Chapter eleven

In a werewolf clan, everyone has to battle against other wolves to get a mate, except for the royals who the moon goddess have bestowed upon them a soulmate. But as for every other wolf, they would have to win matches to get a soulmate and true mate bonding ritual done by the royals will they become fated mates.

Blatantly relentless and twice as deadly, Greyson rules the Pack of rogues. A pack of lawless rule breakers. They didn't accept to fight for mates as they felt they should be given one so instead captured unmated females from other packs forcing themselves on them. They became a nuisance to the werewolf community. Royals originated from the line of their descendants. Only one out of their children can be born as a Royal while others are born as beta's second in command after the royals. But in some cases where a royal doesn't give birth to a royal, another bloodline in the royal clan will. It led to fighting for the power to rule.

You could hear a loud crashing sound echoing around. In the throne room sat Greyson, "Where is that damned assassin, why can't none of you find him?" he balled his fist hitting another vase stool as it shattered to the ground in pieces. The whole room tensed in fear of being on the receiving end of his fury.

"Certain reports say he has gone into hiding, what we don't know is where but we are looking everywhere for him". He gulped trying to speak as calmly as possible but his shaking knees gave away his fear. Grayson walked slowly to him giving him a menacing glare as he grabbed him by the throat, lifting him.

He growled, squeezing his neck as someone barged in.

"My lord"

"How dare you disturb me…..

"We found the location of the assassin"

Grayson flung the helpless wolf to the side as he choked continuously trying to catch his breath.

"Finally good news" he looked at the others seated. They flinched under his gaze. "next time I get a bad report your head is coming off". He walked out going to his bedroom. Removing his cape strapped on his back he made his way to the balcony looking down on all his subjects.

He sat watching them with a wicked grin etched on the side of his face. This is all mine.

I am an enforcer under Greyson. It's our sworn duty to protect the person on the throne no matter who it was. We made our way into the forest to the designated location of the whereabouts of this assassin. He's been on our back about finding this person; he must be a threat to him. I can't believe we were once an elite team under the most famous royals back in the years. I shook my head, I should focus on the mission unless I won't be able to make it back home today. It pained me to see the devastating look on my mate's face every day I go to my station. I looked around at my team and the stern look on their faces. Most of them were on Greyson's side but we all still had to follow his orders.

We ran swiftly in our wolf form gliding through the trees. I reduced the pace, coming face to face with a bear. Growls erupted from my sides. We had to stay on the mission. This was obviously a mother bear judging from her protective stance. I growled at them trying to signal they shouldn't attack, they kept quiet. We reverted to our human forms.

" We should hunt the cubs," one of them said. He was part of Greyson's henchmen. The real rogues with no morals always act on instincts.

"We shouldn't act carelessly, the assassin might be alerted of our presence" he smirked,

"Are you scared of him, I mean look he's outnumbered there's no way he could win us" he laughed with some other guys. I sighed. They were going to mess up everything. You can't reason with a rogue.

"I'm the leader here and you have to listen to what I say" I released my aura but not intensely, still thinking about the bear just a few meters away watching us. I could see he was trying to hold in his fear.

"Always acting all high and mighty. Too arrogant. We should choose our leader. We don't have to follow your arrogant orders. I say we hunt the cubs." He was starting a riot all the time but now. This was looking bad.

He grinned mischievously, "our leader has been decided, you can sit back and watch how a real leader leads." They cheered him on. I wasn't going on this suicide mission. They went on to attack, killing the cubs leaving the mother on a rampage. They celebrated their kill.

"Now we have celebrated, we wait till dusk to strike while he's asleep. There's no way he can beat us." He sneered at me from the corner. They kept hunting other critters.

Evening came and they got prepared to attack. We came to a spot. The bear was dead. They murmured amongst themselves. Looking back at me. He growled, getting their attention.

"Don't be threatened by this, he must have had a hard time defeating it, so he must be exhausted. This is the right time to strike." They nodded in agreement. Going on ahead. I looked at the carcass. Only a shot to the head. He must be skilled with a gun. I followed them but not closely.

After running behind them, they stopped sniffing the air. He knew we were here. They spread out under his command while I stayed far behind watching closely.

One of them grunted falling to the ground with a knife to his chest. Poison. He's really skilled. He jumped down shooting poison darts at them. He dodged their attacks flawlessly. they gradually reduced.

"All at once" He shouted

Stupid. No, and just like I predicted he was good in close combat. Holding the last of them by the neck. He dropped him. I stepped back unconsciously. He caught the sound. Smiling. he looked up. I made my escape, now I see why he's a threat to Grayson.


I frowned on seeing my enforcer walking in. The power radiating from him. I gave a deep warning growl. He understood as he lowered his head submissively.

"What do you want, that you are disturbing my resting time". He made eye contact with me.

"We dispatched to the location and due to some certain situation, the scout team sent to track him down have been annihilated. I managed to escape and report back here".

It felt like a twig snapped. " So you're telling me one man killed 20 of you just by himself.". He nodded, not lifting his head. "You may go". The door closed.

"I want to see his head"