13. Total game score

In the meantime, went Sawabe was throw the basketball toward the Sakura student later we start to dribble the ball and Jackson was near the net and Tamura go pass to him and Jackson score a three pointer and the other Sakura student who are seating at the sit they cheer them and after an hour later Sakura student is winning but Hinata student had a few score which mean Sakura student get a chance to win this round but the second round could be tough match not even the final match with them.

Sawabe: okay total score is 46-24 we have second half break

Later the Hinata student and Sakura student had their break and Tamura is sweating but she brought her towel but Jackson use a electric fan to cool down and Fujiwara is not even sweat but he need something to get his mood on playing basketball.

Jackson: sir why didn't even sweat at all?

Fujiwara: well we do even use are were enegry body but use this

Tamura: what it is?

Fujiwara: it can control your body balance but it cheat on the match if you want to win or lose

Jackson: sir!! That is dirty but I wear anywhere

Tamura: fine I also wear the watch too

Meanwhile, Sawabe whistle and we go back inside the basketball court and play the second match with the Hinata student and went these time is Miho take the ball and she go throw but her skills which is she can slam drunk the ball at the net I know she can do that so as Jackson and Fujiwara and high drunk the basketball through the net too.

Kawata: go Miho!!

Kumi: calm down Hina they look like don't like to play fair and square on the match

Kawata: what are you talking about?

Hiyori: just looking at their faces they are switch to a different mode to play this match and they will crush Miho

Out of a sudden, someone walk pass them at the seat and she was speaking the Hinata student and it was Kegayama Yuka who know Jackson and Fujiwara very well like to much pressure.

Kegayama: well Jackson and Fujiwara don't act that tough but went they play sports with each other they play tough match with other players

The Hinata student sudden got surprise by Yuka just enter the seat out of nowhere and she wave at Jackson and Fujiwara and they wave back to Yuka and Miho see that Kegayama know them so well.

Kumi: Kegayama? What are you doing here?

Kegayama: I want to see the match too

Hiyori: so what else did you know what about them?

Kegayama: well for example Jackson had a crush on Watanabe Miho but Miho had a crush on him

Hiyori: wait you saying that both of them had a crush

Kegayama: yes and keep quiet I want to enjoy the match

Once the second match is over and it was the final match is are going to be tough match but Sawabe is have a break and they are too.

Jackson: wow I didn't think that these watch can do the magic

Tamura: yea what Jackson say

Fujiwara: I be right back I want to see my friend from opposite side of the court

Jackson: sure

When Fujiwara was walking over to the Hinata student and Kegayama was walking toward Fujiwara and she with him hand shake while everyone can see that they are best friend with the most genius girl that meet the coolest male student she meet him.

Kegayama: so how is your sister doing?

Fujiwara: she doing fine but I'm glad that to see you here and why did you appear to see me on my match

Kegayama: just something...

He give Kegayama Yuka and friend high five and Fujiwara went back to the Sakura student and we are going to start the final match with the Hinata student but the total score is 90-88 and they have a few point away to score but Sawabe whistle and we are back to the last match.

Sawabe: okay this is the final match and please do everything you can and good luck

The ball goes past the Sakura student and they score with all the three-pointers and high drunk suddenly, the game is over and we see that the Sakura student wins the match with the Hinata student.