Hide and Seek

Sebastian's POV

We decided to head to dad's office to talk about Louis, I am with Stella and the private detective that dad hired. There were a few questions that the detective asked about Louis's girlfriend. I know that dad doesn't want Michelle to be involved in our issue but I think the detective needs to know this and it might help in finding Louis. I answered all the detective's questions even though I know that dad didn't agree with it. When the detective found out about Michelle, he talked to dad, and eventually, he finally agreed to include Michelle in the meeting. Dad immediately told me to call Michelle so I got up from my seat and walked out of the office. I dialed Michelle's number; it rang three times before she answered my call.

"Sebastian?" Michelle said on the other line.

"Hi, Michelle, are you busy today?"

"Um, no, I'm just at home, something happened? why did you ask?"

"Can you go to dad's house today? We need you here right now. "