Death of a General - Dracarys!!!

Sounga descended with a purple storm swirling around it. And it would behead Xerneas, the moment it touched him. No doubt.


Rayquaza roared and became a meteor, instantly covering the distance between it and Kai. Sounga landed on its back, hacked apart the green scaly armor, and bit into the flesh. But it didn't stop.

Registeel flew toward Kai, and punched, using the move Superpower, its entire body giving out a blue aura.


Kai's armor shattered upon impact, revealing his toned back. Sounga still didn't stop, now landing on Rayquaza's bones.

Lugia and Ho-oh both shone silver and attacked Kai using Sky Attack move, disintegrating his armor.

"Cough!" Kai coughed out blood. "Hahaha!"


Rayquaza's bones cracked, and Dragon Twister kept slicing and mincing its flesh from within. Sounga was still going deeper, dead set on hacking the legendary Pokemon in two.

A watery blur rammed into Kai's chest as Suicune used the move — Extreme Speed!

Kai's chest caved in, becoming a mess. His demonic laugh intensified, shaking the souls and hearts alike.

And just when it looked like he had slowed down, his mouth opened, his helmet breaking apart.


Endless blood flames poured out of his mouth, instantly converged on his body, and became a new skin-tight armor. This armor covered half his face, his right arm, and half of his torso and back. It didn't stop there, though.

A long, curved horn sprouted from his head, and his right eye began glowing red.


The word echoed in Kai's mind, who was still facing off the 6 wizards' attack simultaneously.

Muscles wriggled like worms, cells thrummed, and Kai laughed.

With one push, he cut apart Rayquaza in half, blood, flesh, and pieces of bones splattering in all directions.

The Dragon Twister was an AOE attack, to begin with. Evil, purple winds raged out of Rayquaza's body and landed on petrified Xerneas, shattering his antlers, and then sending him flying.

With one swoop, Kai grabbed Suicune's throat. He let go of Sounga, which instantly began fighting Registeel by itself. Ho-oh fired a Fireblast, and Lugia fired an Aeroblast. Kai, in return, just said one word.


A blurry image of a girl appeared behind him and thrust a katana inside his heart.


Oh, no! The moment all heard the beating of this powerful heart, they knew something had gone wrong.

And then saw it. The horror. The true face of the Demon.

Countless cursed runic marks covered his skin. His long, white hair had become red, and his left eye, the single eye which was out in the open, also became red.

It was then all Generals, visible and invisible, realized… that Rain Slaughterer was no human. Oh, how mistaken were they to even count him as a rational being?

Murasame, the One-Cut-Killer, blurred and hacked at Suicune. The Pokemon struggled, bursting out with endless power. He was a General, no? A mighty being. A Pokemon who towered above all.

But there were fingers wrapped around Suicune's throat. And it felt like they were fingers of death.

"Hahaha!" Kai laughed, squeezed, and crushed its neck. Murasame entered its wide-opened eyes and gave it a last kiss.




Kai let go of the dead General and hovered mid-air, laughing to his heart's content.

It was then he caught something at the corner of his eyes.

A ray of Sun!

"I've been waiting for you, my lady," Kai mocked, a spartan helmet appearing on his half-armored face without touching the curved horn. "You just let a General die. Haha!"

Since the very beginning, when the first ray of this "sun" had shattered the Mana Dome, Kai had been waiting for it to return. He knew it was this Abomination on whom these all were relying for them to come here together. This act boasted of their confidence; a confidence that they held the power to kill him.

And when Kai had noticed that General Daenerys was missing, he had concluded that she had already become a part of "experiments", and perhaps had become a true fusion of two beings.

"Come, then," Kai growled, pulling out the mind jewel off his forehead. "I have a congratulatory gift for you."

Kai had indeed become 35 years old. He had indeed become calmer than his previous self. But… the wildness of a demon still boiled in his heart.

A new challenge!

A new opponent!

And a new goal!!

Only with these, he could keep climbing toward the peak of absolute power, Kai knew.


