Chapter seventeen

I woke up to the bright sunlight in my eyes. I groaned in discomfort, using my palm to shield the sunray from getting into my eyes. Today is the day.

"Someone's a sleepyhead I'm sure the organization would like to add a new rookie like you who would gladly sleep on the Job." He stood at the door, his arm folded flexing his muscles as he leaned on the door frame

"A proper greeting would be appreciated at least" he rolled his eyes, sneering at my remark.

"Granny said I should come to get you for breakfast" with that he left. Just one of these days, one day I tampered down my irritation and flicked my finger at where he just stood moments ago as my little payback. I got up stretching my sore muscles before getting ready which didn't take long. I put on a black baggy t-shirt and ripped jeans with a black wig. I have to leave looking the same. I was downstairs strolling into the kitchen. Blake had an apron strapped to his body. I snapped my head to face the dining table where granny sat petting a black cat. Her head lifted as if detecting my presence but her eyes were focused elsewhere.

"Come sit here, breakfast is almost ready, How was your night". I sat on the chair across from her, adjusting my chair closer to the table. " did you sleep well"

"Yes," I said shyly, rubbing my sweaty palm on my lap. Blake brought the pot to the table. placing it in the center. I stood up abruptly, "I'll go get the plates" he pressed my shoulder down making me land back on my seat with a huff. I glared at him trying not to cause a scene in front of granny. He gave a wide smile squinting his eyes, "you're our guest you don't need to trouble yourself with that". I gave a forced smile gritting my teeth. "I was only trying to help but it looks like you handle the situation much better. Pardon my intrusion" The room was thick with tensions as we gave each other penetrating looks that could kill.

Granny burst into a series of laughter banging on the table. We broke out from each other trance staring at her as she supported her stomach laughing the more. She cleaned a tear from her eye.

"It's been so long since I had a good laugh, don't mind me, carry on with your squabbles it is quite entertaining." The tension disappeared as quickly as it started. He chuckled softly at her.

We ate breakfast while granny chatted continuously, for an old lady she was surprisingly energetic.

"Granny, we'll be heading out now, call if you need anything," he said as he finished the remaining dishes. We came out into the busy street to the sound of car horns blasting about. Using a taxi we went further into the city. The drive wasn't long, taking about 45 mins. We stopped in front of a tall building, an advertising screen showing the most stunning woman I have ever seen. It showed her walking down a walking walkway, her piercing gaze capturing you in the spot I looked away to see Blake already entering the building. Why am I not surprised. I caught up to him, matching his strides "this is a modeling company I thought we were going to you know where" I whispered beside him. He ignored me, increasing his pace. He reached an elevator door, entering. I went in after him. When the door finally closed I turned toward him.

I thought we were finally getting along this morning at the table. It's like he switched back to grumpy blake.

"Hey b--

"call me z here" I pressed my lips together suppressing my annoyance.

"Ok 'Z' can you explain why we're here? You haven't told me anything since we left the house. Wait no ever since I got here and what is it I did to you that made you hate me"

He scoffed loudly"didn't know it was that obvious'' folding his arm "you don't know what you are entering into. You think it's child play. I'd advise you to go back to your little cottage."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "I don't understand what you're talking about we don't know each other for you to judge me"

"You kill for money, how could you look a child into its eyes and end their life. I'm doing what I have to do. And until I get it I will not quit no matter what. I don't care what you say"

We were locked under our glares until he sneered and looked away. The elevator door rang as it opened revealing a floor filled with people. He walked over to a desk.

He murmured to her and she nodded in return. He turned to me.

"Follow me" he led the way into another back door. We brought us to a smaller place but it wasn't that small. The air in this room was filled with tension. Different kinds of people. I sniffed the air. There were other wolves here, humans too, my body alert. He walked up to a blond woman who was talking to a scruffy old man, his dress looked like he woke up in a garbage can. The foul smell got stronger the closer we got.

"This building is disguised as the organization" I whispered to him as low as possible.

"You are smart"

"And you will never change"

She turned back smiling at blake. "Hello z, I missed you" she hugged him tightly around his neck. She noticed me from the corner of her eyes. "And who are you?" I waved, smiling softly at her. She looked nice.

"Hi I'm Emily" she hugged me too, crushing my arms in her embrace. Blake grabbed her by the scruff of her neck.

"Avoid her, she was testing your capability," he said, separating both of us.

"You're no fun" she pouted at him then turned to me smiling "I'm Hailey by the way, how do you put up with this big grump" she grinned a glint of mischief playing in her eyes.

"Where is Natasha?" He looked firm.

Hailey looked behind us, "oh, and here she comes" I followed their eyes behind me. The woman on the electronic board looked stunning up close, the surroundings grew still as she made her way before us. Her aura was commanding. I could feel the pressure just from her a few feet away.

Her black gown hugged her curves tightly.

"Good day, Z I heard you were looking for me"

I broke out from my stare in awe. He turned towards me, dragging me to his side.

"She's the she-wolf I was talking about, beta-sub, good with guns, martial arts, defense, and hand-to-hand combat." He smirked,

I gave the most professional smile I could muster. What does he think he's doing? It's like he's provoking her rather than coaxing her. Is this because of the elevator stuff? Her attention is now fully on me. She stared at me for about 10 secs before she turned away. I turned to glare at him.

"We're supposed to follow her," he said as a small smile played on his lip.

We followed her into a room, the sound of guns blasting through the room.

"The target room, I want to see the skill he praises so much"