The final clash!

Beelzemon fell back to the ground with a pressing majesty. Not only was he tall, but the darkness about him was simply charismatic, giving him a cool, impressive appearance.

This appearance also hid his merciless nature from the eyes.

Beelzemon was indeed a proud Digimon, but he was no saint. The only reason he didn't fight weaker opponents was more related to disdainfulness and less to kindness. He detested fighting against someone weaker than him.

Such type of Digimon, and that too of mega level, didn't just let themselves get stolen, captured, or enslaved by a master.

And Beelzemon was proudest of them all.

The Digimon didn't put the shotguns back into holsters at his waist. Instead, now grinning, it walked toward Kai and others, the Behemoth Digital Lifeform vanishing behind him.

Red Sun, now missing his right hand and regaining his original form, was lying on the burned grounds between Kai and Digimon. He looked up at the Great Demon Lord, shook his head, and gulped down two HP capsules.

Beelzemon stepped over Red Sun and passed by him without giving him a look.

"1000 points to cut his dick off," Sounga said, shining with an evil, purple glow. "10000 if…"

You don't need anymore points... Kai thought and put the Item back, looking up at the Digimon who have stopped a mere dozen feet away from him.

Beelzemon spun the shotguns between his fingers, smiling. "Fight me," he said. "Fight me like you mean it."

That's how Kai and Red Sun had managed to get him. Or, better would be to say, that's how the mega-level Digimon had accepted to enter the Beast Ball.

All he wanted to fight Kai—the most honorable fight, the Digimon had called it.

Like a hound smelling a ghost in the darkness, Beelzemon had sensed something about Kai as well then.

"I will," Kai said, carefully choosing his words. "But, as you see, I am busy now. How about a week later?"

Beelzemon cocked the shotguns and shook his head. "That's no good," he said. "Not at all. I want to see how much I have progressed since the last time. Hell, I want to see how much you have progressed."

Kai and Beelzemon looked at each other, into each other's eyes and souls.

And both grinned.

"Very well," Kai nodded, lifting a hand to stop Item-M at her place. "I do not have time, Bee. I hope you will not mind me skipping a few steps and entering the good parts."

"Haha!" the Digimon guffawed, stepping back. "You just took the words out of my mouth."

One moment they were standing, measuring each other.

In the next moment, they vanished, leaving behind a group of gobsmacked people.



Brains of 7 Dragons!

That was the 12th ingredient of the Dark Scroll potion. Which dragon, though, wasn't clear?

Perhaps the potion recipe would clear that up later, Kai thought, entering the 13th Circle with only 30 minutes remaining to his Identity Period.

The Circle of Defender was a vast meadow filled with blood-stained bodies, the stench of blood and shit, and darkness beyond measure.

This was not what Kai had expected to find in this Circle.

Another thing he had not expected even remotely was the presence of the knight sitting on a broken throne in the distance. Oh, he knew he would meet a knight, of course. Just not one knight, but many.

So when Kai saw the Inferi of King Arthur Pendragon, sitting alone, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"You were right, master," Item-M hissed, standing beside him, looking concerned. "The 13th Circle's guardian is the legend himself."

Cersei snorted. "So what?" she said, nonchalantly. Though the deep frown on her face betrayed her.

"Should I check…" Item-S suggested.

"And then what?" Moraine said, her voice mechanical. "You have a death wish or something?"

Red Sun yawned. And then yawned again.

King Arthur's Inferi stood up, silver-gold and bloody armor clanking, fading into the distance. In his hands was an exactly similar Excalibur to the one Darcie had seen in the Celestial Hall at the ministry of magic. That sword was also a portkey, leading to the mythical place, Avalon.

The one in the Inferi hand, though similar, lacked the obvious charm of the original.

Yet, the dangerous aura pulsating out of it told another tale altogether.

At least a low-level Rare grade weapon, Kai guessed, taking out Murasame and Sounga. Or a touch stronger.

The hideousness of such a weapon, though unwanted, didn't come as a shock. When the Inferi itself had the power of a top-level 10th floor Contestant, the presence of a similarly powerful weapon was only just.

As he went by these thoughts and reasoning, Kai found himself smiling for some reason.

King Arthur stepped forward, his gait unhurried.

Kai reciprocated with a step of his own, the lust of a good battle rising within him, fanned by the warm-up with Beelzemon he had an hour ago.

King Arthur paused, raised his sword, took a stance with the tip of the sword pointed at the intruders, and bent his knees slightly.

Kai hissed.

Muscles squirmed, bones itched, and the cell throbbed in pain and pleasure as Blood Flames, now a manifestation of his Reiatsu as well, covered him.

With a whoosh, both vanished.

Metal kissed metal, letting out an inhumane, ghostly screech. Kai pressed the two swords down, and the Inferi pushed Excalibur up.

The sword glowed, and with a resounding boom, threw Kai back to wherever he had come from.

The entire world spun as Kai flapped around left and right in the air. Then his legs struck the earth, bent, and he toppled. For 300 meters, Kai skidded on the blood-stained meadow before his body came to a rest.

There he lay for a second, his face planted down in the grass.

The Inferi took the stance again.

Kai's body stirred, and he used the swords to prop himself up. A grunt escaped his throat as he cracked the stiffness in his neck and shoulders. When he looked at the swords, he found them smiling back at him.

"Ah, that felt good," Sounga said, the pommel letting out an evil purple glow. "What about you, kid?"

Murasame's blade flashed back in response. Oh, she felt alright as well, Kai guessed.

Kai turned around, looked at King Arthur, and smiled. "Not bad… for someone already dead, eh?"


A pillar of Blood Flames surrounded Kai, lifting his white hair. They flapped like a banner of blood.

Yellow bolts of lightning crackled in his surroundings, the end of his hair glowing yellow

Item-M and others, save Red Sun, stepped back, hoping their master would be merciful with the Haki.

"They say Undead are weak against lightning," Kai said, crouching, his figure hidden in the blood pillar of Reiatsu. "Is that true?"

Unseen and unknown to the Inferi, Kai's body was undergoing a tremendous change under the effect of the new Blood Devour.

A change...

... vastly different than before.


AN: Break Tomorrow

Can you guess which four Pokemon Kai has devoured for the Temporary Slots?

Now you can access up to 21 Chapters ahead of WN on Patre0n and Ko-Fi, while simultaneously supporting the author and contributing to the Mass Release Goal Progress, which is by the way stuck at 60%... [Haha :P]

Alright. Enjoy!!!