9. last day of student council

In the meantime, at the Sakurazaka dorm while Fujiwara and Jackson had rest and tomorrow he had his last day of the student council job.

Jackson: sir are you feeling okay?

Fujiwara: yes I'm fine but why does my head feel in pain

Jackson: you use the power to destroy

Fujiwara: wait...did I use that spell

Jackson: yes you did

Later meanwhile went he was about to rest and Fujiwara was phone calling him and he answer the call and see that it was Morita who was calling him.

Fujiwara: huh? Morita? What are you calling me?

Morita: sorry oniichan but are you okay?

Fujiwara: I'm fine but why are you calling me at this time

Morita: I just want to meet you outside your dorm can we meet

Fujiwara: of course, we can

Meantime, Fujiwara went out and see that Morita had brought some friends with her and he was asked why there had so many friends who had to see him be okay.

Morita: sorry oniichan I bring someone with me

Fujiwara: it's okay but why is there have the 2nd year student with you

Morita: they want to meet you

Fujiwara: why?

The 2nd year student is grabbing his arm and we take him to the last job of the student council and when we are there over to the last day.

Fujiwara: why are we here again!!

Morita: wait...oniichan look at them

While Fujiwara was looking at them and they saw that the gang member are beating up Fujiwara's gang but he was throwing something at them and it was something so sharp.

Gang clan: who the hell throw the rock at me!! Show yourself

Meanwhile, Fujiwara was stepping forward and they saw that all the gang went to Fujiwara and they asked him was.

Gang 1: boss can you help us beat them up

Gang 2: yea boss, please

Fujiwara: don't worry just let me handle them while you stay here

Gang 1: thank you

Right after Fujiwara starts to run and he attacks them with a full second attack the gang clan is defeated but the gang leader.

Gang leader: how dare you attack my gang member

Fujiwara: you can't beat me *sigh*

Gang leader: your limit is over but is my turn to attack you

After a few hours later Fujiwara was knee down and he took something poison knife and stab them with the to his chest and his head.

Gang leader: you...just wait and will regret what you did

Fujiwara: that is only beginning

Gang 1: boss are you okay?

Fujiwara: yes I'm fine but I need one more person to help us

Gang 2: who?

Out of a sudden, Jackson appeared in front of them and he saw that Fujiwara is breathing heavily he saw what is coming up soon.

Jackson: sir why is there a gang with you along with the fight

Fujiwara: they are were gang clan

Jackson: since when did you have a gang clan member

Fujiwara: since just now and we have someone to fight with the gang that they beat the delinquent student

Finally, the gang leader's friend had come here to beat them just only two of us are here but they just laughed at them but they didn't know that they both are the strongest and most powerful ex former gang bosses and undercover police.