Chapter 16

"Wait up what just happened". He stopped turning back, giving me the what are you talking about kinda look.


I pointed at the alley we just appeared from. He mouthed an oooo with an eye roll before shrugging it off. "My assignment"

Was he faking it or he's being real now.

Looking at him in his black suit and dark glasses. his biceps were practically bulging. No pun intended. But he gave off this average citizen going to work kinda look and not killing people in an alley as an assignment.

"Does that mean you work for them, that is the assassin agency"? Why do I ask? He does work for them. ⁿ before continuing his walk?

"I also work as a bodyguard from time to time. Since there aren't many assignments here". Yh good talk am I ignoring the fact that this isn't normal.

" isn't this what you signed up for there's nothing to be surprised about unless you want to back it's not too late we haven't gone to the agency"

I knew this is how it was supposed to be and seeing it physically is quite unnerving but I won't quit, I can't. They have to pay for killing my mom whoever it was. I clenched my bag giving myself a mental push.

"I'm not backing down" he scuffed at me as he made his way towards the road to hail a cab. Did he just scuff at me?.

I could sense hostility from him. Does he think I'm bluffing? I looked back a fleeting thought crossed my mind "what about the bodies won't they find them there"

"I have someone who picks them up"

A cab stopped and we entered. "where are we going to"

He gave a sly smirk before answering "you think we're going to the agency, guess you're looking for an early death wish but sorry to burst your bubble princess, it's my apartment".

I scowled at the mocking tone but ignored it for both our peace. He didn't give any further remarks after that. Do I have to put up with this? Maybe I should find a job so I can stay on my own.

We reached the destination or what was supposed to be it….. A hotel?.

" Why do you stay in a hotel, don't you have a house or some kind of cabin somewhere? Or they don't pay you enough"

The hotel didn't look bad, more or less it looked too expensive like a skyscraper. My first time seeing one.

"Do you want to stand looking like a complete fool or are you going to come inside" I glared but followed after him anyways. Calm thoughts he hasn't hit a nerve. Yet.

We entered the fancy hotel. Walking over to the desk he collected his room key not sparing a glance at anyone. We entered an elevator leading to the 50th floor.

I felt out of place. We got to room 114 written at the top of the door. He removed his suit jacket showing a fit white shirt underneath. It felt like his shirt buttons could pop out at any moment. That would be a sight. I trailed my eyes back up to his face only to see him give a smirking. He continued removing his accessories.

"Go change in the bathroom and we're leaving in five minutes."

"Huh, to where…." He caught me off guard when he removed his rubber mask which came off with a black wig revealing his chestnut brown wavy curls." what the hell"

He went to the mirror to remove his contacts and pop in another. "Lesson 101 never reveal your true identity even in public." This explains why Nigel told me to dye my hair and buy different colors of contacts.

"This isn't my apartment, it's a setup. You could say a diversion now go change and I would advise you to get rid of the wig and change the outfit cause we were being followed"

He said unbuttoning his shirt. I turned swiftly not wanting to invade. What is wrong with me? I went into the bathroom

Unpacking my bag, remembering when Nigel said I should take another wig in case of an emergency. I didn't see a need for it cause I planned to be careful but I guess this changes everything. The more I think about it, the assassin's work is more complicated than I thought it would be, nothing looks real. How sure am I to trust him just because he's a friend of Nigel. I put on a small touch of makeup and changed my green contacts to a blue bell-colored one, looking into the mirror with my natural light golden brown eyes staring back at me. It used to be a deep shade of brown but it's all changing. It's like I hardly see the real me nowadays, all a cover-up.

Knock knock

"Hurry up you're wasting time, we need to leave" he banged impatiently making me rush up the procedure.

"I'm almost done". I looked at myself one last time. I was putting on the black wig when the door burst open revealing a new side of blake. He had tied his wavy curls back putting on ear studs his skin a little darker than before. He wore a plain t-shirt that still admirably hugged his torso. And some blue jeans. He looked nonetheless normal. But I still prefer the white t-shirt. This must be a sign to update my dating life.

" Not trying to sound cliche but take a pic it will last, now let's go"

I blinked repeatedly, breaking out from my trance of shamelessly ogling his body. I could feel my face hit up in embarrassment but I tried not to show it. Key word tried.

"You wish"

We got to the entrance and he dropped the key, passing a note to the woman on the desk. She nodded, giving a professional smile." have a nice day". He didn't bother answering. I gave her a small smile but was met with a pointed glare. I guess I cut in line without realizing there was a queue. She's not going to like me ever. We stepped back into the streets. It was already getting dark. And my stomach growled as we passed by a store that sold stakes stopping to get some. I frowned when he didn't stop too. I hurriedly grabbed some paying them quickly as I ran to catch up with him.

"Couldn't you check to see if I was still with you" biting on the stick, mmmm…. bliss. What was I annoyed about again? Oh yeah, him.

"I don't have time to waste and you clearly have a lot of that to waste, so enjoy"

" Ever since we met you have been such a pain in the ass"

"Oh, save me the compliment"

I was getting irritated by the minute."What's your deal, fine. I know Nigel can be grumpy at times but at least he knows how to cool off"

"Your point is?" He pulled up at a small building. We were so caught up in our argument I didn't know how long we were walking to reach here. He pulled open a small gate entering.

An old lady probably in her 70's sat on a rocking chair enjoying the evening breeze as she swayed back and front humming a tune repeatedly. She stopped turning her head to where we entered from.

"Is that you blake I can hear another footstep, smells like a she-wolf. Did you finally get a mate, she's a strong one. I knew you wouldn't end up alone" she rambled on making me giggle how cute. He threw a glare going to her side.

"She's just a friend from work and she just moved here.… he looked at me.

" To connect with my kind I've been isolated with humans so I figured I have to better myself." I completed it.

"How nice, you're welcome, dear. We can talk some time and you can tell me all about yourself. We are all a pack"

"Let's go inside granny, it's already getting cold outside" he urged her gently off her seat. Who knew he could be so gentle. I followed in after them. He set her on the parlor couch showing me to my room. I collapsed exhausted from today.