14. Team Sakura win the inter class game

Right after Sawabe was announcing the winner of the inter class game which is the team Sakura had win the match with the Hinata student and we went to take the basketball trophy and they take some picture and later Fujiwara went to meet Yuka and she also want to tell the story about him and her too.

Kegayama: Fujiwara can I come over to your side

Fujiwara: of course you can come over they want to meet you too

Once Kegayama went over to the group of team Sakura and they are very friendly and the Hinata are coming over as well to meet them for the first time ever.

Jackson: hey Kegayama what's up?

Kegayama: so did you talk to your crush yet?

Jackson: yes I did but can you step aside so I can talk to her myself

Kegayama: of course please be my guest

When Jackson was walk over to Miho and she saw that he was walking straight to her and he want to ask something and other whisper on her ear saying that to her was.

Kawata: good luck Miho

They walk past Jackson and he stop at the Miho and she saw that he was so nervous about to what he want to say to me is.

Miho: um...senpai what did you want to ask me?

Jackson: I know I had a crush on you since we meet early but you also had a crush on me right?

Miho: yes I did and can we talk outside alone together

Jackson: of course please

They went outside together alone and we can see that Jackson and Miho are walking out from the indoor sport hall and have their couple talk to her.

Hiyori: Fujiwara senpai nice to see you

Fujiwara: you getting taller every time I saw you

Hiyori: well could I say but where is your sister?

Fujiwara: she is not here with me but she was inside the dorm room why?

Hiyori: just go and see her she need her brother right now

Fujiwara: okay I will go and see her later Kegayama

Kegayama: it's okay family come first but friend come second

He went out from the indoor sport hall and he start to run to the Sakurazaka dorm and he see the 2nd year student are here with the rest 1st year student are not coming to the match with the Hinata student.

Koike: Fujiwara? What are you doing here and you don't celebrate with the rest of the member

Fujiwara: no but I want to see Hikaru

Koike: Morita? Why you want to see her?

He just ignore Koike and run inside the her room and he open the door and she was doing something on her study desk and went she turn around and saw that her brother was here inside her room.

Morita: nii-chan? Why are you here and you didn't celebrate with the rest

Fujiwara just walk in and just hug her and she hug back and he was saying on her is something so very sweet and he say is.

Fujiwara: let go and meet Kegayama Yuka and other

Morita: but I need to do this

Fujiwara: don't worry you can do later come on they are waiting

Morita: okay let go

In the meantime, Fujiwara and Morita was going out from the Sakurazaka dorm and other of the student see that Morita is happy to have a spend time with her brother and go meet the Hinatazaka student and meet Kegayama Yuka that she was here with the Sakura student and with her best friend in the indoor sport hall.

After an few hour later Fujiwara and Morita are here and Kegayama rush to her and hug Hikaru and she hug her back and she saw that we had a great time with each other.

Kegayama: Morita I miss you how is your day doing?

Morita: it doing fine but why out of a sudden you appear

Kegayama: I just miss my friend and don't worry I will go back for my train

Jackson: wait you skip the train

Kegayama: no I'm don't skip but I ask to see my friend on the basketball match

Fujiwara: I think they are here to pick you up

Kegayama look over to the opposite side of the court and she can see that the agent are here to collect Yuka back to continue her train with them until finish.

Kegayama: it look like it time is up see you again

Jackson: see you again Yuka

Kegayama: you are back from walking

Jackson: yes I am

Fujiwara: how it go Jackson?

Jackson: it go great and we had fun talking to each other

Morita: Kegayama see you back went you are finish the train with the agent

Kegayama: okay I will

Yuka went toward them and left the Sakurazaka indoor sport hall and she go back inside the agent car and they drive back to the HQ building and back at training.