Present Day
The apartment that Sylvin led her into was by far the grandest arrangement of rooms that she had ever been within, but the décor was a striking contrast to the hallways that they had just walked through, and she stopped in the doorway disconcerted by the difference.
Sylvin raised an eyebrow.
“It’s very… grand,” she said.
“Hmm,” his hand on the small of her back encouraged her into the room. There was a generous fireplace central, with an arrangement of heavy couches upholstered in studded leather set before it. A large table surrounded by chairs stood between the door and the couches. The tapestries on the walls depicted hunting scenes, and a bearskin lay upon the floor.
Through the open door to one side, she could see Eustice and Nareena fussing as they unpacked the chests into the connected antechamber. The door on the opposite side was closed.
“What is in there?” She wondered. Sylvin’s hand closed on her wrist, preventing her from exploring.