17. Jackson wait for Miho outside the school gate

Once Jackson has woken up from the Sakurazaka boy dorm and he went to fetch Miho from her Hinatazaka Academy later others can see that Miho had someone else to become her boyfriend.

Tomita: wait...it that Miho's boyfriend outside the school gate?

Miho: yes that is my new boyfriend and his name is Jackson

In the meantime, Jackson went to the school gate and carry her backpack he was driving the car to go here and Miho ask him the answer.

Miho: senpai can we go somewhere else from here, please

Jackson: of course but I know where can we go alone

Miho: please get out from here from my classmate

Jackson open the car door and let Miho go inside the car he close the door and went to start the car engine later they left the Hinatazaka Academy and just only left the few Hinata student just seeing Miho with her new boyfriend.

Back at the Sakurazaka dorm later Fujiwara was with his new girlfriend it was Kobayashi Yui and they were eating inside the school cafeteria with her along with Morita his sister.

Fujiwara: so Jackson did text me that he going for a date with Miho

Morita: so what did he do with Miho?

Fujiwara: mine of your business Morita that on their own problem

Kobayashi: yea what he had say

Morita: sorry I just want to know

Meanwhile, others are coming down to the cafeteria and see them talking about something with them and the 1st year student is grabbing Fujiwara's arm and they were asking him some questions to answer.

Tamura: senpai did you asking Kobayashi out?

Matsuda: yea what did Tamura were asking

Fujiwara: can we talk somewhere from here please and Kobayashi and Morita I will right back they want to talk to me

Morita: of course nii-chan

Kobayashi: sure take your time don't rush it

Fujiwara: thanks

They left the school cafeteria and went somewhere else we are at the indoor sports hall and with other 1st year, students are right inside the indoor sports hall.

Tamura: so please explain to us why?

Fujiwara: why what?

Yamasaki: they just want to know that is the truth about you dating Kobayashi

Fujiwara: yes I did and why didn't you believe me and what I have said

Out of the blue later Kegayama Yuka appears out of nowhere and Fujiwara grabs the shirt collar of her uniform he went to the side of the hall and tells her why are you doing here in the first place.

Fujiwara: Yuka what are you doing here?

Yuka: well I have informed about that someone you were looking for

Fujiwara: wait...is that what I'm been looking for these whole time

Yuka: yes and they were staying at the Nogizaka Academy and her name is Inoue Nagi that was her name

Fujiwara: Nagi and can we can meet her in person

Yuka: of course but we are leaving now

Fujiwara: what now?

Yuka: yes now and get ready

Fujiwara: wait before we go I need to message my sister first

Yuka: please do so

Suddenly, Morita had a text from nii-chan saying that he had to go somewhere for some work with Yuka and she say yes and he can go with Yuka.

Fujiwara: she says yes

Yuka: okay let go and 3...2...1...

Out of the blue later Yuka and Fujiwara had vanished from the indoor sports hall and we can't see anymore or where Fujiwara went to.

A few hours later they had reached the Nogizaka Academy and Inoue Nagi just saw us coming and she sudden knee down at Fujiwara others see why is she knee down at him.

Yuka: Nagi why did you kneel down on him?

Nagi: because he is a former gang boss and he is also an undercover police

Yuka: yes I know that but please they are watching us

Meanwhile, Nagi was stand up and she bow at him with Yuka and other of the Nogizaka student to see that Nagi is bowing at him.

Fujiwara: long time no see Inoue and how are you doing so far

Nagi: it's fine and I'm doing good thank you of course

Yuka: Nagi can you show us around the school just like a tour

Nagi: of course please follow me

They followed Nagi to the room full of other staff and just only the three of them were inside the room we talk to Fujiwara about something important and what happen next with the battle with the other gang clans.