Kai vs 23 Generals!!! (2)

In Kai's mind, giant waves surged in the ocean of yellow mist.

A white room was suspended in the middle of this ocean, bobbing up and down, and rotating rhythmically.

A projection of Kai was seated on the roof of this white room, and a tiny, yellow stroke glistened on his forehead.

Slowly this Kai stood up and his eyes snapped open.

"Haaaa!" He slammed his palms together, his forehead letting out endless, blinding yellow rays of light. "Come out! Parselscript!!"



1 million!

10 million!!

100 million!!!

Runes after runes, strokes after strokes flooded the skies of Kai's mind and attacked the invading powers of the wizards.

On the outside, sight returned to Kai's eyes, though a trace of blurriness still lingered in his pupils.

Sounds of gasping reverberated in the merciless downpour as the wizards felt their spells struggling in the target's mind.

Only then did the attacks arrive.


A stupendously powerful sonic boom exploded behind Kai as he blurred out of existence. Kai's speed was so fast that he didn't even leave behind an afterimage. And that was saying something when the gravity was already 10 times that of the original.

The Pokemon's attacks landed where he previously was, creating an even mightier explosion.

Golduck-Kai appeared over General Eloise and hacked, Sounga landing on her metallic back.


Metal rang against metal and the android-Xenomorph got sent flying like a bullet, leaving behind a watery trail in the sky.

Suddenly, 3 red dots appeared on Kai's back in the form of a triangle.

A Plasmacaster fired with a sizzling sound. The board under Kai's feet adjusted to its left by the faintest degree, and the attack brushed by Kai's chest.

Surprise attacks were useless against him.

Kai's eyes narrowed as he took a quick glance at his surroundings. Within his mind a much delicate, but vastly important, battle was raging, endless runes and Parselscript crashing against the 60x power of Legilimens spell.

A claw, as big as Kai himself, swept at the sheet of rain. From another side, the Xenomorph Empress' tail shot at him like a black lightning bolt. Queen Mother spat out a rain of acid, painting everything into a scalding, hot green color.

Kai let go of Murasame, who kept hovering by his side and raised his left arm.

It was as if everything had gone slow in his surroundings. First, the rain paused, then the noises. The claw stopped in its path as if unseen shackles had bound it in midair. The Empress' tail was still slithering toward him when it met resistance, the pointy tip quivering in vain.

Even the rain of acid splattered on an invisible dome, surrounding Kai in a 20 meter radius.

Advance Telekinesis!

No. Wait!!!

If it was just Advance, then the next that happened wouldn't have happened.

All the water in 200 meter radius around him, all the raindrops, swirled like a vortex. "Bugs!" Kai's voice thundered, a hundred paper-thin daggers forming into the vortex. "Have I not killed enough for you to come at me like that?"

No Ability's Proficiency had undergone such tremendous growth as Telekinesis in the last 150 years. Kai had a lot of time, and little to do other than kill and accumulate Points.

Elementary Selfless Breathing and Magical Aptitude had already become Advance Abilities but hadn't moved a single percentage up since then. Advance Emotion Manipulation had crawled its way up to 50% but had met a bottleneck 10 years ago, refusing to budge.

Only Telekinesis was different; vastly different.

Calling it Advance was indeed wrong, for it wasn't Advance, but…

Master Telekinesis!!!

If his mind wasn't resisting the Legilimency, powered to 60 times its original strength, then he could have brought out an even grander might using this Ability.

Nothing could move around him. Unless he desired, even the wind itself had begun having a hard time against his will.

The paper-thin daggers condensed and condensed until it became hard to tell if they were even there or not. And then they shot out in all directions, entering bodies and exiting like a hot knife through butter.

The wizards and armored warriors were still safe, for they were just too far from him.

The Pokemon and Xenomorphs weren't that lucky, though.

The Empress Xenomorph lost half her tail, the King Xenomorph lost the fingers of its claws, and the Queen Mother found uncountable daggers running down her throat, ravaging her flesh.

"Agh!" Rayquaza slithered, his entire body covered in hair-like wounds.

"No!" Ho-oh cried, yellow-orange feathers falling off, along with streams of blood. Even Lugia's body wasn't as white anymore as before, red covering its entire body.

Only Xerneas had come out unharmed, his eyes glowing blue as it used Psychic powers. Registeel, on the other hand, needed no armor. All water daggers shattered as they met its body, impervious to all attacks.

It was then Kai slithered, his speed jolting the minds.

With a screeching sound, he appeared over Xerneas, who eyed him back with an apathetic gaze.

"Dragon" Kai snarled like a beast inside his helmet, raising Sounga. Endless purple light flooded out of the globe at the sword's end as if a purple sun had risen. A shadow of a purple dragon coiled up around Kai, becoming a stormy tornado.

But this was useless against Xerneas. First, he had Psychic power, even grander than Kai's. Second, it was he who had increased the Gravity on Kai, to begin with.

With a mere thought, the 10x times Gravity becomes 20x on Kai.

Xerneas' antlers glowed even more intensely with the colors of the rainbow, and then it galloped toward Kai, his horns pointed at Kai's chest.


Just as it felt like Xerneas would rip Kai apart, a hiss resounded in the surroundings, followed by a demonic cackle.


"Hahaha!" Kai's smile couldn't help but become a mocking laugh. -Selene- he hissed, Sounga reaching the highest point. -Look at this ugly bug!"

-Hahaha!- Selene's laugh penetrated the souls. -It better be a pretty one, master.-

The Ghost Basilisk's head materialized in front of Kai's chest and opened its third eye.

Xerneas' eyes were glowing blue to counter Kai's Telekinesis. Suddenly, its entire body tightened up, a thin layer of stone appearing over its skin.

It wasn't enough to petrify Xerneas for long. But it was more than enough for Kai to finish the blow.

"No! Stop him!" Ho-oh cried.

"Kill him!" Rayquaza roared.

"Don't you dare!" all bellowed together.

But none could stop what was fated to happen.

Kai's sword fell, and another word came hissing out of his mouth. -Twister!-



AN: Kai comprehended the Parselscript in his Reality Marble during the Pirates of the Caribbean Arc.

It... still hasn't ended yet. Alright. Me out.

PS: If you like to read ahead, you can do so at Patr-eon or if you just want to support, both Patty and Coffee links available in Synopsis. [Me just... promoting myself. Ahem!]