A Grand Success - Generals Unleashed

Cloudbreak Spire,

Apocalypse Alliance HQ

Same hall. Same wind. And, same time.

Over to the distant horizon, the sun was just shy from setting, its face glowing yellow to orange to red.

At the top of the Cloudbreak Spire, there was an enormous hall with no walls and many pillars. However, what looked enormous from the outside was even more colossal from the perspective of someone standing inside. Extension Charm did have such handy effects, extending the internal dimensions of a place by stupendous degrees.

A large table, with Island X's detailed map, was seated in the middle of this hall. The sand making the map kept shifting, marking the correct locations of all patrols and markers.

Not much had changed on this table in these last 300 years if one were to only consider the scale of the Island and its topography.

However, to the North-West of the miniature Cloudbreak Spire on this map, another tower had sprung up in the last 100 years.

This tower's height couldn't even be mentioned in the same breath as Alliance headquarters. Still, no one could discard it as insignificant and insubstantial. Not those who could look at this table and refer to the map, at least.

Suddenly, the gigantic doors threw open, and 6 Beings walked in, their gait noble.

Wind couldn't budge them. The vastness of the hall couldn't unnerve them, either.

Nothing could deter the pride, confidence, and hardened look on their faces, for they were Generals.

And one step ahead of all was General Severus Snape, his dark eyes brimming with cold, his black cloak billowing noiselessly in his wake.

On Snape's left, donning the same, smoke-like cloak, was General Lord Voldemort. His eyes were even murderous and full of apathy and indifference. His pupils were like that of a snake, his face sleek and white. When he breathed, a hissing noise permeated the air.

With one quick step, Voldemort put himself shoulder to shoulder with Snape. Another flawless slither, and he arrived at the very front of the group.

On Voldemort's left, wearing a formal black suit and pants, was General Gellert Grindelwald. His hair over his ears had gained a touch of white, true. Yet, from the sturdiness of his steps and the glow on his face, no one could tell that he was the oldest General among this group.

Towards Snape's right was General Lily Potter, her face pale. She was wearing her proper military uniform, countless medals glistening in the light of the setting sun. It was as if she was dead set to let everyone know how much she had contributed to the Death Eaters and the Alliance.

So what if she had failed to handle the False One… numerous times?

She was still a General. Humph!

General Lily Potter snorted but soon gulped. Her eyes shifted, and she looked at the woman on her right.

Golden-brown hair, and a straight, expressionless face. General Hermione Granger gave no hint of her newly promoted Rank, Status, and Powers. It felt like she was born to take up this role; this responsibility.

But then what happened to the General before her? No Commander could get promoted if the position wasn't available, to begin with.

Who was missing?

General Lily Potter knew, and that was the reason for her to come in her uniform. Late General Minerva McGonagall had died a tragic death only a few months back. If it was only that, it wouldn't have shaken Lily so much.

It was her not knowing the cause of death.

Lily shook her head inwardly, and her gaze went past General Hermione.

On Hermione's right, a head taller than her was General Alastor Moody. Both of his eyes were rotating freely in the sockets, spinning round and round, incredibly fast.

"Everyone's late," Snape hissed coldly. "Again!"

The 6 Generals lined up on one side of the Table, with a considerable gap between them and the large magical structure.

It was then the doors, which had barely closed by themselves, got thrown open once more.

The entire floor shook as 6 titan-like Beings entered the hall.

One among them had already appeared in this hall, being posted at the Alliance headquarters — General Yu, the Battlemaster Yautja.

On his left, towering at a height of 9 ft and 10 inches, was General Sho, a Predalien; a hideous fusion between the races of Yautja and Xenomorphs, but stronger than both. Even Yautja regarded them as abominations among themselves, calling them an insult to their species. And that was saying something in itself.

To the Predalien's left was the Monstrosity.

20 ft tall, General Ming was a King Xenomorph. His head was much more ornate than a Queen Xenomorph, his powers vaster, still.

Every step it took thundered the hall, even wind losing sense as it curved around his pristine exoskeleton.

If he was tall, then the General to the rightmost position of this group, looked even taller because of her lean body.

General Xua, the Empress Xenomorph. Acid dripped off her mouth, traveling a distance of 25 ft before sizzling the floor. She outshone King Xenomorph, the Battlemaster Yautja, and even the Predalien.

