Chapter twenty- three

I could hear the commotion in the distance. What was going on there? very soon one of them ran up to me. He struggled to get his breath before speaking.

"Leader, there has been an intruder, one of us has been found unconscious near a metal container at the east corner of the docks," he said in one breath.

"Gather the troops quickly, for an emergency assessment meeting"

He saluted before going to gather the others.

How did I not detect anyone?

Another one came to me to report the updates.

"The person must have escaped, cause we found one of the troops dead near the entrance of the underground exit route."

I looked at my comrade. 

"Did you check the children if anyone was missing"

The situation has gotten out of hand. We were careless enough to let our guard down.

No, I let my guard down. He put me as the leader of the mission. And I was careless.