Chapter twenty-four

I was sitting down on the ground, my surroundings were silent. I froze stunned by what stood before me.

Where am I?

I thought to myself too stunned to speak at all.

I knew it was all a dream, more like a nightmare I would say.

but yet I couldn't move an inch away from its piercing gaze. It stalked me like I was its prey.

I raised my eyebrows, my eyes wide open with my jaws slightly and lips stretched tensely.

The loud thumping in my chest just louder and louder. I could feel my breath quicken, my legs trembled weakly.

I couldn't go anywhere.

No matter how the little voice in my head told me to stand and run I couldn't.

I just sat there paralyzed on the spot.

The look of pure fear and intimidation was apparently on my face.

Towering a few inches tall above stood my wolf. With her mystic light grey fur.

She was freaking huge.