Yet she couldn't outshine the creature to her left.

General Genetrix, the Queen Mother Xenomorph. Her red, colossal body seemed to be dragged over the floor as she stepped forward. If it wasn't for the severity of the meeting, General Genetrix would have never left her Hive; her cave.

These creatures could instill fear in the hearts of all. Who could belittle their presence or their might?

Yet, there was one more among them. Even more powerful; absurdly powerful.

But, to the shock of all, incredibly beautiful.

A beauty surpassing that of General Lily Potter and Hermione Granger.

Leading the Generals from the Star Beast Brotherhood was a female in a tight, white t-shirt, army trousers, and thick, voluptuous lips. Her breasts were strained against the t-shirt, and sweat made her neck shimmer under the last light of the day.

However, every step that she took made the ears ring with a metallic clink; a grinding noise. It was as if she lacked the basic constituents of a human. Her hair was blue, her eyes bluer, and her expression donned an extremely battle-hungry expression.

No one in this hall could deny that she was the strongest General among them all, for magic didn't work half as good on her.

She was General Eloise, the Android-Xenomorph. [Image 1]

General Eloise's group didn't even exchange greetings with the Death Eaters and came to rest opposite the wizards and witches, with a gap of 10 meters between them and the table.

The wind finally sighed, getting the space to fly through the gaps of this hall.

It was then the roar arrived.


Like a meteor, General Ray, the Pokemon Rayquaza, flew into the hall, coiling its massive body on one side of the table. It glared at the Generals of the Star Beast Brotherhood, getting a growl from King Xenomorph in return. Imbecile! Rayquaza spat inwardly.

Suddenly, a sound of hooves striking the floor rang through the hall.

A quadrupedal, stag-like Pokemon, with four pairs of antlers, walked in through the massive doors. Its antlers were cyan, and its gait was extremely regal and elegant.

The moment General Lily and Hermione saw the Pokemon, their eyes gleamed. Beauty they had seen before, but no one could match the stately appearance of General Xerxes, the Fairy-type legendary Pokemon Xerneas.

General Xerxes walked near Rayquaza, gave all a passing look, and closed his eyes.

Not even a moment had passed by that another quadrupedal, blue, mammalian Pokemon with white, diamond-shaped markings, blurred into existence near Xerneas. General Water Hound was a Suicune, a Water-type legendary Pokemon.


The sudden cry shook the spines, a burning sensation grabbing the strings of hearts.

Resembling a phoenix and a peacock, a gold-red Pokemon flew in from the dark, bringing scorching heat with it. General Coro was the dual Fire and Flying-type legendary Pokemon, Ho-Oh. It flapped its majestic wings and landed between Rayquaza and Xerneas, who nodded at the winged Pokemon without opening his eyes.

"HOW DARE YOU MESS WITH ME!!!" a roar forced the pillars to tremble.

All heads shifted to the outside, and they saw a 20 ft tall silver-white, dragon-like Pokemon rushing in, bringing even mightier gales with it. General Lugh, the Psychic and Flying-type legendary Pokemon Lugia, fumed at the sight of Ho-Oh. It felt like a battle was imminent.

"Behave." Rayquaza's low voice came out like a stifled roar, making Pokemon Lugia snap out of his anger. He spat toward Ho-Oh and stationed himself on the left side of Rayquaza.

Suddenly, a sound of steel grinding against steel echoed off the walls, making the two ladies frown. It was truly an annoying sound.

A spherical and gray, robotic Pokemon walked into the hall, its steel legs scraping the floor.

With a body that was harder than even Valyrian Steel, General Reg was a steel-type legendary Pokemon, Registeel. The red dots on his face glowed redder as it came to rest near Lugia.

"Always late!" Snape spat, marking the absence of Eternal Snow Generals. "Always—"

"Hold your tongue, wizard," a voice penetrated from outside the hall. "We are here."

Wearing enchanted armor and wielding enchanted swords, five warriors walked in.

From left to right there were — General Brienne of Tarth, General Khal Drogo, General Arya Stark, General Tywin Lannister, and General Jaime Lannister.

They marched together; they stood together, and they breathed together; an icy breath.

"All are here…" General Tywin Lannister declared in his signature commanding voice. "Let us…"

"Is it only me," Snape hissed, "or have you forgotten how to count, Tywin?"

