Lightning Dragon Twister! Collector of Abilities and Skills!!

Kai's entire skin became scalding hot, letting out red-gray steam. The thing inside his chest squirmed with devious and demonic pleasure.

A round eye appeared in the middle of his forehead. Six enormous gray horseshoe magnets tipped blue and red, protruded out from his back, the colored tips facing outside. It made it feel like he had grown wings of steel. From the back of his neck, a screw circled out. Two more screws circled out of his shoulders, two from the back of his wrists, and two from his knees.

The bizarre transformation hadn't ended there, though.

Suddenly, everything within a radius of 1000 meters around Kai boiled. The temperature of the meadow shot through the roof, rising by full 10 degrees Celsius.

And then Kai's feet left the earth, making him hover like a god.

The most bizarre god of flames, steel, and wrath.

It turned out, the second Multiverse ID Red Sun possessed belonged to a Pokemon Random World of Mission Difficulty C+.

So, instead of settiling down with the lower-level Pokemon from the Professor Elm's Pokemon World, Kai had instead gone to the C+ Random World, filling up his four Temporary Slots.

Moreover, this time Kai knew exactly which Pokémon he needed to either augment his skills or overcome his weaknesses, even though the legendary Pokemon were still out of his reach.

And the very first Pokemon he had devoured was...


Powerful electromagnetic waves rippled the surrounding space, and arcs of lightning danced from the tips of one horseshoe magnet to the other.

Kai let out a toothy grin and blasted himself toward the Inferi.


Endless lightning sparked off him as his speed neared the speed of sound, letting him cover the 300 meters of distance in just over a second. Sonic booms blasted off ears whereever he passed by.

Kai lifted Sounga and a purple, evil dragon took shape around it.

Dragon Twister - 1 Dragon!

The AOE Skill consumed 150 MP from his stats instantaneously.

Excalibur once again let out a glow brighter than the last. Whatever Kai had done, whatever transformation he had gone through, didn't seem would hold out against King Arthur's next attack.

The good thing was… Kai's attack hadn't landed yet. And there was one more thing left to do.

Time seemed to pause as Magneton-Kai, covered in blood flames, and King Arthur, slashing with a glowing sword, hacked at each other.

It happened then.

The purple, evil dragon circling Sounga, the sword, suddenly let out a resounding demonic roar.

The six wings-like magnets on Kai's back burst out with a blinding yellow glow.

A majestic pillar-sized yellow bolt of lightning left the magnets, thunder deafening the ears of listeners.

Skill - Thunderbolt!

The evil thunder dragon sucked the lightning bolt inside, becoming a condensed tornado of pure destruction, with the yellow bolt of lightning circling it.

Synergy Skill - Lightning Dragon Twister!!!


When Excalibur and Sounga met this time, the entire region imploded.

Item-M put her hands against her ears, which were bleeding. Cersei covered herself in the black armor, her figure lingering on the border of blurring in and out. Item-S planted her chains and her red shroud into the ground, lest the wind and thunder snatched her away. And Moraine fired the repulsors of her Rescue Armor opposite, hoping to maintain her balance.

Red Sun yawned.

When the implosion had finished playing with the physics, next came the explosion.


A super boom of wind, thunder, and light split apart the earth, creating a massive crater.

At the center of this crater, Kai and King Arthur danced around each other, magnificently attacking and parrying with their swords.

They were so fast, in fact, that only Red Sun and Moraine, using the Rescue Armor, could barely see something more than the flashes.

Like two strokes of black and white, the two swordsmen hurled up and down, hacking at each other.

King Arthur raised Excalibur to block, and Kai used Telekinesis to push the sword aside and attacked.

The Inferi took only a moment to resist the Telekinesis and used the momentum to raise the power behind the blow.

Murasame took the blow and then Kai raised Sounga again.

Now wary and experienced, the Inferi's armor pulsed with a blue glow, creating a magical shield around it.

And that was all Kai had needed.

The attack was a feint.

With such a battle, it was hard taking out capsules and consuming them to regain lost HP, SP, and MP. So Kai had been storing them away somewhere else. A place where others couldn't follow him, see him, or sense him.

With no sound, Kai dropped into his own shadow and walked out from King Arthur's shadow, his face flushed after regaining HP and MP.

Now both of them were within the shield.

Sounga landed on King Arthur's back, and the pure damage of the evil sword crunched the bones.

The Inferi tried to use the momentum to rush out from the dishonorable ambush, but Telekinesis tugged him back.

Kai spun and kicked at the same spot.

The Inferi's back shattered.

King Arthur gave up on running. Excalibur let out the most holiest glow, and the Inferi planted it in the earth.

Suddenly, Kai felt his connection to the Shadow Realm getting cut off. The Inferi turned around, growled, and looked at Kai with red glowing and dead eyes.

Now Kai was the trapped one in this magical shield, with a top-level 10th floor Contestant, or something even worse.

Or was he?

Since the moment the Systems had transformed his Glitch, and he had devoured new magical creatures, Kai had been experimenting with their powers, projecting their strengths and weaknesses.

There were no Stats that spoke the truth about an Item, Skill, or Title, Item-M and Red Sun had warned him.

It was just like Magneton's Stats, which only had two Skills. But it didn't mention that Magneton-Kai could fly and could control, though only rudimentary, electromagnetism in his surroundings.

It was also like Dementor Blood Essence's stats, which didn't mention the innate cold and despair it carried around it.

Shockingly, and to Kai's stupendous bliss, the Glitch was like that too.

As Kai had figured out, the Glitch didn't mention what would happen to the Temporary Blood Essences once he returned to the Primordial Tower. However, he, Rintaro, and Item-M had safely assumed that temporary ones would vanish unless he transferred one of them to the Permanent one.

Another thing that the Glitch hadn't exclusively mentioned was even more mind-boggling.

The 1st point of the Retained Specifications of Kai's transformed Glitch said — You can activate only one Beast Blood Essence's Skill at a time, for 30 seconds with a cooldown of 5 minutes.

That meant he could change from one transformation to another freely, but if he were to use a Skill, then he must wait for 5 minutes to use another.

To Kai's surprise, the thing that was retained in this… only applied to the Permanent Blood Essences.

The Temporary Blood Essences had no such restrictions.

It meant... no Skill Cooldown between one transformation and another.

As the Inferi burst out with a hideous amount of magical power, taking a stance, the Magneton part in Magneton-Kai's name vanished.

The magnets disappeared, and the screws circled back in. The third eye in the middle of his forehead blurred out.

In a fraction of a moment, the boiling heat in the surroundings plummeted by 10 degree Celsius.

A new transformation began to take over Kai, the sheer number of Skills at his disposal now making him grin.

And the grin... kept becoming wider and wider, his skin becoming dark purple.


AN: You can access up to 21 chapters ahead of WN on Patre0n and Ko-Fi. Links are in Synopsis.

Mass Release Goal Progress: 60%....