8. Fujiwara wake up from infamy

Inside the infamy while they are waiting for Fujiwara to wake up from his conscious but out of a sudden, Fujiwara is opening his eye and he saw his sister who are worried sick about her brother.

Morita: oniichan...are you okay?

Fujiwara: huh? What happen to me?

Jackson: wait didn't you remember anything that happen

Fujiwara: sorry I not remember but Risa is okay

Meanwhile, Risa walk to Fujiwara and she bow at him and she say to him was.

Risa: thank you for saving me and you hurt yourself

Sugai: that is your second day of the student council job

Risa: stop it Sugai you make me blush

Tamura: senpai you really didn't remember what happen

Fujiwara: no I not remember but Jackson did you close the shield

Jackson: of course I did and here sir your drink

Fujiwara: thanks

Later everyone left the infamy room just only his sister was inside the room with him alone.

Morita: oniichan you save Risa life but you get hurt just unseen spell that you use

Fujiwara: what spell did I use?

In the meantime, went Morita was whisper on his ear and sudden she just hug him and she start to have falling tears from her eye and he just calm down Morita down and let them alone together as brother and sister.

Outside the infamy room there was Jackson and other are talking to him about did happen to Fujiwara memory.

Tamura: Jackson did Fujiwara lost his mind or memory

Jackson: yes and no answer

Sugai: just tell us what did happen to Fujiwara

Jackson: well...

Flashback went Fujiwara was only high school student went he get a call from his friend from Korea and he was saying that to him was.

Jackson: hello Fujiwara sorry to disturb you but we have a problem

Fujiwara: what happen now

Jackson: in Korea have war and I need your help

Fujiwara: of course I will be there in 10 minute

Later Fujiwara went to see Jackson his friend from Korea and they fight someone and always get hurt from the battle but after one month later Fujiwara went in coma like 9 months later and he wake before that months but went I say to him what happen to him and he forgot everything that we done.

Jackson: that why he did lost his memory every time he use something so dangerous

Tamura: until now he lost his memory

Matsuda: did Morita know this

Jackson: yes she know but she always by his side forever

Sugai: poor Morita but he protect his sister

Back inside at the infamy room and Fujiwara and Morita are break their hug and they want to go out from the room while they go out and we see that everyone was here.

Fujiwara: Jackson did you tell them the story?

Jackson: yes sir they need to know your story what happen

Morita: oniichan you should rest at the dorm right before your last day of the student council

Fujiwara: yea you right let go back Jackson

Jackson: yes sir of course

While Jackson and Fujiwara return back to the boy dorm and everyone are also went back to the dorm and take a rest and even the another half of the 2nd year student see that everyone is tried of the student council been saving by Fujiwara Hikaru and he went inside to the dorm and later the 2nd year student were asking them what happen to Risa.

Rei: Risa is okay?

Tamura: yea she is okay thanks to Fujiwara

Rei: what he do to Risa?

Matsuda: he save her from kidnap

Rena: Risa is kidnap but why all of your face look so tried

Morita: oniichan had his past life been coma in 9 months and he did everything to save Risa

Sugai: okay girl go to sleep or whatever you wan to do but please let Risa rest

Tamura: yea Rei and you too Rena

Rena: wait...what did I do?

Right after the 1st year student just keep talking to other and the 2nd year student are do their own staff inside the room with their roommate.