General Jaime laughed. "It is only you, wizard," he mocked. "Should have learned a bit of maths instead of dangling your wand here and there, no?" With that said, Jaime didn't forget to wink at Lily, who snorted in return.

Snape's expression changed not once, but a vein pulsed on his forehead. "I meant—"

General Severus couldn't complete his retort as the space between the groups of Generals shook. Instantly, all faces lost smiles and laughs, and all eyes opened, every pore on their bodies going alert.

The Supreme Generals had arrived!!!

Four incomprehensible powerful Beings materialized on four chairs around the table. In one glance, anyone could tell that these were just projections, not their true bodies. Nonetheless, no one dared to even breathe aloud.

Between the Generals from Death Eaters camp and the table was the Supreme General Albus Dumbledore, his youthful features betraying the bloodlust in his eyes.

Between the Generals from the Original Ones camp and the table was a gray Pokemon with a long, purple tail. Even through the projection, one could sense the power infused in its purple eyes. He was none other than the Supreme General Mewtwo, the Psychic-type legendary Pokemon.

Between Eternal Snow's Generals and the table sat a block of Ice. What else could he be? His face was icy blue, his breath frosty, and even his skin felt frozen solid. Yet, there was life within those cold eyes, one could tell.

The moment General Arya Stark's eyes landed on his back, her pupils lit up with pride, for he was the Lord of Night, Supreme General Jon Snow.

And fourth was darkness itself.

No one knew what she was, or who she was, or if she truly had a form or not. All knew but one thing about her — She was the One in the Dark!

This supposed biomechanical female entity was seated between the Generals of the Star Beast Brotherhood, her appearance impossible to describe. Her frame was curvaceous and slender, her fingers long and clawed. She had curved goat-like horns that seemed like a devil's crown.

And she was a step stronger than all Supreme Generals, period.

She was the Nightmare who only went by one name—Supreme General Goddess! [Image 2, 3]

All knees struck the ground together, even those of the humongous Xenomorphs. "Supreme Generals!!!"

The sound reverberated throughout the hall like wildfire.

"Rise," Mewtwo commanded, his eyes glowing blue and red. "Albus, tell them."

"Haha!" Supreme General Albus laughed maniacally. "No point in wasting time, children," he told them, leaning in the chair. "For the last 300 years, I had been working on a Formula to fuse Commander-level magical creatures and humans, trying to create a soldier stronger than both of them combined. However, the experiments always kept failing, resulting in a being weaker than even a Commander."

All listened closely. Some already knew, and the rest were intelligent enough to guess it. 3 centuries was no small time.

However, they did notice the use of "had" in the Supreme General's briefing, and that made their souls shudder, for the insinuation was just too extraordinary.

"You must have guessed it already," Albus chuckled. "We have done it. We have created a fused Being, stronger than both Commanders, and only a step lower than our Powers."


Everyone went thunderstruck. How was it possible? They knew how vast a gap was between a General and a Supreme General. And this knowledge only fueled the fire of their shocks.

"It is time." A crisp voice chilled all Generals' eyes. "It is time to eradicate the existence of that bug," Supreme General Jon Snow, the Night's King, declared. "Go. Attack together. Annihilate the White Serpent Empire."

Silence engulfed the hall, then.

"Haha!" Albus guffawed. "Don't worry. Goddess will act to keep him from accessing the Shadow Realm."


Supreme General Goddess nodded.

"My lords," General Lily said, steeling her courage. "I have clashed with him several times (-someone sniggered, making color rise on Lily's face-). He is utterly unpredictable. Even with all of us—"

The Lord of Night looked at General Lily, making her gulp down her words. "She will go with you," he told her. "She will take care of everything."

"She—" General Lily had just begun, when space trembled in the Cloudbreak Spire's surroundings.

And then all hell went loose.

Sweat drenched their backs, their bodies went taut, and their gazes lost focus.

All saw, in a transfixed state, that the darkness was getting torn open by a golden ray of light.

Not even half an hour had gone by since the sun had set, and another sun was now rising above the horizon, its heat boiling the mind and souls alike.

She had come.

And she… was Kai's nightmare.


AN: Yo. What's up, peeps! Alright. The usual. Donate Power Stones and support me :)

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