The Fifth Army - Rise of an Empire!!! (2)

On the top floor of the Tower, there was a grand hall, with a tall and imposing serpent-scaled throne. A tall, imposing being was seated there, his eyes closed.

He was wearing red and white armor, his helmet resting by his side. His long, white hair was tumbling behind his back, and his chin was resting on the back of his hand with his elbow on the armrest.

His face donned a light beard, his bearing boasting of innate nobility. From his looks, he looked no older than in his late twenties, but that would have been a mistake.

At 35, Kai Stormborn, seated on his royal throne, was a sight to behold.

All his Abilities had soared to distant skies in these years. A fact that could instill fear in the very hearts was—he still hadn't reached his peak.

A demon he was, and that should have already been enough.

A demon whose powers knew no limits? That was no less than a living nightmare.

But something was different about him, too. With the passing of so many years, it was natural for one to change.

Before, Kai was like a boiling heat, ready to burn the entire world under his wrath. He knew patience then as well, but of anger, rage, and explosiveness, he knew more.

Now, however, Kai gave the impression of a volcano, a lake of lava bubbling at its peak. No matter how much lava boiled, thundered, and hissed, it could not affect the volcano; this behemoth.

All emotions and strength condensed into a dormant, calm being. This was who Kai had become.

And when he would explode, he would shake the entire earth.

Bang! Bang-bang!!

In front of Kai, down the steps, there was a circular area, which contributed to most of the Throne Hall.

At this time, a lean, black armored figure was fighting with a Reanimated Corpse. This Reanimated Corpse had two large bazookas on its back, and its face resembled that of a Pokemon Blastoise.

On the other side, the black armor looked incredibly sleek. Not only that, there were two shadow bat-like wings propped out from its back, which the armored figure was using to nimbly dodge the undead's attack.

In the figure's hands were two long-barreled guns, which were firing invisible shock waves.

The human-Blastoise growled, letting out an inhumane roar. The bazookas on its back glowed, and it shot several water guns toward the armored figure in quick succession.

The winged figure dodged them, its agility impressively surpassing the attacks. The water guns spun and landed on the wall behind it. A boom shook the Throne Hall.


Suddenly, the entire black armor clanked as if some unknown gears were spinning beyond their limits. The barely dodging figure vanished with a flap of its large wings and appeared on the human-Blastoise left.

Like a robot, the abomination pointed its bazookas toward the black figure and began condensing its Mana to shoot out its strongest move.

The Flash Cannon!

Alas! The black figure put a gun's nozzles against the undead's head and fired.


Brain matter splattered everywhere, and the enormous figure of human-Blastoise fell back with a resounding thud.

It was then Kai's eyes parted, his hazel sight landing on the beautiful scene. "Well done," he complimented, his chin still resting on the back of his hand. "Killing a level 3 Reanimated Corpse shows that you have surpassed the strength of a Captain, but barely. The gap between a Captain and Commander is still too vast for you."

The black-armored figure approached the foot of the steps which were leading up to the throne and kneeled.

Kai smiled. "How fare the Stunners?" he asked, looking at the two guns. "Rintaro had developed them using Stupefy Spells as the basis."

The helmet of the black-armored figure clicked and clacked before vanishing inside her armor.

A battle-hardened beauty!

Cersei had been born with stunning looks in Westeros. But the charms she possessed now weren't something her true self could ever know. Her green eyes were full of resolve, her gaze burning like fire. Her long, blond hair curled as it spilled like a waterfall on her back. Under her armor, she still had a layer of her Shadow armor, covering her from her toes to the tip of her nose.

Now the armor melted, letting out her thin, soft lips in the open.

"Better than the last ones, my lord," Cersei answered, smiling back at Kai. "A few more days, and I will get used to the backlash, I guess."

"Hmm." Kai nodded. "How about the armor? Is it flexible enough?"

Cersei stood up and climbed the stairs, her round curves rocking back and forth. She approached Kai and sat down on his lap, metal clanking against metal. "Why not you check if it's flexible enough or not, my lord?" she jested, leaning on him. "We have waited enough, haven't we? I have waited enough."

