Baelish not only granted him the use of Titan's Buff, letting Kai raise his certain Attributes, but he was also a grand schemer.

Then there was Cersei Lannister, infamously known among the Apocalypse Alliance as the Demon Queen. Wherever Kai had gone in this last century, she had been there first. With the cloak of shadows, she was already as powerful as the top 5th-floor Contestants. On Island X, when Kai first brought her out, she had the strength of a Trooper. Coupled with stolen items from the armies, she could even hold her ground against a Captain.

In last was the insane scientist, Rintaro Okabe. It was he who surprised Kai the most.

Since his resurrection in the Harry Potter World, Rintaro had been working on creating a brand new field—Mana Engineering. It wasn't going anywhere in the beginning. One must not forget that Rintaro was just a human, and he hadn't even contacted Magic before Kai had devoured his tale.

Creating a new field? These things took time; a lot of time; years, decades, and centuries, in fact.

So, Kai had never even thought of questioning Rintaro about it before the 3rd Stage. Being a scientist himself, he also had the patience of one.

However, on Island X, both Rintaro and Kai had time. So much time that they had never expected they would have.

First, Kai infiltrated the headquarters of the Star Beast Brotherhood, and stole quite a few high-tech equipments, using his Shadow Link and Shadow Space Skills. Then, he and Rintaro began experimenting on the abominations (-human + magical creatures-) that never stopped coming after Kai.

After decades of research, they began working on manufacturing Bio-weapons of mass destruction, which used Mana as fuel.

With Kai's brilliant mind, and aided by genius Rintaro, by the time the 3rd Century ended, a new Army had risen on Island X.

Kai had named it — White Serpent Empire.

Near the west coastline of Island X, due North-East of Cloudbreak Spire of the Apocalypse Alliance stood a white tower.

Though not as tall as the Cloudbreak Spire, there was an uncanny charm about it. Its walls were etched into the shape of serpent scales, and on its top, a white serpent reared, hissing out all onlookers with its bare fangs.

This was the White Serpent Tower that Kai had raised for himself.

The massive stronghold of the White Serpent Empire!

50000 level 1, 10000 level 2, and 50 level 3 Reanimated Corpses decorated the surroundings of the Tower. Most of these undead were Xenomorphs, a force that none wanted to see coming alive after being killed once. After their numbers, came Pokemon, Yautja, humans, and wizards. At last, were magical creatures from Death Eaters' camp. Even they were in thousands.

Kai had killed a lot in these last 150 years, and most of them ended up becoming undead.

But if it was only this, it wouldn't have been worth mentioning.

All the undead, even the Pokemon, were cladded in advance armor. Some were carrying large barrels, and some were wielding Mana-engineered Swords, which burst out with moves, depending upon the magical creatures and processes used to manufacture them.

Not only them, but the entire White Serpent Tower was a colossal piece of Mana Weapon, less with thousands of weapons.

It took guts to claim the territory of his own on Island X. But brains and strength were needed more.

Fortunately, Kai had both.


AN: Hey guys! Let me know if you need any updated Stats from any Item or Ability. I will add it on Discord's new Stats channel. Or, at the end of the next chapter.