Chapter twelve

I stood firm my fist up as I listened carefully. The air was still, and I was currently blindfolded waiting for him to attack. I could barely hear his heartbeat. The tree rustled close to me. I ducked, doing a kick to his shin. He grunted. I hit him. I grinned happily. Finally, I opened the blindfold feeling a presence behind me. Grabbing His arm I supported his weight with my shoulder as I flipped him over.

I bent down in shock. I acted on reflex. He coughed sitting up. I reached out to help him.

"Yup, you got me there, kiddo" he patted my head. We got close. We went back into the house. He went straight into the fridge.

"We're out of supplies, go get dressed, we need to head toward town". Town?. Am I ready what if…..

"Is it safe for me to go?" I asked unsurely of myself. Twiddling my fingers together.

"Don't worry, I'll be by your side to knock you out anytime. He gave a smug look, making me frown in response. Of course, he would. I went to my room to get ready. Not forgetting my pocket knife not that I needed it but I developed a thing for knives and Nigel said I was good with them. It has been a long time since I saw any other person apart from Nigel or Ms. Jane.

In the town

We walked around buying foodstuffs. The murmurs weren't that loud like before I was able to tune them out. Soon enough I relaxed.

" see it isn't so bad, now I don't have to knock you out." I scoffed as he turned back to the vendor to haggle a price. I remembered this place, this is where I come for our monthly outing back in the foster care. That means the ice cream truck... I looked around. Found him. I didn't know when my legs started moving.

"Hi" I covered my mouth he doesn't know I can speak. Miguel looked at me giving his professional smile.

"How can I help you, Mi Amor". My smile slowly dropped, I forgot he wouldn't remember me. My heart ached but I smiled.

" I want the chocolate with extra toppings" he grinned making my order.

"Excellent choice" he handed me my order." to help brighten up your day" I thanked him going back to where Nigel waited for me. I turned back to see Miguel as he laughed with another customer, seeing I and Anne laughing with him. It was for the best. We entered a cab.

"Where are we going now", normally we would hike back to the cabin.

"To see your friend, I think it's ok now". My eye flickered up in excitement, I jumped hugging him.

" thank you," I said repeatedly. I couldn't wait to get there.

We reached the school but did not follow the front like last time. Ms. Jane waited for us. She smiled at me while scowling at Nigel. The wasn't their normal reaction to each other it felt stiffer. We headed someone deserted. I didn't even notice this place all the time I stayed at the foster home.

"It is hidden under a spell so no one can detect it.". There she goes possibly reading my mind.

"your expression says a lot I don't have to read your mind before I know what your thinking." She looked at me talking with a bored tone.

"You can read minds". She didn't need to answer I knew it was a yes. Wait, so all those times I was talking about her. She gave me wry smile. I felt shivers creep up my spine. She's dangerous.

Nigel tapped my shoulder. " now you know how I feel".

We reached an opening-like cave draped with leaf-like curtains pushing them out of the way. It was like another place entirely. I stared in awe as we went in. It was beautiful. The flowers decorated the floor I could see tombstones. Hundreds of them. I looked at her, this was the first time I could see an emotion. Sadness.

"We used to get attacked by werewolves a lot. Especially, rogues, they found ways to slip into the foster care home. It was their way of telling me to join them or we kill the children. They found humans to do their dirty work for them. I did all I could to protect but I couldn't do it alone."

I looked into the distance. How long has she been doing this?.

"That's where I came along and we made an agreement. I protect the outskirts and get potions. It grew silent as we made our way through the tombs.


It was written boldly on top. I sat near it using my fingers to trace along with the gravel stone. I broke down in tears, they left me alone to sort my feelings.

"I'm so sorry. I blame myself every day but I can't get over the guilt In my chest that I would have been able to avoid this if I had just believed you." I screamed pouring out all the pain sitting Inside. Now I understand why couldn't come here for so long. My mind was torn into pieces. Every calm composure I had crumbled.

Hours had gone by, I sat up from the tomb my eyes all puffy from the tears I shed.

"You good now kiddo" I turned to Nigel standing at a distance. How long has he been there?. I nodded too tired to speak. He signaled we should head out. I got up dusting my jeans. I followed him to where Ms.Jane was waiting for us.

"Let's head back to the cabin" the air was tense, they were acting weird, especially Nigel he didn't meet my eyes when talking.

I looked at Ms. Jane as she created a portal to the cabin.

At the cabin

They sat down looking seriously at each other.

"Ok, you guys should cut it out you've been acting strangely since and you're giving me that look like what you're about to tell me is huge. Drop the suspense and out with it, are aliens planning world domination.

" if there was a way for you to remember your lost memory would you take that opportunity"? She asked me. Does that mean she can bring back my memory

"But you said clearly you couldn't bring back my memory" I was confused by her statement. Nigel had been oddly quiet since the beginning of the conversation.

"I can bring back a spell I did"

"A spell you did? you erased my memory why would you do that".

" you were unstable and were going to leak the existence of werewolf. That was the only way to calm you down."

"There's a fucking anesthesia for starters and how were you sure I wasn't going to stop there.

" you remember the nurse in charge of you….. Miss Linda.

"She was in on this too". I felt my insides start to boil up in anger. Nigel knew too that's why he can't talk.

"When we restore your memories we'll explain the rest". I pressed my lips about to argue but I wanted to remember myⁿmum. I've been so frustrated trying to put pieces that weren't even there together.

She sat beside me placing her hands on the sides of my temple. She murmured spells.


It was dark I could see it. Mom. I was laughing running around. It was all coming back. The night of my birthday. Fire. It was hot. I thought I was going to die. He came back, picking me up. The person's face came into view. What the hell. Nigel?