7. Fujiwara and Jackson rescue Risa

In the meantime, went Fujiwara was walking to the Sakurazaka Academy with his Butler his named was Jackson and he was his friend from Korea and he come to Japan for do some mission with but he need to join the student council for taking some revenge for someone.

Jackson: sir can I ask something?

Fujiwara: sure what it is?

Jackson: why all the girls in your like you and you are popular in school

Fujiwara: well their fault like a guy like me and let go to the classroom but after school I need to go to the student council for the second day

Jackson: of course sir *bow*

Later at the class 1-B went Fujiwara was enter the classroom and out of a sudden, all of the girls are shocking at him and he was bring someone with him inside the class.

Tamura: Fujiwara...who is he?

Fujiwara: relax he is my mission butler

Matsuda: mission butler?

Jackson: what he mean is I'm his butler for a day or even he need my help

Seki: so what is your name?

Jackson: my name is Jackson nice to meet you *bow*

Meanwhile, the homeroom teacher went inside to the class and he saw that Fujiwara bring someone with them and his sister drag him out from the class while Jackson is stay inside the class with other.

Fujiwara: what's wrong?

Morita: don't act you didn't know anything

Fujiwara: oh you mean him right?

Morita: yes and who is he?

Fujiwara: he is my mission butler and undercover job

Morita: are you sure about this and trust him on this mess

Fujiwara: yes of course I am but can you let go of my hand it hurt

Morita: oh sorry

While Fujiwara and Morita want to go back inside the classroom and later the student council came to see him but went Fujiwara saw just only Sugai Yuka see him outside the class 1-B.

Fujiwara: huh? Where is Risa?

Sugai: she didn't have inside her dorm or even this morning

Morita: did something happen to her?

Sugai: I hope she is okay

Out of a sudden, Jackson went outside at the class and grab Fujiwara arm and he whisper on his ear and saying that was.

Jackson: sir I have some bad news about Risa missing

Fujiwara: please go on

Jackson: we need to rescue her in time before they kill her

Fujiwara: okay but about them

Jackson: don't worry about them we will go there and help her

Fujiwara: yes

Later Jackson was running and he went downstairs to the parking and start to the engine and he wait for Fujiwara.

Sugai: did you know where is Risa?

Fujiwara: yes I know where is Risa but she in danger

Sugai: how can I help?

Fujiwara: no is not your job but is my mission Morita you stay here with Yuka well I help her

Morita: be careful oniichan

Fujiwara: of course I will

Meanwhile, he jump off to the classroom window and land at the parking and everyone can see that Fujiwara and his new friend are going somewhere to help someone.

Sugai: hey, Morita did your brother going to be okay?

Morita: of course he will be okay and I'm sorry to didn't introudce to you that he is actually a undercover police and also he is former gang boss

Inside the class heard that Morita was saying that Fujiwara is a former gang boss and undercover police.

After an few hour later Fujiwara and Jackson arrive at the place where they kidnap Risa and while they enter the place and sudden we saw that Risa was lying ground with full of bruise.

Fujiwara: hey!! Let go of her

Gang 1: who the hell are you?

Jackson: sir let me handle them while you help Risa

Fujiwara: of course please kill them that is my order

Jackson: shall we dance!!

He use a mode that can kill people with a one second later but Fujiwara went to see that Risa is okay but still unconscious and he give Jackson and bring her back to the Sakurazaka Academy infamy.

Fujiwara: Jackson please get her from here while I handle this mess

Jackson: but sir no you could die

Fujiwara: please tell Morita I love her

Jackson: that is commit suicide sir

He just carrying Risa and start run and didn't turn back his head and he keep run and finally, Jackson was here in front of them but Morita didn't see her brother with him.

Morita: Jackson, where is oniichan?

Jackson: he left behind

Morita: why did you that!!

Jackson: he ask me to do

Morita: wait...did he want to commit suicide

Later Jackson put down Risa on the table and he use a healing spell on her and she open her eye and saw that she was inside the class 1-B.

Risa: huh? Why I was inside the class 1-B?

Morita: Fujiwara save you from getting hurt but Jackson help you escape from there

Risa: wait...where is Fujiwara?

Sugai: he still at the place where you kidnap

Risa: no we must help him

Jackson: I call him just in case

Morita: please call him I want to talk to him if he is okay

Back at the place where Fujiwara fighting with the gang and sudden his phone was ring and he pick up and answer their call with speaker.

Fujiwara: hello?

Morita: oniichan are you okay?

Fujiwara: Morita? Risa is okay?

Risa: I'm okay and thank you for saving me from them

Fujiwara: Jackson please active the shield around the school

Jackson: why I need to active the shield

Fujiwara: p...please active the shield!!

Morita: oniichan...are you okay!!

Out of nowhere, Jackson was active the shield and he can see that he was active the shield and he use the most unseen spell that anyone use before.

Gang: what are you trying to do?

Fujiwara: forgive me Morita

Right before Fujiwara was use the spell and suddenly, the place is went boom and the Sakurazaka Academy can feel something went bad and all of us can see some fire at the place but Fujiwara is safe but he teleport back to the Sakurazaka Academy classroom while everyone see that it was Fujiwara was there and he is okay but his clothes are burn.

Fujiwara: I'm made it safe...

Suddenly, Fujiwara collapse right before Morita catch her brother on her arm and we rush to him and bring him to the infamy for check on him.