
Stella's POV

We are here at Sebastian's dad's house now, and with the private investigator they hired, Michelle also wanted to come with us, but Sebastian said that it would be better for her to not come and we just let her know later. We went to Sebastian's dad's office. We just sat quietly while waiting for the private investigator to say something.

"Do you know any reason why you can't contact Mr. Louis? " the investigator asked.

"We had a bad understanding with Louis before he disappeared," Sebastian's dad explained.

"Is that so Mr. Miller. Do you know anyone who may have a bad motive in you or your family" the investigator asked again.

"There is, it's  Steve, you already know him, right?" Sebastian's said.

"Of course Mr. Miller, I know him but we also know that he is currently in jail, so how does he have anything to do with the loss of your son?"