Over 150 years! That's how long the Characters had remained with Kai now. 150 years were enough to make one forget grudges and friends. Much less needed to be said about certain limits that Kai had not crossed yet.

"Haha!" Kai's manly laugh rocked the hall. Two undead entered the Throne Hall and cleaned the floor before going away. They had little intelligence, but they were proficient in carrying out orders. "What's the rush, my lady?" he asked, caressing Cersei's armor over her thighs. "We will soon leave this place. The first thing I will do is to visit Game of Thrones world, OK?"

Cersei snorted. Usually, after hearing these words, she would have erupted with joy. Not today. "3916 mistakes!" she spat, her eyes fuming. "That Samurai never tells you the nature of mistakes, just their number. I don't think it will be that easy to find those mistakes and then rectify them."

Kai felt amused as he looked at Cersei's tantrums. He didn't mind. These little things had their charm, he had found out. "I can feel it coming, Cersei," he said, his gaze piercing the hall's walls. "With such a Task and so much time, the reward will be sky-toppling."

Cersei's eyes shone, and she beamed. "You are right!" she exclaimed. "But…"

"Out with it, already," said Kai.

"I am worried about the Generals," she confided. "We have experienced assassinations, infiltrations, and even battles. But the Generals never attacked our headquarters."

Kai's smile widened. Cersei had been training under his eyes for 50 years now. And with the Shadow Armor boosting her strength, she had already become a fearsome power in Kai's arsenal. She was cunning, brilliant, and intelligent. But she had never directed those skills toward wars. Cersei was progressing, but she still had a long path ahead.

"They will never come," Kai told her. "You know why?"

Cersei cutely shook her head.

"They fear me." Kai's words thundered with confidence. "Imagine a General coming here. What can they do? Kill the undead again? They know the Shadow Realm Jamming is full of loopholes now because of D-Mail. Once I use Shadow Link and Shadow Space to go to that General's headquarters, who can stop me there? Haha! Even if one can Apparate right after knowing my disappearance, it will already be too late."

"Oh!" Cersei nodded to herself, her eyes ruminating over Kai's words. "Reasonable."

"Go," Kai commanded. "We will go to the Samurai's Hut in one week. It's best to accumulate more Points. Take a Company of Level 2 Undead and march toward South."

As Kai had already linked his Shadow Space with all his undead and Cersei, he could instantly go to them through the Shadow Realm, if needed

Cersei bounced off Kai's lap, kissed him, and flew away.


Selene slithered up Kai's shoulders and kissed his chin. -You look at her like a beast in heat, master,- she hissed, laughing. -I wonder for how long you will keep it in.-

Kai scratched Selene under her jaw and smiled. -We have come so far, Selene,- he hissed, recalling the battles. -But I am still no match for the Generals. Island X is evolving and adapting faster than ever. The sooner we will end it, the better.-

Selene snapped. -Then go kill the Samurai, master!- she hissed, her other personality taking over. And then she changed again. -But don't get beaten by him. I don't like that.-

-Haha!- Kai laughed, his eyes glinting demonically. -You are still far from evolving?-

Selene shook her head, her blind eyes narrowing. -These magical creatures are tasty enough, master,- she hissed, coiling around him. -But they are not helping my evolution at all.-

-Don't worry,- Kai hissed, remembering the eggs he had left with Professor Elm. -I think I know what will work for you.-

-Hmm?- Selene hissed, shocked. -You know, master?-

Kai didn't directly answer but smiled. -You all just wait,- he hissed, grinning eerily. -I have made some good plans for our future-

As Kai and Selene were chatting in the Throne Hall, with Cersei forming a Company of undead for the coming battle, something grander was happening at the HQ of Apocalypse Alliance.

Something that had never happened since Kai's arrival at Island X.

The Supreme Generals, the absolute Beings of Island X, had called out a meeting of Generals.

And a thing that could make such powerful Beings gather in the same place, how could it be trivial?

This "stalemate", which had lasted for over 100 years, was finally at its end.


AN: Are you ready for a great battle? Yohoho!!