Yellow bolts of lightning thundered around Kai, making all tremble. His fist holding the matured jewel let out an endless bloody glow.

Kai looked at the distant ray of sunlight, made a punch, and… vanished.

When he reappeared, he was hovering right in front of the six wizards. They had indeed made a mess of his mind. But it was true in reverse as well. As long as they were attacking his mind, they couldn't cast another spell.

All expressions changed simultaneously. What was this speed? Was there even a logic in it anymore?

The six wizards roared in Kai's mind, making his eyes bleed. He just smiled at them in return.

And then he punched.



Everything in 1 km became silent. It was as if a vacuum had occurred in the atmosphere, and the air didn't dare to fill it up.

But—the shocking thing was—the wizards were still alive.

Someone had grabbed Kai's fist. Someone had grabbed Focus Punch.

Kai brokenly looked at the towering figure holding his fist in its left hand, and his pupils trembled.

It was a monstrous figure, over 15 ft tall, with large, curved horns and dragon-like eyes. Two enormous wings fluttered on its back, and dense, absurdly powerful draconic scales covered its body. A tail whipped at the vacuum behind its back, lashing at the silence.

How can this be? Kai's mind jolted. How is she this strong?

One must not forget that it wasn't Kai in his basic form. He had used both Little War Horn and Titan's Buff, bringing him to the level of Generals, though only for a short time. Then there was Selfless Breathing, letting him rampage among these Generals as he wished.

Focus Punch, after piling up strength from all these buffs, could instantly annihilate a General, Kai believed.

And here was someone, holding his fist like a toy.

Even more shocking was that he had recognized the faces; the faces fused in this Abomination.

"General Dracarys accepts your gift, False One," the Abomination growled like a dragon; a massive dragon; just like the one named Drogon. "Let me reciprocate."

"Aaahhh!!!" Kai let out a shot, squeezing out the tiniest blood flames. But just like Suicune had failed to move under his grip, he too failed to free himself from the fusion of Drogon and Daenerys Targaryen's grip.

"This is it!" Lord Voldemort hissed. "Go all out!"

This enemy was too unpredictable for them to use a killing curse in fear of harming a fellow General. That's why they had resorted to attacking his mind in the first place.

Kai's mind, no matter how strong, couldn't just keep holding against such a massive burst of Mana.





Runes shattered within Kai's mind, strokes melted away, and even the white room began cracking. Then, with a bang, it burst apart.

Kai was still struggling when his eyes lost focus.

It was then the 15 ft tall humanoid Dragon made a fist of its own and punched.

This fist was so big that it covered Kai's entire chest.

Like a missile, the one-horned and red-haired Golduck-Kai shot into the distance and landed on the White Serpent Tower.

Alas! The Tower failed to stop his advance.

The entire tower shattered and Kai's broken figure landed on earth, an earth-shaking boom resounding in all directions.

This nuclear explosion-like impact, too, failed to stop Kai.

He kept bouncing off the earth, creating crater after crater. A hill came in his path, and it shattered as well.

1 km…

2 km…

3 km…

5 km…

He kept going and going, and only when another hill arrived in the path did he stop, creating a hole in the mountain.

A ray of sunlight almost teleported over this hill. Such was its speed; incredibly faster than Kai's fastest, at least.

General Daenerys, for Daenerys she indeed was, opened her fanged mouth wide. Lava glowed in her throat, drowning the night in a golden glow.

And then she spat, vomiting out a humongous pillar of dragon fire.


The entire hill began melting under the logic-defying temperature of these flames. It didn't even take 10 seconds to erase this hill out of existence.

When she was done, General Daenerys looked at the ashes, whipped out her tail, and smirked. "I guess my gift was the better one," she spat, ashy fumes slithering out of her nostrils.

Then, she flapped her wings, and became a ray of sunlight, disappearing into the horizon instantly.

At the same time, in a distant dimension, a blue-black teleportation vortex spun.

Something fell out of this vortex.

Something broken… but alive.


AN: Hey guys! 5 Chapters Mass Release today!! [As the last Event was successful.]